Commonly-Used Discrete Distributions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Commonly-Used Discrete Distributions


... in the back of the book provide the probabilities for certain values of n and p. ... A box contains many, many balls some of which are red and others blue. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Commonly-Used Discrete Distributions

Commonly-Used Discrete Distributions
  • Stat 700 Lecture 06
  • 9/25/2001

Overview of Lecture
  • Commonly-used discrete distributions and when
    they are appropriate
  • Discrete Uniform
  • Bernoulli
  • Binomial
  • Hypergeometric
  • Poisson

Commonly-Used Discrete Distributions
  • A discrete random variable U is uniformly
    distributed over the set 1, 2, 3, , N, denoted
    U ? UNIF1,2,,N, where N is a positive integer,
    if its probability function is given by
  • p(u) 1/N for u 1, 2, 3, , N.
  • This is the model which assigns equal
    probabilities to the possible values of U.
  • Applicability Random allocation

Uniform continued
  • For U ? UNIF1,2,,N
  • Mean ? (N 1)/2.
  • Variance ?2 (N2 - 1)/12.
  • For example, suppose the number of students in
    Stat 700 who will be taking Stat 701 is uniformly
    distributed over 1,2,,12. Then N 12, so
  • ? (12 1)/2 6.5
  • ?2 (122 - 1)/12 143/12 11.92.

Bernoulli Trials
  • An experiment is a Bernoulli trial if its
    outcomes could be classified into two categories
    Success (S) or Failure (F) we could also use
    other labels such as Good or Defective,
    Female or Male, etc..
  • We denote by p the probability of a Success and
    by q 1 - p the probability of a Failure.
  • If X 1 denotes Success and X 0 denotes
    Failure, X is called a Bernoulli random
  • Its probability function is p(0) q and p(1)

Examples of Bernoulli Trials
  • Observing the outcome of a surgery Success or
    Failure. How to determine p?
  • Observing whether for an insured person the event
    insured against occurs or not. Again, what will
    be p?
  • Observing whether a machine will function for a
    specified period.
  • Observing whether a genetic mutation has
  • Determining if a biological organism will survive
    for a specified time.
  • Observing whether it rains or not for a given day.

Mean and Variance for a Bernoulli Random Variable
  • If X has a Bernoulli distribution with success
    probability p, we write X ? BER(p).
  • For X ? BER(p)
  • Mean ? p since ? (0)(q) (1)(p) p.
  • Variance ?2 pq since by the definitional
  • ?2 (0 - p)2(q) (1 - p)2(p) p2q q2p
    pq(pq) pq because p q 1.

Binomial Experiments and Variables
  • Consider now an experiment with the following
  • a) it consists of n Bernoulli trials n
  • b) each of the n Bernoulli trials has
    probability p of Success constant probability
    of success
  • c) the n Bernoulli trials are independent.
    trials dont affect each other
  • Then such an experiment is called a binomial
    experiment with parameters n and p.
  • If X is the random variable that counts the
    number of successes out of the n trials, then X
    is said to be a binomial random variable with
    parameters n and p.

Examples of Binomial Expts/Variables
  • Example 1 Draw a sample of size n 10, with
    replacement, from a box containing 20 red and 30
    blue balls, and let X denote the number of red
    balls in the sample.
  • Note the following
  • success is getting a red
  • n 10 (number of draws)
  • p 20/50 .4 (probability of red per trial)
  • independent trials hold because sampling is with
  • X counts the number of reds (successes)
  • X is binomial with n 10 and p .4.

Examples continued
  • Example 2 A very large population of people is
    such that 5 have a certain type of disease, and
    95 does not have the disease. A sample of size
    n 100 is drawn from this population (without
    replacement), and X denotes the number of people
    in the sample who has the disease.
  • Note that
  • trial is picking a person and determining if
    he/she has the disease (success)
  • independence is approximately satisfied because
    of the large size of the population
  • p 0.05 (approximately) for each of the trials
  • Therefore, X is (approximately) binomial with n
    100 and p 0.05.

