Spring Framework - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spring Framework


... n-tier, Web-enabled, server-centric, and component-based enterprise ... Auto-proxying. Higher level of abstraction over AOP framework and low level services ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Spring Framework

Spring Framework
  • Alex Kotchnev 
  • Michael Dudley
  • Patrick Joyce

Intro to J2EE
  • What is J2EE
  • Open and standard based platform for developing,
    deploying and managing n-tier, Web-enabled,
    server-centric, and component-based enterprise
  • What makes up J2EE
  • API and Technology specifications
  • Development and Deployment Platform
  • Standard and production-quality implementation
  • Sun Java System App Server Platform Edition 8.1
    as part of J2EE 1.4 SDK
  • Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)
  • J2EE brand
  • J2EE Blueprints
  • Sample codes

Intro to J2EE
  • What is EJB Technology?
  • Enterprise Java Beans
  • component architecture for the development and
    deployment of object-oriented, distributed,
    enterprise-level applications
  • Cornerstone of J2EE
  • A server-side component technology
  • Easy development and deployment Java
    technology-based application that are
  • Transactional, distributed, multi-tier, portable,
    scalable, secure,

Intro to J2EE
  • Why EJB Technology?
  • Leverages the benefits of component-model on the
    server side
  • Separates business logic from system code
  • Container provides system services
  • Provides framework for portable components
  • Over different J2EE-compliant servers
  • Over different operational environments
  • Enables deployment-time configuration
  • Deployment descriptor

Intro to J2EE
  • Limitations of EJB
  • Code written to the EJB model doesnt run without
    the EJB container
  • Container is the term the authors used for
    application framework
  • EJB containers are relatively slow to start up.
  • EJB deployment is fairly onerous, involving
    multiple Java source files per EJB and possibly a
    predeployment code-generation and compilation
  • Code is written to run in a single environment.
  • EJBs are not suited to use as fine-grained

Intro to J2EE
  • Whats left of J2EE without EJB?
  • J2EE is more than just EJB
  • EJB is only a part of the big picture
  • J2EE is essentially about
  • standardizing a range of enterprise services
  • transaction management offering a standard API
  • connection to legacy systems
  • resource pooling
  • thread management
  • EJB is merely one way of leveraging those
    valuable services through a particular component

Intro to J2EE
  • Why do we need a container?
  • Plug ability. A container allows plug ability of
    different components
  • Different EJB implementation classes may be used
    for the same component interface, isolating
    calling code from the implementation strategy.
  • While Java interfaces provide perfect separation,
    there has to be some way of looking up what
    implementation of an interface we want to use
  • If its hard-coded in Java code, much of the
    advantage of using interfaces is lost.

Intro to J2EE
  • Why do we need a container?
  • Consistency. Without a container infrastructure,
    service lookup will be haphazard.
  • Different service objects may be located
    differently, depending on developer preference.
  • Configuration management will be equally
    haphazard, posing an ongoing maintenance
  • One stop shop. Its necessary only to find the
    container to find all its services. There is no
    need for a dedicated Singleton or factory for
    every object.
  • Delivery of enterprise services. A consistent
    approach makes it easier to deliver enterprise
    services as part of the container model or as an

Intro to J2EE
  • Eliminating EJB
  • In order manage business object we must use a
  • Not using a container leads to code chaos
  • EJB is one of the containers that you can use to
    manage the chaos
  • In order to eliminate EJB we must find another
    container to provide structure
  • Lightweight containers
  • Provide order without the complexity of EJB

What is a Lightweight Container?
  • A container that can manage application code, but
    imposes no special dependencies on that code.
  • A container that is quick to start up.
  • A container that doesnt require any special
    deployment steps to deploy objects within it.
  • A container that has such a light footprint and
    minimal API dependencies that it can be run in a
    variety of environments
  • A lightweight container should be pure Java, not
  • A container with the ability to add managed
    objects easily with low deployment effort and
    performance overhead

Benefits of Lightweight Container
  • Escaping the monolithic container.
  • EJB containers are heavyweight beasts.
  • Theyre an all-or-nothing approach to an
    enterprise component model.
  • Maximizing code reusability.
  • As stated, code written to the EJB API is only
    ever going to run in an EJB container. It can be
    unwise to make assumptions about where code will
    always run.
  • Greater object orientation.
  • EJBs are often not true objects
  • they are constrained by the characteristics of
    the EJB component model.

