Title: Integrating LONCAPA with Institutional Data
1Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Stuart Raeburn
- Michigan State University
2Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Information about courses
- Information about users
- Automating processes
- Tools for Course Coordinators
- Tools for Domain Coordinators
- Tools for Support Staff
3Integrating LON-CAPA with institutional data
- Information about courses
- Title, semester, sections, cross-listings
- Instructional staff
- Faculty, TAs
- Student Enrollment
4Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Information about users
- Username
- StudentID
- Full Name
- E-mail address
5Processes to automate
- Enrollment for Registered Students
- Automatic adds
- Automatic drops
- Update User information
- Username changes
- Name changes
- E-mail address changes
6Mapping LON-CAPA courses to institutional scheme
Institutional data Course codes Section
codes Instructor of record
LON-CAPA course Course ID Section/group
ID Course Coordinator
lt--------gt lt--------gt lt--------gt
7Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Auto-enroll Mechanism on library server
- Fetches current class lists for each LON-CAPA
course employing auto-enrollment - Performs the following tasks
- Checks for username changes (based on assumed
invariant studentID) - Checks for authentication method changes
- Updates student name, e-mail etc.
- Adds, drops or switches sections as appropriate
8Customization in localenroll.pm
- Fetch_enrollment ()
- Creates temporary files of structured enrollment
data (XML) - get_sections ()
- Retrieve a list of official sections for a class
- new_course ()
- Validates that course owner is authorized for
course section - validate_courseID ()
- Validates existence of course section or
crosslisting - create_password ()
- Creates password for new users local
9Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
ltstudent username"smith"gt ltautharggtMSU.EDUlt/aut
harggt ltauthtypegtkrb4lt/authtypegt
ltemailgtsmith_at_msu.edult/emailgt ltenddategtlt/enddategt
ltgenerationgtIIlt/generationgt ltgroupIDgtfs03nop5900
01lt/groupIDgt ltlastnamegtSmithlt/lastnamegt
ltmiddlenamegtDlt/middlenamegt ltstartdategtlt/startdat
egt ltstudentIDgtA12345678lt/studentIDgt lt/studentgt
10Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Course Creation (Domain Coordinator)
- Course Modification (Domain Coordinator)
- Online requests for creation of courses
- Management of course requests
- Course Information
11Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Create Course Specify the following
- Course Code
- Sections, Crosslistings
- Enable auto-adds and/or autodrops
- Default authentication for new users
- Start date for auto-enrollment
- End date for auto-enrollment
- Single course coordinator Course owner
12(No Transcript)
13Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Modify following course settings
- Default Authentication for new users
- Course Code
- Course Owner (choose from Active Course
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Course Coordinators can change
- Enable/disable adds and/or drops
- Change first and last auto-enrollment dates
- Activate notification, and modify recipients
- Add/remove sections
- Add/remove crosslistings
- Change section/groupID mappings
- Reconcile course roster with institutional data
17(No Transcript)
18Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Online course request form
- Access requires authentication and authorization
- Incorporates valid courses and sections by
semester - Configure sections as standalone or merged
- Specify imported material
- Cloned LON-CAPA course
- Imported IMS package (CourseInfo 4/Blackboard 5)
19Online course requests
20Online course requests
21Online course requests
22Online course requests
23Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Management of course requests
- Requesting instructor can view/modify or cancel
- Domain Coordinator can view/modify or cancel, or
add new requests on behalf of instructors - Aim is to automate creation for validated course
24Course Creation Request Summary
25Course Creation Request Status
Online course request status
26Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Information about courses for support team
- View course status by department code
- View user status search by username
- LON-CAPA account in domain?
- Enrolled in LON-CAPA class?
- Registered for class? - institutional data
27Information about course status and student
enrollment status
28Integrating LON-CAPA with Institutional Data
- Summary
- Hooks available in LON-CAPA for implementation of
auto-enrollment. - User interfaces available for Domain Coordinators
and Course Coordinators to control
auto-enrollment. - Institutions need to add to stubs of functions in
localenroll.pm to create XML files of student
data. - Tools developed to support online courrse
requests and manage support.