Title: Total Control
1Total Control
2Welcome to TotalControl.Net
3Common Issues with Rentals 1
- No idea what equipment is in our plant
- impossible to effectively manage costs
- Items in Use -listing all equipment on rent,
regardless of ownership - No billing standardization between rental
companies - difficult calculate costs and project rental
4Common Issues with Rentals
Common Issues with Rentals 2
- Collect DWM and how vendors calculate billing
- definition of Day
- Bid Tab --calculates and evaluates rental costs
based on period of time and Vendor billing
calculations - Collecting and validating On Rent and Off
Rent dates and times - Various parties handle, and do not always
maintain records, leaving exposure to over paying
5Common Issues with Rentals
Common Issues with Rentals 3
- Provide audit trail for transactions
- on- rent/ off- rent
- maintenance requests
- equipment exchanges
- Taking advantage of free rental time/ leniency
- traditional 3/3 billing platform only has 9 days
in a cycle billing period - significant opportunity to reduce rental cost!
6Common Issues with Rentals
Common Issues with Rentals 4
- Opportunity to use leniency
- At order entry
- like items on rent and on order
- display the leniency date
- Items in Use
- reserve equipment
- Reporting
- display the leniency date
7Common Issues with Rentals
Common Issues with Rentals 5
- Multiple reports and formats from suppliers for
rental costs and on- site inventory - tedious inventory and cost reporting
- Differing processes by equipment ownership
- reporting
- on/ off renting
- Cost capture and calculations different by
equipment ownership
8Common Issues with Rentals
Common Issues with Rentals 6
- Real time and projected cost awareness for
budgeting and cost accounting - Cost awareness from initial entry to item return
- auto e- mail cost of rental at order entry
- projected Billing Report
- actual/ committed/ projected cost report
- project work order for budget
- line number and amount to compare, report and
notify underfunded POs
9Common Issues with Rentals
Common Issues with Rentals 7
- Idle equipment in one area, while like rental
equipment is delivered into plant - Utilization measured by Time
- Hours Out vs. Hours Used
- on/ off rent
- Items in Use display
- Utilization by Hours in Use
- Hours Out vs. Hours Used KPI
- GPS, report location and hours
10Common Issues with Rentals
Common Issues with Rentals 8
- Rental equipment still assigned to Work Order or
Project, but work is completed - Awareness of equipment and job assignment
- billing off- renting process by Work Order or
Project - sort/ select report by Work Order or Project
- Notification Process on projected return date
- A closed job initiates search for all equipment
assigned to job
11Common Issues with Rentals 9
- Reliable process for off renting equipment, to
avoid continued costs - Complete audit trail supporting transactions
- notification of items due and past due, based on
scheduled return date - off rent process with automated e- mail to notify
vendor and confirmation to designated parties - past due items displayed on dashboard
- reporting on designated time frame
12Common Issues with Rentals 10
- Difficult manage rentals in SAP
- SAP accounts for rental costs, but does not
control or manage them - Our tools help manage costs and maintain PO
amount vs. actual and projected costs - e- procurement
- rate calculator
- totalcontrol.net
- Service entry
13(No Transcript)