Title: ROOT
- An object oriented HEP analysis framework.
- Day 3
- http//www-pat.fnal.gov/root/
- The ROOT system website is at http//root.cern.ch
2What we covered
- Day 1
- Day 2
- More commands (CINT ACLiC)
- Functions and Fitting
- Tree Viewer
3Class Schedule Day 3
- Building Root Trees
- Reading Root Trees
- Using Trees in Analysis
- The Draw method
- The MakeClass method
- Add your class to ROOT
- With the Interpreter
- With a compiler (Shared Library)
- With ACLiC
4Building ROOT Trees
- Overview of
- ROOT Files
- Trees
- Branches
- 5 Steps to build a TTree
- Demonstration
5ROOT Files (TFile)
- When a ROOT file is opened it becomes the
current directory. - Histograms and trees are automatically saved in
the file. - When the file is closed the histogram and tree
objects associated with the file are deleted. - Any object derived from TObject can be written to
a ROOT file. It has to be added explicitly.
6ROOT Trees (TTree)
- Storing large number of entries.
- Hierarchy of branches and leaves.
- Reading selective branches
7Five Steps to Build a Tree
- Steps
- 1. Create a TFile
- 2. Create a TTree
- 3. Add TBranch to the TTree
- 4. Fill the tree
- 5. Write the file
8Step 1 Create a TFile Object
- The TFile constructor
- file name (i.e. " AFile.root ")
- file title
- compression level 0-9, defaults to 1.
TFile hfile new TFile("AFile.root","RECREATE
9Step 2 Create a TTree Object
- The TTree Constructor
- Tree Name (e.g. "myTree")
- Tree Title
- Maximum total size of buffers kept in memory when
reading a TTree (defaults to 64 MB)
TTree tree new TTree("myTree","A ROOT tree")
10Create a Tree with Folders
- TTree aliTree("aliTree", "/aliroot")
- First Parameter tree name
- Second Parameter /name of the top folder
11Step 3 Adding a Branch(case 1)
- Branch name
- Class name
- Address of the pointer to the Object (descendant
of TObject) - Buffer size (default 32,000)
- Split level (default 99)
Event event new Event() myTree-gtBranch
12Splitting a Branch
- Setting the split level (default 99)
Split level 0
Split level 99
Example tree-gtBranch("EvBr","Event",ev,64000,0)
13Adding Branches with a List of Variables
- Branch name
- Address the address of the first item of a
structure. - Leaflist all variable names and types
- Order the variables according to their size
Example TBranch b tree-gtBranch
("Ev_Branch",event, "ntrack/Insegnvtexflag/i
14Adding Branches with a TClonesArray
- Branch name
- Address of a pointer to a TClonesArray
- Buffer size
- Split level
Example tree-gtBranch( "Track_B",Track,64000)
15List and Folder Branches
- Branch(TList list, buffer, split)
- Creates one branch for each list element
- TObject
- TClonesArray
- Will add a split level parameter
- Branch("folder-name", buffer, split)
- Creates one branch per folder
16Step 4 Fill the Tree
- Create a for loop
- Assign values to the event object
- Call the Fill method for the tree
- myTree-gtFill()
17Step 5 Write the File
- The TFileWrite()
- Writes Histograms and Trees
- Write is needed to write file header
- hfile-gtWrite()
18Demo 5 steps to build a Tree
- BuildTreeDemo.C
- create "AFile.root"
- 2nd Type of Branch, crated with a class name
and split. - .X BuildTreeDemo.C
- One tree called "T"
- One branch for eachdata member of Event.
