Title: Hooking Fixed Income up to The Grid
1Hooking Fixed Income up to The Grid
- Decentralizing support for investment decisions
- Description of our Business
- Role of our Group
- Technological Problems We Face
- Java-based Solutions We Propose
- Implications for Wider IT Audience
Our Business
4Our Business
- Institutional Fixed Income
- US-only until recently, now Global
- Actively managed against Benchmarks
- Use wide-variety investment grade fixed income
instruments - Basically anything in the Lehman Aggregate
Our Group
6Our Group
- Perform Investment Research Using Quantitative
Methods - Recommend/Develop Analytic Tools
- Provide Support for Use of Research in Investment
7Supporting Our Fixed Income Fund Managers
- Complex instruments
- Value of instruments depends explicitly on large
number of exogenous variables (yield curve moves,
consumer prepay behavior, credit perceptions) - Noisy data (cant necessarily trust prices or
credit) - Decisions must be made in near-real time
- Extremely high cost of delays
- Assume that portfolio managers and traders apply
a 25/week discount factor to our future
8Scope Requirements
- Multi-currency
- Multi-sunset
- Multi-site (Survivability)
- 24x7 Operation
- Reliable
- Available
- Serviceable
9The Process
- Gather positions (Benchmark and internal)
- Gather observed pricing
- Calibrate market model factors to current pricing
- Generate scenarios for interesting variables
(e.g. yield curves, prepays), translate to model
factors - Simulate security behavior under generated
scenarios - Aggregate results of simulations
- Analyze Risks/Recommend trades
- Lather, rinse, repeat
10Internal Services - Model Calibration
- Fit Term Structure
- Treasuries
- Agencies
- Swaps
- Fit Prepays
11Internal Services - Scenario Generation
- Standard Sensitivity Scenarios (Duration,
Convexity) - Specific Macro Economic Scenarios (e.g. Treasury,
Swap, Agency rates) - Specific Micro Economic Scenarios (e.g. Auto
sector, Ford, GM, spreads)
12Internal Services - Simulation
- Cover ALL instruments
- Cover ALL Scenarios
- Lots of Paths
- Highly Parallelizable at Small Granularity
13Internal Services -Risk Analysis/Trade
- Lots of Techniques
- What-if Analysis
Our Problems
15Technological Problems We Face
- Pick up the tempo
- From nightly to real time
- And everything in between
- Pick up the scale
- More instruments
- More portfolios
- Pick up the accuracy
- Basically more, more, more of everything
16Observations on the New Technology Environment
- Newly cost insensitive items
- Operating Systems
- Databases
- Virtually unlimited storage with arbitrary
granularity and linear costs
- Remaining cost sensitive items
- Bandwidth costs based on distance with jump
discontinuities - Computational nodes with large granularity and
nearly exponential costs
17The Bandwidth Scaling Problem
- Must optimize solutions to cost/distance
constraints - Large computational grains can go long distances
- Small grains go shorter distances
- Tiny grains stay in process
18The Computational Scaling Problem
- Single process space just not fast enough
- Single process space just not big enough
- Costs of adding capacity grow exponentially
rather than linearly
Our Solutions
20Java-based Solutions
- Why Java?
- We bought into OOP long ago, not really the
deciding factor any more - Standards well adapted to problem (J2EE,
Servlets, Jini, JMS, et al.)
- Initial costs low (i.e. none) for reference
implementations of standards - Lets us focus on development of our value added
software, less on infrastructure - Performance is a concern
- Use of standards and low costs overcome it
21Implications for Vendors
- Free software will play an important role (we
agree with IBM on disruptive capabilities of open
source) - Generalized shrink wrapped solutions will be an
increasingly difficult business model to use in
selling software (How do you compete with free?) - Customers will be looking for service products
and highly specialized components rather than
end-to-end applications. - Services must connect to internal systems via
standards - Components must run inside of standard containers
- External services will be kept honest by
possibility of rolling internal services quickly,
22The Grid
That to which services and components attach
themselves is The Grid
23What are Grid Services? (And Why Do I Care?)
- Using Globus as an example
- File Transfer and Replication
- Security
- Resource Management
- Resource Discovery and Monitoring
- Packaging
24What are Grid Services? (And Why Do I Care?)
- As conceived by IBM, Sun, Globus, et al.
- Primarily geared towards scientific use
- Designed to support a wide variety of problem
domains - Language Neutral
- Database Neutral
- Hardware Neutral
25What are Grid Services? (And Why Do I Care?)