Benefits of Lightweight Container
  • The EJB component model doesnt support
  • although EJB implementation classes can
    participate in inheritance hierarchies.
  • Greater productivity.
  • With a lightweight container, application code
    can be closer to plain Java.
  • It will have less dependence on heavyweight APIs
    and will be much easier to write and manipulate
    in any Java IDE.
  • Better testability.
  • Testability will also be greatly improved,
    because of the ability to test objects outside
    any container for example, in plain JUnit test

Managing Business Objects
  • Satisfy dependencies without introducing a
    dependency on a container can be achieved in most
    cases by
  • Inversion of Control (IoC)
  • Dependency Injection

Inversion of Control
  • IoC is a broad concept that can be implemented in
    different ways. There are two main types
  • Dependency Lookup
  • The container provides callbacks to components,
    and a lookup context. The Inversion of Control
    is limited to the container invoking callback
    methods that application code can use to obtain
  • Dependency Injection
  • Components do no look up they provide plain Java
    methods enabling the container to resolve
  • The container is wholly responsible for wiring up
  • passing resolved objects in to JavaBean
    properties or constructors
  • Use of JavaBean properties is called Setter
  • Use of constructor arguments is called
    Constructor Injection.

Inversion of Control
Different Types of IoC
Dependency Lookup
  • Dependency Lookup
  • The container manages object lifecycle, while
    managed objects are responsible for doing their
    own lookups.
  • Following Problems Occur
  • The class wont run outside application server
  • Class is hard to test
  • Too much code
  • Strongly typed

Dependency Injection
  • Dependency Injection
  • Make the container wholly responsible for
    dependency lookup
  • have the managed object expose JavaBean setter
    methods or constructor arguments to enable
    dependencies to be passed into it when the
    container is initialized.
  • The container is responsible for looking up the
    resources, and will provide the necessary
    resources to the business object.
  • The container can be reconfigured to use a
    different approach to obtaining the necessary
    resources without affecting application

Dependency Injection Advantages
  • Lookup is completely removed from application
  • Theres no dependence on a container API
  • In fact, its not even Java-specific its a true
    pattern, which is also growing in popularity in
  • Therefore, its easy to use application objects
    outside any container.
  • No special interfaces are required
  • Minimizes the dependency of application code on
    the lightweight container

Dependency Injection
  • Settler Injection
  • Components express dependencies on configuration
    values and collaborators via JavaBean properties.
  • This concept is not Java-specific.
  • Other languages support similar conventions to
    JavaBeans, such as C properties.
  • Constructor Injection
  • With Constructor Injection, components express
    dependencies via constructor arguments.
  • This approach to Dependency Injection was
    invented by the PicoContainer team in mid 2003
  • Has since been implemented in Spring and other

Setter Injection Advantages
  • JavaBean properties are well supported in IDEs.
  • JavaBean properties are self-documenting.
  • JavaBean properties are inherited by subclasses
    without the need for any code.
  • Its possible to use the standard JavaBeans
    property-editor machinery for type conversions if

Setter Injection Advantages
  • Many existing JavaBeans can be used within a
    JavaBean-oriented IoC container without
  • If there is a corresponding getter for each
    setter (making the property readable, as well as
    writable), it is possible to ask the component
    for its current configuration state.
  • Setter Injection works well for objects that have
    default values, meaning that not all properties
    need to be supplied at runtime.

Setter Injection Disadvantages
  • The order in which setters are called is not
    expressed in any contract.
  • Sometimes need to invoke a method after the last
    setter has been called to initialize the
  • Spring provides the org.springframework.beans.fact
    ory.InitializingBean interface for this
  • Not all the necessary setters may have been
    called before use. The object can thus be left
    partially configured.

Constructor Injection Advantages
  • Each managed object is guaranteed to be in a
    consistent statefully configuredbefore it can
    be invoked in any business methods.
  • This is the primary motivation of Constructor
  • However, it is possible to achieve the same
    result with JavaBeans via dependency checking, as
    Spring can optionally perform.) Theres no need
    for initialization methods.
  • There may be slightly less code than results from
    the use of multiple JavaBean methods, although
    will be no difference in complexity.

Constructor Injection Disadvantages
  • Multi-argument constructors are probably less
    common in existing code than use of JavaBean
  • Thus, a container that offered only Constructor
    Injection would be unable to run much valuable
    legacy code, such as the Commons DBCP connection
  • Java constructor arguments dont have names
    visible by introspection.
  • This leaves us dependent on argument index
  • Constructor argument lists are less well
    supported by IDEs than JavaBean setter methods.

Constructor Injection Disadvantages
  • Long constructor argument lists and large
    constructor bodies can become unwieldy
  • the downside of concentrating configuration in
    one method
  • Concrete inheritance can become problematic, as
    constructors are not automatically inherited.
  • Defining constructors that invoke the wrong
    superclass constructor is a common source of
    coding errors.
  • Poor support for optional properties, compared to
    JavaBeans, which can have default values
  • In the absence of C-style default argument
    lists, optional properties can be given default
    values only through multiple constructors, with
    constructors with fewer arguments invoking a
    constructor with the full argument list providing
    default values.