- recursive split (see Track)
19Summary (Building ROOT Trees)
- Overview of
- ROOT Files
- Trees
- Branches
- 5 Steps to build a TTree
- Demo
20Reading a TTree
- How to Read a Tree
- Reading Simple variables
- Example reading Selected Branches
- Example reading an Object Branch
- Trees and Friends
21Looking at the Tree
- TTreePrint() Shows the branchesTFile
f("AFile.root")myTree-gtPrint() gt print.txt - TTreeScan("leaf""leaf".)myTree-gtScan("fNseg
fNtrack") gt scan.txt - myTree-gtScan("fEventHdr.fDatefNtrack")
22How To Read TTree
- ROOTSYS/tutorials/tree1.C
- Reading a simple tree
- 1. Open the TFile
- TFile f("tree1.root")
- 2. Get the TTree
- TTree t1
- (TTree)f.FindObject("t1")
23How to Read A TTree
- 3. Create a variable to hold the data
- Float_t px, py, pz
- 4. Associate a branch with a variable
- SetBranchAddress("name", address)
- t1-gtSetBranchAddress("px", px)
- t1-gtSetBranchAddress("py", py)
- t1-gtSetBranchAddress("pz", pz)
- 5. Read one Entry in the TTree
- t1-gtGetEntry(0) // first entry
- root 20 px
- (Float_t)(-1.10227906703948970e00)
- root 21 py
- (Float_t)(-1.79938960075378420e00)
- root 22 pz
- (Float_t)4.45282220840454100e00
25Demo Reading Branches
- DemoreadTree1.C
- Read selected branches
- Fill two histograms
26Reading an Object Branch
- Print the first entry with less than 587 tracks
- Find the entry using the fNtrack sub-branch
- Once found, read the entire entry
27Friends of Trees
- Adding Branches
- Often the tree is read only
- Risk of Damaging existing tree
- Add a Friend
- Unrestricted Access to the Friend's data
28Adding a Friend to a TTree
- AddFriend("treeName", "fileName")
- tree.AddFriend("ft1", "ff.root")
- Friends with Trees of the same name
- tree.AddFriend("tree1 tree","ff.root")
29Accessing Friends
- Access
- treeName.branchName.leafname
- Example
- Int_t px
- t-gtSetBranchAddress("t2.px")
- Or
- t-gtScan("t2.px.px") //unique
- t-gtScan("px")
- Alsot-gtPrint("all")
30The Friends List
- Number of Entries of a Friend must be greater or
To access the list of Friends TTreeGetListOfFri
ends() Persistent tree-gtWrite()
31Summary Reading Trees
- How to Read a Tree
- Reading Simple variables
- Example reading Selected Branches
- Example reading an Object Branch
- Trees and their Friends
32Trees in Analysis
- Using TTreeDraw()
- Using MakeClass
- TChains
33Using Trees in Analysis
- The TTreeDraw()
- Parameters
- 1. expressions for x,y,z
myTree-gtDraw("ntrack") myTree-gtDraw("sqrt(ntrack)
34Using Trees in Analysis (cont.)
The TTreeDraw() Parameters 2. selection 3.
draw option 4. number of entries
myTree-gtDraw("sqrt(ntrack) ntrack", "temp gt
20.8")myTree -gtDraw("sqrt(ntrack)
ntrack", "temp gt20.8","surf2")
35Using Trees in Analysis (cont.)
- If the Branch was created with an object and was
not split we can still use the Draw() method. - myTree-gtDraw("event.GetNtrack()")
- event branch name
- GetNtrack() a method of the
object on the branch.
36Histograms and Lists
- The TTreeDraw() parameters continued
- - creating a histogram
- myTree -gtDraw(" ntrack gtgt myHisto") myHisto-gtD
raw() - - saving an event list myTree -gtDraw("gtgt
myList","ntrackgt0") myList-gtPrint("all") - - using an event list myTree -gtSetEventList(myLis
t) myTree -gtDraw("ntrack")
37TTree Contents
- After executing the Draw command, we can get
information about the TTree - GetSelectedRows()
- Returns the number of entries accepted by the
selection expression. - GetV1(), GetV2(), GetV3()
- returns a pointer to the float array of the
first, second, or third variable (x,y,z) - GetW()
38Introducing MakeClass
- Draw() is powerful and quick.
- What if you would like to plot the masses of all
oppositely charged pairs of tracks? You need a
loop over all events, find all pairs of tracks,
and calculate the required quantities. - ROOT provides MakeClass to do this
39Using MakeClass
- Scenario We would like to do selective
plotting. For simplicity we choose to plot only
the first 100 tracks of each entry. - We have a ROOT file with a tree with one branch
which has leaves of type "Event". The designer
has made the class definition available in the
shared library libEvent.so and given you the
header file Event.h.
