Title: The Build 3'3 Encounter Options Menu
1The Build 3.3 Encounter Options Menu
- Bob Marshall, MD MPH MISMNavMedWest AHLTA
Regional Champion
2With an encounter open, click on the options menu
in the upper toolbar. This is the new Options
menu in Build 3.3.
3The first thing to check and adjust is the
signature block. The default, as seen on the
previous screen, is not what you want. Change it
to your own personal signature.
4For those who require a co-signature for
encounter notes, the next option is the Default
to Co-Signer check box and the Search button
to assign a specific co-signer.
5You can search by multiple criteria to find the
right preceptor. This has been changed to be more
streamlined and faster. No more 5-minute waits to
find a co-signer.
6Next step is to set the AutoCite preferences. You
will note the choices have changed a lot and are
a lot more broad. They also include the new,
Registry option. We recommend you play with this
to determine what works best for you.
7(No Transcript)
8Once you have selected your AutoCite preferences,
the next step is to determine how you want
Vitals, Labs and Rads to display. The default is
not at all. We generally recommend 1 day for
each. It can be customized to whatever you want.
9You will next set the A/P Active Order Default.
This determines what active orders will show up
in the A/P Module when you click on the Meds,
Labs and Rads tabs to perform order entry. We
recommend clicking all three as shown. Default is
10Next is setting the S/O Default. This allows you
to automatically convert any positive ROS items
to HPI (a common desire) and to merge
DXPrompt/Prompt items with your Default template.
This is only useful if your Default template is a
MEDCIN template.
11Build 3.3 allows customization of the EM
Calculator Defaults and is much more friendly for
non-primary care specialties. In this drop down,
the setting can be defaulted to a variety of
12With this drop-down, the default Service Type can
be set. As you can see, the options are many and
should meet the needs of most if not all
13With this drop-down, the default Exam Type can be
selected. In reality, this allows non-primary
care specialties to set the the EM codes that
are most appropriate for their specialty and the
service type (often outpatient consult). This
provides more expedient coding support.
14The last set of options allows default setting of
Auto-Print, Sensitive status and Auto-Save. The
Sensitive option is new and has limited but
important applicability.
15Additional Resources
- Do not forget the Navy AHLTA site _at_
www.navyahlta.com. It has online training for
many aspects of Build 3.3. - The USAFP AHLTA page has many more resources for
AHLTA and Build 3.3 as well. - Please feel free to contact your MTF Clinical
Champion, MTF Sustainment Consultant or the
Regional AHLTA Champions if you have specific