Probability Function of a Binomial Random Variable
  • Let X be a binomial random variable with
    parameters n and p, denoted X ? BIN(n,p). Then,
    the range of X is R 0,1,2,,n.
  • Its probability function is given by recall that
    q 1 - p

Parameters of Binomial Distribution
  • For X a binomial random variable with parameters
    n and p, its mean, variance, and standard
    deviation are given by

Applications of the Binomial Distribution
  • Example 1 continued In this example, X, which
    counts the number of red balls in the sample of
    size 10 is binomial with n 10 and p 0.40.
    Therefore, the probability function is given by

Example 1 continued
  • Mean ? np 10(.4) 4
  • Variance ?2 npq (10)(.4)(.6) 2.4
  • Std. Dev. ? (2.4)(1/2) 1.549.
  • Could also compute probabilities such as
  • P(X 3) 10C3(.4)3(.6)10-3 (120)(.064)(.028)
  • P(X lt 1) 10C0(.4)0(.6)10 10C1(.4)1(.6)9
    0.0060 0.0403 0.0463.
  • Such cumulative probabilities could be obtained
    using binomial tables or Minitab.

The Probability Function and the Cumulative
Probabilities (obtained using Minitab)
Graph of the Probability Function
Binomial Examples continued
  • Example 2 continued In this situation, the
    variable X which is the number of diseased
    individuals in a sample of size 100 is binomial
    with n 100 and p 0.05. Its probability
    function is therefore

Graph of the Probability Function of a
BIN(100,0.05) Variable
Graph of the Cumulative Distribution Function for
Example continued
  • From the graph of Bin(100,0.05), notice even
    though it is very right-skewed, when we focus on
    the shape for the small values (from 0 to 10),
    the shape is approximately mound-shaped. This is
    a manifestation of the normal approximation to
    the binomial.
  • For this X ? BIN(100,0.05)
  • Mean ? (100)(0.05) 5
  • Variance ?2 (100)(0.05)(0.95) 4.75
  • Standard Deviation ? (4.75)(1/2) 2.18

Probabilities in Certain Intervals about the Mean
(Probs were calculated using computer)
  • P? - ? lt X lt ? - ? P5 - 2.18 lt X lt 5 2.18
    P2.82 lt X lt 7.18 p(3) p(4) p(5) p(6)
    p(7) .1396 .1781 .1800 .1500 .1060
  • P? - 2? lt X lt ? - 2? P5 - 2(2.18) lt X lt 5
    2(2.18) P0.64 lt X lt 9.36 p(1) p(2)
    p(3) p(4) p(5) p(6) p(7) p(8) p(9)
  • P? - 3? lt X lt ? - 3? P5 - 3(2.18) lt X lt 5
    3(2.18) P-1.54 lt X lt 11.54 p(0) p(1)
    p(2) p(3) p(4) p(5) p(6) p(7) p(8)
    p(9) p(10) p(11) 0.9957.
  • Compare the agreement of these values with what
    are expected under the empirical rule. Quite

Using the Binomial Tables
  • The binomial tables in the back of the book
    provide the probabilities for certain values of n
    and p.
  • It provides p(k) PX k for k 0, 1, 2, ,
  • To compute Pa lt X lt b we use
  • Pa lt X lt b p(a1) p(b), provided that
    the values of n and p are in the table.
  • Otherwise, computer programs (Minitab) or
    calculators could be used to calculate the

Using the Binomial Tables
  • Example Assume that the proportion of all adult
    Americans who does not approve of President
    Bushs handling of the current crisis is 0.20.
    Suppose that a sample of size n 10 is taken
    from this population, and we let X denote the
    number in this sample who does not approve of
    Bushs handling of the crisis.

Example continued
  • Since the population sampled is so large and
    sampling is random, the variable X will be
    binomial with parameters n 20 and p 0.20.
  • ? 20(.2) 4 and ? 20(.2)(.8)(1/2)
    (3.2)(1/2) 1.79.
  • Using the binomial table with n 20 and p
    0.20, we also obtain PX 3 .2054.
  • Also, PX lt 3 p(0) p(1) p(2) p(3)
    .0115 .0576 .1369 .2054 .4114.
  • If X is BIN(n,p) with p gt .5, then Y n - X is
    BIN(n,1-p), so convert problem into Y.