- Event has
- a TClonesArray of Tracks
- GetNtrack() method
- much more
- Track has
- a GetPx() method
- much more ...
41Using MakeClass()
- 1. Load the shared library
- root 0.L libEvent.so
- 2. Load the root file
- root 1 TFile f new TFile
- ("EventOB.root")
- 3. Call MakeClass root 2 T-gtMakeClass("MyClass"
) - - creates MyClass.C and MyClass.h- where does T
come from?
42Using MakeClass()
- MyClass.h and MyClass.C
- MyClass.h
- contains the class definition of "MyClass"
- MyTree.C
- contains the class implementation of "MyClass"
43Loading and Using MyClass.C
- Load the macro and create a MyClass object
- root 0.L libEvent.so
- root 1.L MyClass.C
- root 2 MyClass m new MyClass ()
- MyClassGetEntry()
- root 3 m-gtGetEntry(1)
- root 4 m-gtevent-gtGetNtrack()
- (Int_t)597
- root 5 m-gtGetEntry(2)
- root 6 m-gtevent-gtGetNtrack()
- (Int_t)606
- MyClassLoop()
- root 6 m-gtLoop()
- Bytes read 48492
- Bytes read 48413
- Bytes read 48255
- Bytes read 48413
- Bytes read 48255
- Bytes read 48176
- ...
46Demo - Expanding Loop()
- Modifying MyClassLoop()
- 1. Create a Track object
- Track track 0
- 2. Create two histograms
- TH1F myHisto new TH1F(
- "myHisto","fPx",100,-5,5)
- TH1F smallHisto new TH1F(
- "small","fPx 100",100,-5,5)
47Expanding Loop() (cont.)
- 3. In Event loop, get the event branch
- fChain-gtGetEntry(i)
- 4. And get the number of tracks
- n_Tracks event-gtGetNtrack()
- 6. Add track loop
- for (Int_t j 0 j lt n_Tracks j)
- track (Track) event-gtGetTracks()-gtAt(j)
48Expanding Loop() (cont.)
- Fill the first histogram with Px
- myHisto-gtFill(track-gtGetPx())
- Add an if statement for the first 100 tracks
- if (j lt 100)
- smallHisto-gtFill(track-gtGetPx())
- Outside of the Event loop, draw the histograms
- myHisto-gtDraw()
- smallHisto-gtDraw("Same")
49Expanding Loop() (cont.)
- .L libEvent.so
- .L MyClass.C
- MyClass m new MyClass()
- m-gtLoop()
- Scenario
- Perform an analysis using multiple ROOT files.
All files are of the same structure and have the
same tree.
51Chains (cont.)
- TChainAdd()
- root 3 TChain chain("T")
- root 4 chain.Add("Event.root")
- root 5 chain.Draw("fTracks.fPx")
- root 6 myCanvas-gtcd(2)
- root 7 chain.Add("Event50.root")
- root 8 chain.Draw("fTracks.fPx")
52Chains (cont.)
- TChainGetListOf
- To see the files that are chained
- chain.GetListOfFiles()-gtPrint()
- List the branches and leaves of the chain.
