Title: Research Goals
1Nanoelectromechanical Transduction in Auditory
Hair Cells
Robert M. Raphael TN Law Assistant Professor
Dept. of Bioengineering Rice University Houston,
James T. Cushing (1937-2002) Professor of Physics
and Philosophy, University of Notre
Dame Scientist, Mentor, Friend
3Helmholtz Theory of the Auditory System
- there must be different parts of the ear which
are set in vibration by different pitch and which
receive the sensation of tones. - Helmholtz the first bioengineer Murray Sachs,
Chairman of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins
4Anatomy of Hearing
Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia
5Cross Section of Cochlea
Organ of Corti
Frequency increase
Basilar membrane
6Traveling Wave
Distance along cochlea
frequency dependent peak
but passive traveling waves are not the whole
Mechanical models
8Innervation of Organ of Corti
Supporting cell
Afferent Fibers
Efferent Fibers
9Outer Hair Cells as MEMs
Mechanism based in plasma membrane Requires
turgor pressure (1-2 kPa) Maximal gains of
gt15 nm/mV and gt 50pN/mV. Independent
of calcium and ATP
Whole cell voltage clamp/photodiode
Data of Kakehata and Santos-Sacchi, 1996
10Effect of Electromotility onVibration of
Cochlear Partition
active OHC contraction p/2 out of phase
passive outer hair cells
11Prestin The Motor Protein ?
Identified by differential subtraction IHC/OHC
library 744 AA, MW 81.4 kD, extremely hydrophobic
(13 TM helices) Homology to sulfate transporter
proteins in the anion transporter Slc26A
superfamily Voltage-induced shape changes can be
elicited in cultured human kidney cells that
express prestin
12Prestin Knockout MiceNature, Aug. 29th, 2002
13Unresolved Questions on Mechanism
of Electromotility
- How does prestin work ?
- Membrane area motor model (piezoelectricity)
- operates optimally in a flat membrane
(adherents of this model may be members of the
Flat Earth society) - Moreover prestin operates at acoustic
frequencies - How is force transmitted to the cytoskeleton ?
14Doth the Answer lie in Mechanics ? I never
satisfy myself until I can make a mechanical
model of a thing. If I can make a mechanical
model I can understand it. As long as I cannot
make a mechanical model all the way through I
cannot understand it and that is why I cannot
get the electromagnetic theory. -- Lord
Kelvin, 1884
15Nanoscale Structure of Lateral Wall
Spectrin -- thin elastic filament 40 nm
long Actin -- thick filament, circumferential Pil
lar -- protein of unknown composition 30 nm long
connecting plasma membrane to cytoskeleton
Plasma Membrane
16Dimpled SurfacesNanoscale Membrane Bending
Force balance on pressurized cylinder supported
by circumferential rings (Timoshenko)
17Stretching Elastic Membrane over Pressurized
Interior of the Hindenburg (or is it the cortical
lattice of the OHC ?)
The Hindenburg
18Biomembranes as Liquid Crystals
- intermediate state of matter
- display orientational but not positional order
- composed of dipoles free to rotate in an applied
- Protein and lipid molecules comprising
biomembranes possess dipole moments
19Do electrically-induced effects on membrane
curvature exist ?
- Expected from liquid-crystal treatment of the
membrane - Differential surface tension
- But would fluidity counteract it ?
You cant get these kinds of effects. Its not
the way God created the membrane. -- Evan
20When a distinguished but elderly scientist states
that something is possible, he is almost
certainly right. When he states that something is
impossible, he is very probably
wrong. -- Arthur C. Clarke
- curvature-induced polarization
- primary mode of electromechancial coupling in
nematic liquid crystals - distinguished from piezoelectric effect in solid
f flexoelectric coefficient cl 1/30 nm,
cj 1/4500 nm
As electric field is increased, dipoles rotate to
align with the field increasing the polarization
of the membrane
22The Langevin Function
- specifies fraction of dipoles oriented with the
applied field - statistical mechanics
- continuum of states
23 Nano-Electro-Mechanical Flexion Motor
The regular array of pillar structures gives the
membrane the opportunity to be curved at the
nanoscale. The pressurization of the cell from
the inside also predicts the existence of
nanoscale curvature in the membrane.
A voltage-induced nanoscale deformation in each
motile unit sums to a mircoscale cell deformation.
24Energetics of Nanoscale Bending
Bending Energy
Spectrin Energy
kc bending stiffness cl
longitudinal curvature co spontaneous
ks spectrin stiffness nsp spectrin
density xo force-free length
Combine by writing the spring length as a
function of curvature where a and b are
constants The energy is redefined in terms of the
equilibrium curvature ce
25Membrane NanomechanicsTether Formation
Axial View
Pipet D 8 mm
Rt 20 nm
f 30 pN
kc 1.2 x 10-19 J
f mg
Raphael and Waugh, 1996
26Constitutive Equations of Orientational Motor
Moment Resultant
Electric Displacement
h membrane thickness
27 Electromotility Predictions
It is more important to have beauty in ones
equations than to have them fit experiment.
