Title: Yu Chen
1 Yu Chen Shoichet Lab Dept of Pharm. Chem. UCSF
2PDB Content Growth
3Resolution determines the map quality Atomic
resolution 1.2 Ã… 400 structures
James Holton, ALS
4Resolution determines the map quality
James Holton, ALS
53-1 Ã…
Information vs Resolution
6Structures less biased to library stereochemistry
Multiple conformations for flexible residues
Direct visualization of atom types and hydrogen
The Joy of High-Resolution Structures
??-lactamase hydrolyzing ?-lactam antibiotics
8Classes A, C and D serine-active
enzymes best studied examples Class A TEM,
SHV Class C AmpC
Class A TEM-1 (286aa)
Classe B metallo-enzymes
Class C AmpC (357aa)
Four classes of ?-lactamases
9Acylation transition state
De-acylation transition state
? Reaction cycle of TEM-1?-lactamase
10Acylation transition state
De-acylation transition state
? Reaction cycle of TEM-1?-lactamase
11Acylation transition state
De-acylation transition state
? Reaction cycle of TEM-1?-lactamase
12Acylation transition state
De-acylation transition state
? Reaction cycle of TEM-1?-lactamase
13Acylation transition state
De-acylation transition state
? Reaction cycle of TEM-1?-lactamase
14Acylation transition state
De-acylation transition state
? Reaction cycle of TEM-1?-lactamase
15Acylation transition state
De-acylation transition state
? Reaction cycle of TEM-1?-lactamase
16Acylation transition state
De-acylation transition state
? Transition State analog Boronic Acid
17Space group P212121
Rwork 9.10 Rfree 11.17
60 residues modeled in multiple
conformations 70 hydrogen atoms observed in
Fo-Fc difference map at 1.5 sigma level
0.85 Ã… structure of TEM-1 M182T ?-lactamase
Minasov, Wang Shoichet, JACS, 1245333-40
18(a) Asp273 atom types
(b) Met69Hydrogen atoms
Structural details revealed by high-res data
Blue density 2Fo-Fc electron density map used to
fit the model Red density positive peaks in
Fo-Fc map used to show the difference between
data and model (Fo, Fobserved Fc, Fcalculated)
19(a) 1.7 Ã…
(b) 0.85 Ã…
Glu 58 Structural details revealed by high-res
20? General base for acylation step
21(a) Glu 166 vs (b) Lys 73
? General base for acylation step
22Before proton transfer
After proton transfer
Seeing is believing Glu166 as general base
23? General base for acylation step
24Space group C2
Rwork 13.2 Rfree 16.4
15 residues currently modeled in multiple
1.07 Ã… structure of AmpC ?-lactamase (under
25Thr 316 (1.07 Ã…)
Thr 316 (1.8 Ã…)
Double conformations in the active site
26Asp 10
Glu 228
Radiation Damage de-carboxylation of acidic side
Magenta density negative peaks in Fo-Fc map
used to show the difference between data and
27Tyr 150
Lys 67
Asn 152
Lys 315
Boronic acid
Thr 316
Active site of AmpC ?-lactamase deacylation
transition state
Y150 protonating Ser64?
Visualization of active site residues
protonation state help identify their catalytic
A less-biased and detailed ultra-high resolution
structure can provide a better template for drug
discovery, with more information on side-chain
comformations and less ambiguity in atom types or
hydrogen positions.
Experimental data to compare with computational
Brian Shoichet George Minasov Xiaojun
Wang Richard Bonnet John Irwin Sandri
Soelaiman Ruth Brenk Binqing Wei Alan
Graves Federica Morandi Veena Thomas Brian
Feng OpenEye