Title: Der Urknall im Labor
1(No Transcript)
2Jet Quenching A Signature For What?
high energy density (non-equilibrated)
number of potential scattering centers
photons, v2(?)
high energy density (equilibrated)
parton energy loss
3Jet Quenching A Signature For What?
high energy density (non-equilibrated)
number of potential scattering centers
photons, v2(?)
high energy density (equilibrated)
parton energy loss
spectral response of medium to gluons cutoff
for soft gluons in confined matter(?)
4Hard Probes Light Quark Jets, Charm, Photons
- inclusive transverse momentum spectra
- suppression relative to reference
- chemical composition?
- azimuthal correlations (flow)
- asymmetry in partial quenching
- azimuthal correlations (non-flow)
- jet signatures
- quenching of jets
- charm production
- difference light/heavy?
- direct photons
- first attempts
5Suppression of HadronProduction
J.C. Dunlop et al. , Nucl. Phys. A 698, 515c
K. Adcox et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 22301
- ratio of pT-spectra
- AA central / pp
- RAA 1 for scaling with number of binary
- RAA lt 1 for central AuAureactions at RHIC (130
AGeV) - observed in neutral pions and charged hadrons
6Suppression of HadronProduction
M.M. Aggarwal et al., Eur.Phys.J.C 23, 225-236,
K. Adcox et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 22301
- ratio of pT-spectra
- AA central / pp
- RAA 1 for scaling with number of binary
- RAA lt 1 for central AuAureactions at RHIC (130
- RAA gt 1 for reactions at SPS and ISR
7Energy Dependence of pT-spectra in pp and AA
K. Reygers et al., Hirschegg 2002
- spectra in pp
- strong variationwith beam energy
- flattening of spectra
- power law
- influence of hard scattering
- spectra in AA
- little variation with beam energy
- almost exponential
- influence of thermal production?
8Interlude Thermalization and Hadron Spectra
T.P., nucl-th/ 0207012
- spectra of pions and (anti)protons
- description by hydrodynamical source
- perfect description possible
- Tch 172 2 MeV
- mB 37 4 MeV
- Tkin 123 6 MeV
- lt bT gt 0.45 0.02
- doesnt explain suppression
- need stronger suppression to account for
additional hydrodynamic production
9Transverse Momentum Spectra
X.N. Wang, Phys. Rev. C 61, 64910 (2000)
K. Adcox, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 22301 (2002)
- spectra of neutral pions
- two independent measurements!
- peripheral reactions
- good agreement with expectations from pp
- central reactions
- significant deviations from expectations from pp!
- calculations by X.-N. Wang
- good agreement with jet quenching!
- energy loss 15x higher than incold nuclear
matter (HERMES)
E. Wang X.N. Wang, hep-ph/0202105
10New Results at 200 GeV
- identified particles are best!
- PHENIX neutral pions at high pT
- identified charged particles to come?
- BRAHMS at higher rapidity
C. Jorgensen, BRAHMS Parallel Saturday
S. Mioduszewski, PHENIX Plenary Monday
11The Reference Spectra in pp
- old reference (UA1) reasonable for pT lt 6 GeV/c
- new measurement of pp in PHENIX
- neutral pions
- same detector, same systematics as AA
- reference for charged hadrons still needed
H. Torii, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
12Neutral Pion Spectra in AuAu at 200GeV
D. dEnterria, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
13Charged Hadron Spectra
C. Jorgensen, BRAHMS Parallel Saturday
200 GeV results from all experiments
J. Jia, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
J. Klay, STAR Parallel Saturday
C. Roland, PHOBOS Parallel Saturday
14Suppression in Hadron Spectra The Nuclear
Modification Factor
- strong suppression in p0
- decreasing with pT
- factor 6 at pT 6-8 GeV/c
15Suppression in Hadron Spectra The Nuclear
Modification Factor
- strong suppression in p0
- decreasing with pT
- factor 6 at pT 6-8 GeV/c
- similar suppression in charged hadrons
- RAA slightly higher at intermediate pT?