- As conceived by us
- For businesses, especially Finance/The Street
- Domain-specific
- Java-based (okay, some JNI to C)
- SQL driven RDBMS for data storage
- Intel/Sparc hardware
26How to Bridge the Gap
- Identify specific services we need
- Identify overlaps with the toolkits from Vendors
- Remove the broad generalities from our
implementation (i.e. the stuff that someone else
can do more cheaply like file transfer and
security) - Use the common components in our service-based
environment - Dont reinvent any wheels
27Grid Services We Need
- External
- Pricing
- Indicative Data
- Positions
- Internal
- Well-defined Computational Services!
- Reporting/Aggregation
- Data visualization
28Revisiting the Requirements as Computational
- Calibration of Term Structure Models
- Calibration of Prepay Models
- Scenario generation
- Cashflow Simulation
- 15 year old idea
- Lots easier said than done
- Major consumer of resources
- Portfolio Construction
- Big optimization problem
- Wide variety of heuristics will probably be end
29The Grid
We need a massively parallel, distributed,
standards-based architecture in which to
implement our vision of The Grid
30Which Java Technologies Enter the Mix?
Front-end Infrastructure
Back-end Infrastructure
31Jini /Jxta / Web Services
- Some functionality overlap between the 3
- WS and JXTA are language neutral
- Jini assumes Java (or at least Java wrappers
everywhere) - WS is wire-heavy with XML and SOAP
- WS and JXTA much more point-to-point and not as
suited for computationally driven, highly
parallel systems like front-office fixed income.
- It aint just chat and whiteboards anymore!
- Object-based shared memory system
- Originated in tuple spaces (e.g. LINDA)
- Allows us to move from synchronous parallelism
model to asynchronous event-drive model - JavaSpaces hides PTP aspects but they are there
33JavaSpaces/JMS Comparison
- Logically Connectionless Communication (Different
in implementation details) - Event notification (Very similar)
- Matching (Objects vs. Strings)
- Take semantics (Only in JavaSpaces)
- Perfectly suited for problems which can pool
connectionless resources
34Using the Best Concepts of JMS and Javaspaces
- JMS Topics are an intuitive way of segmenting JS
Entries - Topics provide natural way to organize multiple
JavaSpaces - JS Take semantics are important for the
simulation and fitting problems - Moving prices and positions is more like JMS
35Problems in Both
- Security/Authentication
- Currently poor (Nothing worse in a Wall St.
environment than being poor!) - Getting better
- JMX not in reference (aka free) implementations
- Reference implementations need management and
deployment tools
36Deutschs Eight Fallacies
- Essentially, everyone, when they first build a
distributed application, makes the following
eight assumptions. All prove to be false in the
long run and all cause big trouble and painful
learning experiences.
1. The network is reliable 2. Latency is zero 3.
Bandwidth is infinite 4. The network is secure 5.
Topology doesn't change 6. There is one
administrator 7. Transport cost is zero 8. The
network is homogeneous
37Our Evolving Architecture
- Web-only UI (Servlet-based) that avoids heavy
bandwidth use and scripting - JNDI/LDAP-based Authentication, Directory
Services - Using JBoss for JMX capabilities as Service
container - Using Jakarta Tomcat embedded in JBoss for UI
Access to Worklet Container
38Patterns of Design
- Economy
- Required for external resources
- Will require interaction with vendors
- Master/Worker
- Good for internal resources
- Very similar to JMS model
- Exist in a WorkletContainer
- Patterned after Servlet Containers
- Extremely simple life cycle
- Event driven
- Light on system resources (e.g. No database
40Worklet API
- Initialization
- Concurrency
- Caching
- Subscriptions
- Request/Response Cycle
- Error/Exception Handling
41Worklet Container Functionality
- Subscription Management
- Context Management
- Space/Topic/Queue Connection Management
- Thread Management
- Exception Handling
- Remote Administration/JMX
42Master Utilities
- Task generation
- Workflow management
- Task synchronization
- Browser handling for UI Masters
44Implications for a Wider Audience
- Services to be built
- Build/Buy Decisions
- Systems to use
45Services That We Will Build Internally
- Calibration
- Simulation
- Aggregation
- Positions
- Essentially all the things that are specific to
our business
46Services That We Need Someone Else to Build
- Topic Locator (finding a JavaSpace to handle a
Topic) - Monitors
- Synchronous (GUI)
- Asynchronous (e.g. email)
- Loggers
- Debugging
- Activity tracking
- Auditing
- Indicative/Reference Data Services
- Primary Pricing
- Secondary Analytics
47The Build/Buy Decision
- Secondary Pricing
- Primary Analytics
- Code movement
- Jinis advantage in this space
- Security
- Value-added services
48Other Systems That Will Make a Difference
- Blade Servers
- High density, low-cost computational nodes
- Linux
- Highly reliable
- Low-cost
- Well supported tool set
- Apache
- Ditto as a web server