Title: I ISPyB
1Information System for Protein crystallography
I ISPyB II Pipeline scenario III Receive,
store, retrieve, export Information IV Interaction
s V Results and future plans
2Information System for Protein crystallography
Collaboration Joint development
DevelopersSolange DelageniereRicardo
LealDarren SpruceScientific InputS. Monaco
coordinates input from JSBG scientists
DevelopersLudovic LaunerE-HTPX
developershttp//www.e-htpx.ac.uk Scientific
adviceM. WalshM. NanaoJ.B ReiserH. Belrhali
3Information System for Protein crystallography
ISPyB (Information System for Protein
crYstallography Beamlines) is an information
management system which goal is to receive,
store, track and retrieve experiment related
information. Its scope of action ranges from
receiving sample and crystal related information
from home laboratories to exporting data
collection experiments back to the users. In a
typical scenario a user having crystals ready to
be shipped to a synchrotron has to prepare the
samples and keep track of the experiment related
information. To facilitate this step, a Personal
Digital Assistant (PDA) based software was
ISPyB is made of several modules each of them
performing a dedicated task. It gathers the
information from various sources and aggregates
it. It is beamline and user centric and is aiming
at improving the experimentalist work
- Management of experimental data produced in
protein crystallography - Management of experiment related information
- (shipping of samples, beam time allocation,
safety information) - Tracking your progress through the experimental
process - Retrieves information from DataCollection
automatically - Stores both Beamline and Experimental information
- Allows disparate groups to monitor projects
- Communicates with other systems (Sample Changer,
DNA, ) - Portable Interface (using PDA wireless
DataMatrix reader) to track Samples - User friendly web interface
- Custom interface and access restricted based on
privileges - Generates report
5Pipeline scenario
Protein and Crystalinformation
Sample and Shipmentinformation
Diffraction Plan
Screening, Indexing
Collect Diffraction Data
6ISPyB Submission of information
Automatic submission or User Interface
- 2 ways to submit information
- Webservice interaction with other systems
(crystallography IS, PIMS, eHTPX Hub, )
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt ltSampleShee
t xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-inst
ance" xsinoNamespaceSchemaLocation"./SafetySheet
.xsd"gt ltProposalgt ltRefNumbergt345lt/RefNumbergt
ltFinalNumbergtU345lt/FinalNumbergt lt/Proposalgt
ltProteinAcronymgtSFG23blt/ProteinAcronymgt lt/SampleDe
scriptiongt .. lt/SampleSheetgt
7ISPyB Crystal and protein details
8ISPyB Shipment
9ISPyB Webservice or web based user interface
- Webservices available for
- Crystal details
- Shipment
- Diffraction and Screening plan
- Diffraction results
10Interactions with other projects
Experiment information Data Collection information
BCM (e.g. ProDC) drives SampleChanger Normal
operationAdvanced Strategy
Experiment Sample information
Protein Information Management System
11ISPyB Pipeline experiments, results and future
- Alpha test users of e-htpx at BM14
- York, Oxford and Glasgow 26-9-05 to 30-9-05
- Pipeline tests on ESRF MX beamlines
- Pipeline tests on BM14 from 28-11-05 to 4-12-05
12Test results
- Sample data with barcodes entered using hub
- Data sent to ISPyB
- Samples brought in dewar on train/plane
- Samples loaded in sample changer
- Screening using DNA/ISPyB
- Autocentering
- Results in ISPyB
13Details of Pipeline success
- York 27 samples
- Oxford 16 samples
- Glasgow 17 samples
- In total 280 samples loaded by SC by the 3 groups
during the tests no critical SC problem which
would of caused sample loss occurred - Real experiments performed by Glasgow and Oxford
groups - Glasgow screened 20 crystals of a single protein
which allowed them to discover a crystal giving
diffraction gt 0.95A (previous best was 1.4A which
they collected at BM14 the previous evening
before the SC was ready for testing they did not
imagine to find a crystal going to 0.95A as they
had characterized these crystals at home to
diffract to 2 -2.5A) - Oxford used the SC to screen for crystals of a
protein-protein complex by using the SC they
were able to screen through 30 samples in rapid
fashion and found this a major advantage for the
project - All user groups very positive about the SC even
if we did have small software/hardware hiccups!
14Detailed remarks from groups
- Submitting sample information needs to be more
flexible (difficult?) - Sample changer very good
- DNA auto-indexing weak point (central beam
position?) - Autocentering
- More crystals per project screened (unexpected
success for Glasgow) - ISPyB hampered by firewall, results visible
locally and useful - Much more testing needed with external user
groups. This will provide essential feedback - This can provide what we need desperately to
provide us with the means to use beamtime more
efficiently and also provide us with a platform
for finding the best sample for a particular
15Future project deadlines
- Beta testing of automation pipeline to continue
with external UK based groups till end 2005 - External user groups scheduled for 28-11-05
-1/12/05 - Internal testing of software and hardware (7 days
without beam, 4 days with beam) - ISPyB to become the default LIMS for MX beamlines
at ESRF on 24th October 2005 - Complete automated pipeline predicted for first
release in early 2006
16ISPyB associated
Collaboration to develop joint system
Solange DelageniereRicardo Leal Darren
SpruceDominique Porte MIS GroupLilian
CardonneMatias GuijarroOlof SvenssonJose
Ludovic LaunerMartin WalshHugo CaserottoMax
NanaoJean_Baptiste ReiserHassan
Belrhali Laurent Geoffroy (Maatel)
Florent CiprianiFranck FelisazJean-Sebastien
Aksoy Bernard LavaultArnaud ClereJulien
HuetS. Cusack
eHTPX members and associated collaborations
David Stuart, Robert Esnouf Oxford, Colin Nave,
Rob Allan, Martyn Winn, Daresbury, Kim Henrick
EBI, Kevin Cowtan York, Martin Walsh
Grenoble DEVELOPERS Chris Mayo, Ian Berry
(Oxford) Graeme Winter, Ronan Keegan, David
Meredith (Daresbury) Joel Fillon (EBI), Paul
Young (York), Ludovic Launer (Grenoble)