- chain.GetListOfBranches()-gtPrint()
- chain.GetListOfLeaves()-gtPrint()
- TChainMerge()
- To merge the files in a chain and write them to a
new file - chain.Merge("all.root")
53Demo Building Chains
- gROOT-gtLoadMacro("ROOTSYS/test/libEvent.so")
- TChain chain("T")
- chain-gtAdd("EventOB.root")
- chain-gtAdd("EventOB40.root")
- chain-gtAdd("EventOB50.root")
- chain-gtGetListOfFiles()-gtPrint()
- chain-gtMakeClass("ChainClass")
54Summary Trees in Analysis
- From the command line using TTreeDraw()
- Using MakeClass and Loop()
- Using Chains
55Adding Your Own Class
- From the Interpreter
- No I/O
- As a Shared Library
- Full Functionality
- With ACLiC
- Full Functionality
56A Class From the Interpreter
Define the Class in a Macro IClass.Csee notes
below Load the Class by Loading the Macroroot
0 .L IClass.C Instantiate an IClassroot 1
IClass ic new IClass()
57A Class From the Interpreter
Use the IClass root 2 ic-gtSetX(3) root 3
ic-gtSetY(500) root 4 ic-gtPrint() fX 3, fY
500 Cool, but can't save it. We need the Write()
method from TObject. root 5 ic-gtWrite() Error
Can't call IClassWrite()
58A Class From a Shared Library
Step 1 define your class as a descendent of
TObject and write the implementation. SClass.h in
clude ltiostream.hgt include "TObject.h" class
SClass public TObject
59A Class From a Shared Library
- Step 2
- ClassDef(ClassName,ClassVersionID)
- At the end of the class definition
- ClassImp(ClassName)
- At the beginning of the implementation file
60ClassDef and ClassImp
- ClassDef and ClassImp needed for Object I/O
- These macros can automatically create
- Streamer method needed for writing to ROOT files
and Trees. - ShowMembers()
- gtgt operator overload
61The LinkDef file
- Step 3
- create a LinkDef.h file
- ifdef __CINT__
- pragma link off all globals
- pragma link off all classes
- pragma link off all functions
- pragma link C class SClass
- endif
62The LinkDef Options
- "-" do not generate a streamer.
- pragma link C class SClass-
- Use for objects with customized streamers
- "!" do not generate the operator gtgt
- pragma link C class SClass-!
- Use for classes not inheriting from TObject.
- "" use the byte count check
- pragma link C class SClass
- !! In ROOT 3 the "" turns on the new ROOT IO.
63Makefile and rootcint
- Step 4
- Write a Makefile and call rootcint to add your
class to the dictionary - SClassDict.cxx SClass.h LinkDef.h
- (ROOTSYS)/bin/rootcint -f SClassDict.cxx -c
SClass.h LinkDef.h
- LinkDef.h must be the last argument on the
rootcint command line. - The LinkDef file name MUST contain the string
- LinkDef.h or linkdef.h, i.e. NA49_LinkDef.h is
fine just like, mylinkdef.h.
65Compile and Load
- Compile the class using the Makefile
- gmake f Makefile.sgikcc
- Load the shared library
- root 0 .L SClass.so
- root 1 SClass sc new SClass()
- root 2 TFile f new TFile("Afile.root",
"UPDATE") - root 3 sc-gtWrite()
66Adding Your Class With ACLiC
- Step 1 define your class
- include "TObject.h"
- class ABC public TObject
- public
- Float_t a,b,c,p
- ABC()a(0),b(0),c(0),p(0)
- ClassDef(ABC,1)
- if !defined(__CINT__) // conditional
- ClassImp(ABC)
- endif
67Adding Your Class With ACLiC
- Step 2 Load the ABC class in the script.
- Check if ABC is already loaded
- if (!TClassTableGetDict("ABC"))
- gSystem-gtCompileMacro("ABCClass.C")
- Use the Class
- ABC v new ABC
- v-gtp (sqrt((v-gta v-gta)
- (v-gtb v-gtb)(v-gtc v-gtc)))
68Adding Your Class With ACLiC
- Step 3 Run ABCWriteClass.C
- root0 .X ABCWriteClass.C
69Summary How Add your own Class
- From the Interpreter
- As a Shared Library
- With ACLiC
70Wrap Up
- Questions ?
- Feedback Forms
- Vote on importance of subject (no recounts)
- http//www-pat.fnal.gov/root/class/survey/vote.htm
l - More information
- http//www-pat.fnal.gov/root/
- http//root.cern.ch
- roottalk_at_root.cern.ch
- about-root_at_fnal.gov
- http//ods.fnal.gov/ods/root-eval
71ROOT User's Workshop
- Fermilab
- June 13-15, 2001
- http//patwww/root/root2001/
72Solutions to the Exercises
- http//patwww.fnal.gov/root/class/solutions.htm