From Binomial to Poisson
  • A box contains many, many balls some of which are
    red and others blue. Let p be the proportion of
    red balls in the box. Suppose we draw n balls
    (with replacement) from this box, and X denotes
    the number of red balls in the sample.
  • Then, from what we have studied so far, X has a
    binomial distribution with parameters n and p.
    That is,
  • p(x) (nCx)pxqn-x, x0,1,2,,n.

Continued ...
  • Imagine the situation where we increase the
    sample size n but at the same time decrease the
    proportion of red balls in the box such that the
    mean ? np remains equal to some constant ?,
    that is, ? np ?.
  • Notice that as we increase the value of n, then
    the set of possible values of X also becomes
  • Clearly, the distribution of X as n increases
    still remains Binomial(n,p).
  • But the question is
  • What happens to the binomial(n,p) when we let n
    approach infinity with the constraint np ??

Here comes the Poisson!
  • It turns out that under such a situation, we
    obtain a new distribution, which is a limiting
    distribution of the binomial.
  • This new distribution, called the Poisson
    distribution, is usually an excellent model for
    modeling rare events.
  • The relation with the binomial is as follows

Poisson Distribution
  • A discrete random variable X taking values in the
    set 0, 1, 2, 3, is said to have a Poisson
    distribution with parameter or intensity rate ? gt
    0, and written X ? POI(?), if its probability
    function is given by the formula

Some Properties of the Poisson Distribution
  • Provides an approximation to the binomial
    probabilities when the parameters in BIN(n,p) are
    such that p is small and n is large. The Poisson
    approximation is the one with intensity ? np.
  • It is a model for counting the occurrence of
    rare events, such as the occurrence of
    epidemics, getting cancer, accidents, terrorist
    acts, etc.
  • For X ? POI(?), the mean of X is ? ? and at the
    same time, the variance is ?2 ?. These results
    can be seen by recalling the mean and variance
    for the binomial distribution.

Applications of the Poisson
  • Problem Suppose that the proportion in the
    population who are infected with a deadly virus
    is 0.0005. If 10000 people are chosen at random,
    what is the probability that exactly 4 out of
    these 10000 people will be infected?
  • Solution 1 Since X ? BIN(10000,.0005), we could
    calculate the probability by making use of the
    binomial probability to obtain
  • PX 4 (10000C4)(.0005)4(.9995)9996

Solution continued
  • Solution 2 Since n 10000 is very large, and p
    .0005 is very small, we could also approximate
    this probability by using the Poisson
    distribution with parameter or intensity rate ?
    np (10000)(.0005) 5. Consequently, the
    approximate probability is
  • PX 4 ? (e-5)54/4! 0.175467.
  • Comparing this approximate value with the exact
    value obtained from the binomial, notice that it
    is very good.

Graph of the Probability Function of a
Poisson(?2) Distribution
Sampling Without Replacement
  • Let there be a group consisting of N objects, K
    of which are of Type I and (N-K) of Type II.
  • Sample n objects, with replacement, and let X
    denote the number of Type I objects, then X has a
    binomial distribution with parameters n and p
  • In this case, the mean is ? n(K/N) and the
    variance is ?2 n(K/N)(1 - K/N).
  • What happens to the distribution of X when
    sampling is without replacement?

Hypergeometric Distribution
  • When sampling is without replacement, then the
    probability function of X, the number of Type I
    objects in the sample, is
  • p(x) (KCx)(N-KCn-x)/(NCn), x0,1,2,,n.
  • This is called the hypergeometric distribution.
  • Mean of X ? n(K/N), same as in binomial.
  • Var(X) ?2 n(K/N)(1-K/N)(N-n)/(N-1).
  • This distribution is approximately BIN(n,K/N)
    when N is large compared to n.
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