Paul Dirac
Free parameters of fit Flexoelectric
coefficient f Number of dipoles N Dipole
Moment p0
f 10-19 C N 6000/mm2 po 125 Debye --
Data of Kakehata and Santos-Sacchi, 1996
Nf number of membrane folds
28Intracellular Pressure Alters Nonlinear
Kakehata and Santos-Sacchi, 1996
Gale and Ashmore, 1994
Existing models had no explanation for this data
29The Internal Field
- In patch clamp experiments an external field, E,
is applied. What is important, however, is the
local field in the membrane seen by the dipoles,
Ep. How are these two quantities related ? - Continuum Model
30Sensitivity of Nonlinear Capacitance to Strain
center point
- This equation predicts two very interesting
features - the voltage at peak capacitance Vo depends on the
strain applied to the cell (i.e. changing
internal pressure changes the curvature of each
ripple) - 2) the magnitude of the capacitance will decrease
as the coupling between the internal and
external field decreases
31Predicted Shift and Decrease in Peak Capacitance
with Pressure
These predictions are in agreement with the
experimental data (Gale and Ashmore, 1994
Kakehata and Santos-Sacchi, 1996)
- We can account for the electromotility data and
the shift and reduction in the nonlinear
capacitance of the cell with pressure by - Explicitly including effect of internal electric
field - And/or interpreting the strain-induced
polarization in terms of nanoscale membrane
Remaining Questions Do we have evidence that
internal polarization is changing with voltage
and pressure application ? Do we have evidence
for nanoscale curvature ?
33AFM Measurements
- AFM observation of voltage-induced membrane
movement - Ionic effects can be fit to Lippmann equation
describing coupling between voltage and surface
Zhang, Keleshian and Sachs, Nature, 2001
34Electrical potential changes ? Lippmann mercury
G. Lippmann, Ann. Phys. 149 (1873)
DC Grahame (1947)
35Prestin and Anions
- Prestin-induced movements sensitive to internal
anion concentration - Follows Hofmeister series (like the membrane
dipole potential, Clarke and Lupfert, Biophys. J.
Olivier et al., Science, 2002
36Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching
Oghalai, Tran, Raphael, Nakagawa, Brownell,
Hearing Research, 1999
37Diffusion Results Confirm Liquid Crystal Nature
of the Outer Hair Cell Membrane
Diffusion in Liquid Crystal as function of
applied field
Diffusion in OHC as function of applied field
Yun and Fredrickson, 1970
Oghalai et al., 2000
38Internal Polarization Models
a is related to dielectric anisotropy
39Liquid Crystal Disorder-Order Transitions
Depolarization or increased pressure
Hyperpolarization or low pressure
40Salicylate and Hair Cells
- Salicylate increases hearing
thresholds causes reversible
high frequency hearing loss - Action on hair cells does not involve
COX/prostaglandins - - high Kd (4 mM)/rapid recovery
- Hypothesis SAL interacts with the lipid
component of the membrane and changes membrane
41Forming Tethers with Salicylate
- Salicylate added to giant vesicles causes
spontaneous formation of nanotubes of diameter
300 600 nm - Interfacial chemistry exerts thermodynamic
force that causes shape changes
42Measurement of Membrane Compressibility
Micropipette aspiration
Membrane Tension
Fractional Area Expansion (areal strain)
- change in projection length in pipette measured
as a function of applied pressure - Geometric relationships
- Pressure membrane tension
- Projection length areal strain
- Ka
- where K elastic compressibility modulus
of the membrane
43Vesicle Aspiration Experiment Results
- reduction in compressibility modulus usually
correlated with reduction in membrane elastic
strength - areal expansion a at which vesicle lysed
indicator of membrane elastic strength - salicylate decreases membrane compressibility
and lysis tension significantly from control
44 Controlled Nanotube Formation with Optical
Tweezers The Area Motor vs. Bending Motor
45 The grand aim of all science is to cover the
greatest number of empirical facts by logical
deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses
or axioms. Albert Einstein
46Outer membrane ripples on motile cells
Coincidence or functional roles?
OHC - Dieler et al. 1991
Oscillatoria - Adams et al. 1999
Flexibacter BH3 - Dickson et al. 1980
47Flexoelectricity and the Design of Synthetic MEMs
Actin polymerize in equally spaced rings
Lipid bilayer ( prestin)
Control sensitivity range by pressure
difference Control magnitude of response by
surface charge
48Making the NanomachineMotility of Cationic
- By altering the ionic composition and surface
charge, we have made vesicles move
49BioInterfacial Interactions
50(No Transcript)
51Thanks to the Raphael Lab
Pascal Phares, Emily Glassinger, Nathan Spencer,
Yong Zhou, Jonathan Lee, David Tran