Title: Speed depends on ____________
1Speed depends on ____________
inertial properties and elastic properties
Elastic properties tendency of a material to
maintain its shape and not deform whenever a
force or stress is applied to it Steel is more
elastic and transmits better how close are the
particles Main determinate Inertial
properties material's tendency to be sluggish to
changes in it's state of motion. How heavy
are the actual particles within the medium
helium and air
-- auditory attribute of sound according to which
sounds can be ordered on a scale from low to
-- high pitch sound corresponds to a high
frequency sound wave -- low pitch sound
corresponds to a low frequency sound wave
-- human hearing range between approximately 20
Hz to 20 000 Hz. --Sound frequency below the
audible range of hearing infrasound --Sound
frequency above the audible range of hearing
4Certain sound waves when played (and heard)
simultaneously will produce a particularly
pleasant sensation when heard. Such sound waves
form the basis of intervals in music. -- Whole
number integer relationships
Octave Frequencies in a relationship of 21
Third 54 320 Hz and 256 Hz
Fourth 43 342 Hz and 256 Hz
Fifth 32 384 Hz and 256 Hz
5Boundary behavior
The more similar the medium, the more
transmission which occur
6The amount of energy which is transported past a
given area of the medium per unit of time is
known as the intensity of the sound wave
Intensity Energy Area time Intensity
Power Area
Typical units for expressing the intensity of a
sound wave are Watts/meter2.
7 8the loudness of a sound is more of a subjective
response which will vary with a number of
factors. The same sound will not be perceived to
have the same loudness to all individuals
Because of the human ear's tendency to amplify
sounds having frequencies in the range from 1000
Hz to 5000 Hz, sounds with these intensities seem
louder to the human ear
9Doppler effect the effect produced by a moving
source of waves -- apparent upward shift in
frequency for the observer and the source are
approaching -- apparent downward shift in
frequency when the observer and the source is
--source at same frequency -- in the same period
of time, the same number of waves must fit
between the source and the observer -- large
distance, waves can spread apart -- small
distance, waves must compress
10The frequency or frequencies at which an object
tends to vibrate with when hit, struck, plucked,
strummed or somehow disturbed is known as the
natural frequency of the object.
Other objects will vibrate at a set of multiple
frequencies which have no simple mathematical
relationship between them. These objects are not
musical at all and the sounds which they create
could be described as noise.
The actual frequency is dependent upon the
properties of the material the object is made of
(this affects the speed of the wave) and the
length of the material (this effects the
wavelength of the wave).