Title: Tool 1
1Tool 1
2COMFOR educative packages
3Tool 1 Health Performance Check
- The tool helps you to monitor and manage
- your machine operators' health situation
- their level of performance.
- This is necessary to
- observe and
- act upon
- changes that might impede production.
4Structure of tool
- The tool consists of four parts
- An operator questionnaire
- A contractor logbook
- A result presentation
- Values for Tool 2
5To install the tool
- Save a copy of tool on hard disc
- Open Excel and tool
- Push Enable Macros inwindow which opens ?
- Set security level to medium ?
6To set security level in Excel
- Open menu Tools
- Choose Macros ? Security ...
- Choose Medium under tag Security levelin
window which opens ? - Push OK
7Data collection template
Questions reflecting
- Sickness
- Performance
- Counter measures
- Other circumstances
- Working hours
- Complaints
- Accidents or near accidents
- Recovery
8Managers data input sheet
- Insert date for data collection
- Adjust for current number of operators
- Enter data from questionnaires
6. When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work? When do you consider yourself fully recovered after work?
? (1) After a night's rest (1) After a night's rest
o (2) After a week-end (2) After a week-end
o (3) After a week off or more (3) After a week off or more (3) After a week off or more (3) After a week off or more
o (4) After a longer vacation (4) After a longer vacation (4) After a longer vacation (4) After a longer vacation
o (5) Practically never (5) Practically never (5) Practically never
9Managers data input sheet
- Insert date for data collection
- Adjust for current number of operators
- Enter data from questionnaires into appropriate
10Managers data input sheet
- Insert date for data collection
- Adjust for current number of operators
- Enter data from questionnaires into appropriate
cells - Results will be calculated automatically
- The analysis program will not work correctly, if
you do not specify the number of working hours
last week in row 23 for each operator
23 1 Working hours last week 42 47 36 12 55 11
- The analysis program will not give the correct
values for Tool 2 Cost/Benefit-Check unless you
enter in row 22 for each operator whether he is
mainly a harvester or mainly a forwarder operator.
22 Operating harvester (1), forwarder (2) 1 2 2 2 1 1
13Contractors log book
- The number of periods must correspond to the
number of periods in Data input. - Document ill health and lost performance in the
blue fields with data from own records.
14Contractors log book
- Record circumstances of importance in the blue
è Period 1 è Period 2 è Period 3 è Period 4 è Period 5
These records are important for estimation of
costs and working out preventive measures.
15Contractors log book
- Enter data for harvester and forwarder operators
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5
Number of harvester operator sick days
thereof with replacement 3 2 10 0 2
thereof without replacement (machine stand still) 5 5 5 5 5
Salary for replacement harvester operator(in of salary for ordinary operator) 120 120 130 120 120
Performance of replacement harvester operator(in of performance of ordinary operator) 90 90 85 85 90
16Collection of ideas
- Document information from questions 10 and 11
- Best means to improve health and performance?
- Other important circumstances?
17Longitudinal follow up
- Check once more!
- that all operators has a value for number of
working hours last week in row 23 on the 'Data
input' sheet. - make sure that every new period is labeled in the
first column of the period on row 19 on the Data
input sheet.
18Colour key to results
Green No action needed. All operators have chosen the most positive answer.
Light yellow Action might be necessary within time
Dark yellow Action must be taken soon
Orange Action must be taken immediately
Red Severe problem. Action must be taken immediately
19Interpretation of results
- Identify
- Company strengths ? green cells
- Company weaknesses ? red cells
- ? dark yellow
cells - to target the ergonomic investments!
20Result tables
No. of operator questionnaires that the analysis is based on No. of operator questionnaires that the analysis is based on No. of operator questionnaires that the analysis is based on No. of operator questionnaires that the analysis is based on No. of operator questionnaires that the analysis is based on No. of operator questionnaires that the analysis is based on
Mar 08 Jun 08 Sep 08 Dec 08 Mar 09
No. of questionnaires 6 5 6 7 6
Question 3 Shoulders Question 3 Shoulders Question 3 Shoulders Question 3 Shoulders Question 3 Shoulders Question 3 Shoulders
Mar 08 Jun 08 Sep 08 Dec 08 Mar 09
Never 0 1 1 1 1
A few times per month 3 2 1 3 2
A few times per week 3 0 2 0 0
Almost every day 0 1 1 2 2
Every day 0 1 1 1 1
- Discuss (for each result table)
- How is the trend?
- What might lay behind the figures?
- What measure might improve the situation?
(Consult previous sheet) - What is the cost of the measure?
- How effective might it be?
21Values for Tool 2
IMPORTANT! In order to get correct values the
number of data periods related to the last twelve
months have to be entered in cell D8.
22Decisions table
- Specify after discussion for each measure
- Costs
- Goal
- Indicators
- Responsible person
- Involved persons
- Starting date
- Finishing date
- Follow up and close
23Tool 1 Health Performance Check
Field of application Manage machine operators' health situation and level of performance
Type of tool Longitudinal monitoring and analysing instrument, basis for decisions
Documents Excel-file
Frequency (recommended) Every 3rd month