Title: RELI: an overview Registry of Electronic Licences
1RELI an overviewRegistry of Electronic Licences
2The basic RELI conundrum
Who am I? What are my attributes? (eg
institutional affiliation, role etc)
I want to use this resource
so, what am I allowed to do with it?
which is covered by this licence
What is the identity of the resource?
Which licence relates to this resource for this
user? Which licence usage terms apply?
3What the user might see
Permitted uses of this resource
Some exemplary Uses the extent to which it will
be possible to provide information about
different permitted uses will depend on the
extent to which the details are expressed in
each individual licence
Some exemplary User roles the extent to which
it will be possible to provide information about
different permitted uses for different types of
user will depend on the extent to which the
details are expressed in each individual licence
A clear symbolic notation which shows which uses
are permitted (green) prohibited (red) or where
the answer is unclear (amber).
4The metadata view
- User metadata
- User identifier
- User affiliation
- User role
Has these usage permissions under the terms of
this licence
- Resource metadata
- Resource Identifier
- Licence metadata
- Licence identifier
- Licence parties
- Licensed usages
- Other licence terms
To take account of the possibility that in many
cases the individual resource may be (for
example) a journal article, while the resource
identified in the licence may be a journal.
- Resource metadata
- Resource Identifier
5The user
- User metadata
- User identifier
- User affiliation
- User role
- The province of ATHENS Shibboleth
- Athens identifies only the affiliation
- Shibboleth has insufficient implementation today
- For pilot purposes, RELI will identify only
affiliation (using ATHENS/IP ranges)
6The resource
There are potentially many different resource
identifiers for the RELI pilot, we plan to use
the DOI (for a journal, identifying both the
article and the journal of which it is part)
while this artificially limits the scope of the
pilot to resources which are identified with
DOIs, it does ensure that we have a reasonable
corpus of properly identified licensed digital
resources with consistent standards of
identification and metadata. This does not
preclude using other identification approaches
for resources in future.
- Resource metadata
- Resource Identifier
- Resource metadata
- Resource Identifier
7The licence
Our fundamental standards for licence metadata
will be modelled on the basis of ONIX-PL. There
are no appropriate standards for licence
identification in this context, and we will need
to develop our own for use in the RELI pilot.
Licence party identification will need to map to
the user identification standards which we adopt.
Since we have elected to adopt DOI as the
identifier of choice for resources, we will use
DOI to identify the repertoire. For the Pilot,
we will almost certainly store a complete list of
resources (ie a list of DOIs) with the licence
this does not preclude more sophisticated
approaches in the future using indirection and
resolution mechanisms.
- Licence metadata
- Licence identifier
- Licence parties
- Licensed usages
- Other licence terms
8Conceptual RELI workflow
- User metadata
- User affiliation
Discover resource
Report licence terms
Resource identifier User affiliation
identifier identify appropriate licence
- Resource metadata
- Resource Identifier
- Licence metadata
- Licence identifier
- Licence parties
- Licensed usages
- Other licence terms
The scope of RELI