16Suppression in Hadron Spectra The Nuclear
Modification Factor
- strong suppression in p0
- decreasing with pT
- factor 6 at pT 6-8 GeV/c
- similar suppression in charged hadrons
- RAA slightly higher at intermediate pT?
- discrepancies in charged RAA between experiments
- Glauber calculations?
- NN-reference?
- better consistency between STAR and PHENIX for
17Charged Spectra Central/Peripheral
J. Jia, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
J. Klay, STAR Parallel Saturday
18High pT Neutral Pion Suppression Comparison To
- pQCD calculations
- P. Levai, Nucl.Phys.A698 (2002) 631
- X.N. Wang,Phys.Rev.C61 (200) 064910
- I. Vitev, parallel talk, Monday
- time to get quantitative!
S. Mioduszewski, PHENIX Plenary Monday
19Centrality Dependence of Suppression
- RAA for neutral pions as a function of centrality
- gradual decrease
- stronger decrease for higher pT
- no threshold effect
- surface-to-volume?
D. dEnterria, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
20Participant Scaling
P.Steinberg, PHOBOS Parallel Thursday
C. Roland, PHOBOS Parallel Saturday
- Npart scaling observed for total charged
multiplicity - not exactly true for limited phase space
- Ncoll term for dN/dh??accidental?
- reasonable approximation for limited centrality
and pT range - what about high pT?
- only subtle changes from semi-peripheral to
central - most changes in shape happen from pp to
peripheral AA
21Participant vs. Collision Scaling?
C. Roland, PHOBOS Parallel Saturday
J. Jia, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
22Neutral Pion Suppression as Participant Scaling?
- participant scaling valid in high pT limit?
- participant scaling works better than
collision scaling - accidental?
- surface emission?
- does not describe scaling from pp to AA!
- not claimed by PHOBOS
Comparison of central to (semi-)peripheral is
instructive, but Central AA may be seen as
superposition of NN collisions (in independent
collision picture), not as superposition of
peripheral AA
Whos afraid of participant scaling? Relax !
Interesting observation (not trivial at high
pT), but not necessarily physics!
23Centrality Dependence of Spectral Shape
- significant change in spectral shape
- observed in PHENIX and STAR
- mean pT increases at low pT
- mean pT decreases at intermediate pT
J. Jia, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
24Chemical Composition at High pT
- p/p and p/p ratios 1 for pT 3 GeV/c
- p/p ratio decreasing at high pT?
G.J. Kunde, STAR Plenary Monday
T. Sakaguchi, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
25Chemical Composition at High pT
- ratio p/h 0.5 in min.bias
- similar in central reactions
- important baryon and/or kaon contributionout to
pT 8 GeV/c?
S. Mioduszewski, PHENIX Plenary Monday
26Azimuthal Asymmetries - Elliptic Flow
Adler et al., nucl-ex/0206006
- saturation of v2 observed
- hydrodynamic flow
- increase with pT
27Azimuthal Asymmetries - Elliptic Flow
Adler et al., nucl-ex/0206006
- saturation of v2 observed
- hydrodynamic flow
- increase with pT
- non-equilibrium contribution
- jets (unquenched)
- decrease with pT
28Azimuthal Asymmetries - Elliptic Flow
Adler et al., nucl-ex/0206006
- saturation of v2 observed
- hydrodynamic flow
- increase with pT
- non-equilibrium contribution
- jets (unquenched)
- decrease with pT
- asymmetric energy loss
- increase of v2
- saturation from interplay
- models necessary to disentangle effects
29Elliptic Flow in Minimum Bias AuAu at 200 AGeV
- flow saturates for pT gt 3 GeV/c
- consistent results for STAR and PHENIX
- description with minijet model (D. Molnar)
- v2 at high pT independent of beam energy
STAR preliminary
K. Filimonov, STAR Parallel Saturday
PHENIX preliminary
N.N. Ajitanand, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
STAR preliminary
30Elliptic Flow at Really High Momentum
- STAR charged hadron elliptic flow out to pT 12
GeV/c ! - finite v2 beyond pT 6 GeV/c for semi-central
- decrease of v2 in central?
