Title: Alias-Free Shadow Maps
1Alias-Free Shadow Maps
- Timo Aila
- Samuli Laine
- Helsinki University of Technology
- Brief intro to shadow mapping
- positive/negative features
- what is the fundamental problem?
- Our solution
- properties, performance
- Future work
- QA
3Shadow maps Williams78
- Widely used
- Simple
- General (anything that can be rasterized)
- Aliasing artifacts
4Aliasing resolution issues
Sen et al. 2003
5Aliasing incorrect self-shadowing
6Step 1. From light source
- Compute a shadow map(z-buffer)
- Dots are sampling points
- depth known only at these points
7Step 2. From camera
- Samples vs. pixels
- Project each visible sample to light source
- Determine shadow term using shadow map
8Shadow map sampling points
Points where the depth is computed/known
Points where the depth is queried
9Idea why not do it right?
- Project screen-space samples to image plane of
light source - Rasterize blocker geometry using them as sampling
points - Depth known at correct positions ?
- same result as shadow rays
- Q How to rasterize using irregular sampling
11Rasterization depth test
- Test if sampling point covered
- we use edge functions Pineda88
- Depth test
- Lets make it practical!
- hierarchical processing of sampling points
- we use axis-aligned 2D BSP
- Resolution issues disappear
- Bias term independent of scene
- Semi-transparent shadow receivers
- simply transform multiple samples per pixel
- Semi-transparent shadow casters
- can modulate the RGB color of shadows
13Performance (1/2)
- Scalability random triangles _at_ 1024x768
- transformation of samples 130ms
- BSP construction 400ms
- rasterization
- 1K 10K 100K 1M
- 145ms 381ms 1568ms 8102ms
14Performance (2/2)
- 2.9M semi-transparent shadow casting tris _at_
1536x1088 12.6s/frame - Plenty of room for optimizations
15Future work
- GPU implementation
- are HW modifications needed?
- many options, probably not BSP
- Soft shadows
- Smoothies Penumbra maps should work
- soft shadow volumes with shadow maps?
- new physically-based methods?
- Applications in ray tracing?
16Concurrent work
The Irregular Z-Buffer and its Application to
Shadow Mapping, Gregory S. Johnson, William R.
Mark, and Christopher A. Burns, The University of
Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences.
Technical Report TR-04-09, April, 2004.
- Same core idea
- Different implementation
- Propose hardware modifications
17Thank you!
- Questions?
- Acknowledgements
- 3DR group at Helsinki University of Tech.
- Jukka Arvo, Ville Miettinen, Tim Weyrich
- The National Technology Agency of Finland,
Bitboys, Hybrid Graphics, Nokia, Remedy