Title: KY MUG Trip Distribution and Assignment Issues
1KY MUGTrip Distribution and Assignment Issues
- The Corradino Group
- October 29, 2004
- Trip Distribution Issues
- Highway Assignment Issues
- Calibration Issues
- Friction factors, gamma, exponential
- K-Factors and reasons
- Calibration/Data Sources
- Distribution of trips for zero-auto households
3Trip Distribution Issues
- Type of Model (GM, IOM, Destination Choice)
- Speeds (FF vs. Congested, equilibration)
- Trip length frequencies and ATL
- Friction factors, gamma, exponential
- K-Factors and reasons
- Distribution of trips for zero-auto households
- Data Sources
4Trip Distribution Model Type
- Gravity Model
- Singly constrained (SP STrips)
- Doubly constrained (SP SA STrips)
- Fratar (growth factors)
- Intervening Opportunities (order destinations and
estimate probabilities) - Destination Choice Promising, but somewhat
experimental. Consider more than times. - More purposes e.g., work trips by income)
5Trip Distribution Gravity Model
- TijPi(AjFijKij)/(Sj AjFijKij)
- where
- Tij trips
- Pi productions
- Aj attractions
- Fij friction factors
- Kij K- factors
6Trip Distribution Speeds
- Free-flow
- Congested
- Time-of-day
- Combinations
- Equilibration of speeds
7Trip Distribution Trip length frequencies and ATL
- Goals
- Match the TLFD shape
- Match average trip length
- Right number of intrazonals
- Iterative calibration
- Gamma function
- Manual methods
8Trip Distribution Friction factors, gamma,
- Empirical curves
- Gamma (usual method, curve fitting)
- F(I) a(Ib)e(cI)
- Exponential
- F(I) ae(cI)
9Trip Distribution K-Factors and reasons
- Different distribution pattern than cannot be
explained by Ps, As or impedance. - Stable over time?
- Gives rise to destination choice models.
10Trip Distribution Distribution of trips for
zero-auto households
- Only for transit models.
- Doesnt make sense to distribute using highways
skims if auto trips is unlikely. - Use transit skims.
11Trip Distribution Data Sources
- Best Local surveys (weighted).
- CTPP for HB- Work.
- Previous studies.
- Similar areas.
- NCHRP 365 Values for gamma
12Highway Assignment Issues
- Type of Model
- All-or-nothing
- Stochastic
- Averaging methods
- Iterative equilibrium (Dial)
- Iterations
- Capacities
- Volume and delay
13Highway Assignment Type of Model
- All-or-nothing Suitable if trips dont divert
in response to congestion. - Very small areas.
- Long distance trips.
- External-external trips.
- Stochastic Spread out trips
- Averaging methods old methods.
- Iterative equilibrium (Dial) So that in the end
all paths used are equal. Very sensitive to the
number of iterations.
14Highway Assignment Capacities
- Same units for volumes and capacities
(daily/hourly). - BPR formula was set up for Practical Capacity
about LOS D - Some new models consider intersection delay. Some
are dynamic.
15Highway Assignment Volume and delay
- BPR fomula
- TcTi 1 a(v/c)b
- Tc Congested time
- Ti Free-flow time
- v Assigned volume
- c Capacity
- a alpha (traditionally 0.15)
- b beta (traditionally 4.00)
16Highway Assignment Volume and delay
Source NCHRP 365
17Highway Assignment Volume and delay
18Calibration Issues
- NCHRP 365
- Calibration and Adjustment of System Planning
Models - Calibration by step
- Common adjustments
- Automatic Model Calibration
19Calibration Generation
- Trip Rates from Local Surveys
- Special Generators
- NCHRP 365
- Amount of traffic
- About 9 15 person trips per HH per day
20Calibration Mode Auto Occupancy
- From Local Surveys
- CTPP (work)
- NCHRP 365
- Amount of traffic
- Work seldom greater than 1.1 persons/auto
- Overall seldom greater than 1.5 persons/auto
21Calibration Mode Distribution
- Screenlines
- Major screenlines with about 10
- Cutlines with about 15
- Match target ATL (local surveys)
22Calibration Mode Assignment
- Percent Root-mean-square error
- By volume group
- By roadway type
- VMT ratio by AT, FT
- HPMS observed VMT.
23Calibration Mode Assignment
24Calibration Mode Assignment
- Minor speed/capacity adjustments (by tables)
generally frowned upon. - Local calibration of free-flow speeds, using
posted speeds, from observed data and signals. - Adjustments to the volume delay functions.
- Centroid connectors and their locations.