31Azimuthal Asymmetries - Non-Flow
- elliptic flow analysis
- flow w.r.t. reaction plane weaker than from
two-particle-correlations - non-flow azimuthal correlations
- resonances
- local momentum conservation
- jets?
- ...
J. Slivova, CERES Parallel Thursday
32Back-To-Back-Correlations at SPS
- two-photon correlations (from p0)
- strong back-to-backcorrelation in pA
- no jets, but signal of primary collisions
- considerable fraction of available energy
- pC well described by VENUS
- pPb not described
- rescattering?
- need to take into accountin elliptic flow
analysis in AA!
WA98 pC 158 GeV
S. Bathe, WA98 Parallel Saturday
332-Jet-Events in pp in the STAR TPC
pp ?dijet from 200 GeV run
D. Hardtke, STAR Plenary Tuesday
34Jet Evidence in Azimuthal Correlations at RHIC
- near-side correlation of charged tracks (STAR)
- trigger particle pT 4-6 GeV/c
- Df distribution for pT gt 2 GeV/c
- signature of jets
- also seen in g (p0) triggered events (PHENIX)
- trigger particle pT gt 2.5 GeV/c
- Df distribution for pT 2-4 GeV/c
M. Chiu, PHENIX Parallel Saturday
35Systematic Study of Jet Correlations at RHIC
- establish near-side (trigger-jet) and far-side
(counter-jet) correlation in pp - ansatz correlation in AA as superposition of pp
signal and elliptic flow - pp signal from pp data
- elliptic flow from reaction plane analysis
- quantify deviations from pp by integrals around
Df 0 and Df p - back-to-back correlation disappears in central
D. Hardtke, STAR Plenary Tuesday
36Counter-Jet Suppression
- jet suppression measure as a function of
centrality - trigger-jet
- little modification(?)
- most trigger particles from jets!
- counter-jet
- strong suppression with increasing Npart
- jet quenching?
- inconsistencies for smallertrigger momentum
- to be investigated
D. Hardtke, STAR Plenary Tuesday
37Counter-Jet Suppression
- jet suppression measure as a function of
centrality - trigger-jet
- little modification(?)
- most trigger particles from jets!
- counter-jet
- strong suppression with increasing Npart
- jet quenching?
- inconsistencies for smallertrigger momentum
- to be investigated
- centrality dependence similar to quenching of
neutral pion spectrum!
D. Hardtke, STAR Plenary Tuesday
38Single Electron Spectra
- example electron measurements in PHENIX
- tracking in Drift- and Pad-Chambers
- identification in RICH and EM-calorimeter
- subtraction of background
- photon conversions from mesons and p0-Dalitz
dominant - pions measured in the same experiment!
- identification of photonic sources by converter
- yield and spectral shape consistent with PYTHIA
calculation - scaling with Ncoll
- little energy loss?
- physics signal?
- main source open charm?
R. Averbeck, PHENIX Parallel Monday
39Photon Measurements at RHIC
- direct photon analysis in PHENIX
- search for thermal photons
- prompt photons as calibration for high pT
hadron production - no significant excess over hadron decays observed
- promising results
- important redundancy of PHENIX
- interesting attempt at photons in STAR
- conversion measurement
PHENIX preliminary
PHENIX preliminary
I. Johnson, STAR Parallel Monday
K. Reygers, PHENIX Parallel Monday
40Summary 1
- quenching of high pT hadrons in central reactions
established - neutral pions suppressed by 1/6 up to pT 8
GeV/c - suppression continuous in centrality (no
threshold) - decreasing ltpTgt at high pT for charged hadrons
- chemical compositionnot (yet) jet-like
- only 50 of hadrons are pions
- role of baryons at high pT (p/p, p/p, p/p)?
41Summary 2
- saturation of v2 for pT gt 3 GeV/c
- hydrodynamics important for pT lt 3 GeV/c?
- amount of v2 from partial quenching?
- finite v2 at pT 10 GeV/c?
- jets re-discovered in AA at RHIC
- near-side correlation unmodified
- most trigger particles for pT gt 4GeV/c from
42Summary 3
- jet quenching observed
- counter-jet vanishes in central AA
- centrality dependence similar to pion suppression