Constructor Injection Disadvantages
  • Unit testing can be slightly more difficult
  • All constructor arguments need to be provided
  • Even those collaborators irrelevant to the
    particular test case.
  • When collaborators are passed in on object
    construction, it becomes impossible to change the
    reference held in the object.
  • A JavaBeans approach can potentially support
    dynamic configuration, if a managed object is
    capable of accepting it
  • A constructor-based approach cant without
    changing the identity of the managed object.

The Spring Framework
  • The Spring Framework offers sophisticated support
  • Setter Dependency Injection
  • Constructor Dependency Injection.
  • Just about any Java object can be used in a
    Spring container.
  • The class must be configurable via JavaBean
    properties or constructor arguments if it is to
    benefit from the full power of IoC. (Some classes
    may require no properties.)

Introduction to Spring
  • History
  • Open source project since February 2003
  • Code was designed for use in real applications
  • Expert One-on-One J2EE laid out the basic
    architectural thinking behind Spring

Motivations to Develop Spring
  • To address areas not well served by other
  • Solutions to
  • Web frameworks
  • Persistence solutions
  • Remoting Tools
  • To allow easy adoption
  • Allows clean layers
  • JDBC abstraction layer

Motivation to develop Spring
  • To deliver ease of use
  • To make it easier to apply best practices
  • Spring aims to cost of adhering to best practices
  • Non-invasive
  • Application objects have a minimal dependence on

Motivation to develop Spring
  • Consistent configuration
  • Keeps application configuration flexible and
  • Ease of testing
  • To allow for extensibility
  • Spring relies on interfaces rather than classes
    and is easy to extend or customize

Spring Framework
  • Mission Statement
  • J2EE should be easier to use
  • It's best to program to interfaces, rather than
    classes. Spring reduces the complexity cost of
    using interfaces to zero.
  • JavaBeans offer a great way of configuring
  • OO design is more important than any
    implementation technology, such as J2EE.
  • Checked exceptions are overused in Java. A
    framework shouldn't force you to catch exceptions
    you're unlikely to be able to recover from.
  • Testability is essential, and a framework such as
    Spring should help make your code easier to test.
  • from www.springframework.org

Spring Building Blocks
  • Bean Factory
  • Capable of configuring and wiring up Java-Beans
  • Application context
  • Support for message sources and resource loading
  • AOP framework
  • AOP support for method interception on any class
    managed by a Spring lieghtweight container

Spring Building Blocks
  • Auto-proxying
  • Higher level of abstraction over AOP framework
    and low level services
  • Transaction Management
  • Provides a generic transaction management
  • DAO abstraction
  • Spring defines a set of generic data access
    exceptions that can be used for creating generic
    DAO interfaces that throw meaningful exceptions
    independent of the underlying persistence

Spring Building Blocks
  • JDBC support
  • Spring offers two levels of JDBC abstraction that
    significantly ease the effort of writing
    JDBC-based DAOs
  • the org.springframework.jdbc.core package (a
    template/callback approach)
  • the org.springframework.jdbc.object package
    (modeling RDBMS operations as reusable objects).
  • Integration with O/R mapping tools
  • Spring provides support classes for O/R Mapping
    tools like Hibernate, JDO, and iBATIS Database
    Layer to simplify resource setup, acquisition,
    and release, and to integrate with the overall
    transaction and DAO abstractions.

Spring Building Blocks
  • Web MVC framework
  • Spring provides a clean implementation of web
    MVC, consistent with the JavaBean configuration
  • Remoting support
  • Spring provides a thin abstraction layer for
    accessing remote services without hard-coded
    lookups, and for exposing Spring-managed
    application beans as remote services.

Getting Started
  • 1. Create regular Java classes
  • 2. Create Spring Context to wire them up
  • 3. Retrieve configured classes from context

DAO Getting Started
  • 1. Create regular Java classes (value objects
    e.g. Fruit.java)
  • 2. Create hibernate mapping file (e.g.
  • 3. Create DAO Interface and Implementation
    (FruitDAO and FruitDAOImpl). Use Spring

DAO Getting Started (cont.)
  • 4. Create Spring Context (applicationContext-hiber
  • - create data source (jdbc.properties,
    propertyConfigurer bean, dataSource bean)
  • - set up Hibernate Session (sessionFactory bean,
  • - set up transaction handling (transactionManager
    bean, fruitTarget bean, fruitMgr)
  • 5. Use configured beans (DbAccessMain.java)

Questions ???
  • ttp//www.javapassion.com/j2ee/J2EEOverview4.pdf
    Introduction to J2EE.
  • Rod Johnson with Juergen Hoeller. Expert
    One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB.
    Indianapolic, IN Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2004
  • ttp//www.springframework.org/articles Spring
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