Title: Sample Models of Computation
1Chapter 7
- Sample Models of Computation
- Everything we have been discussing is about
algorithms the concepts, the correctness, the
implementation, etc. - We now discuss the other side of the story. We
will show that there are some problems that no
computer can solve. - Models are very important to help our
understanding of various objects and their
behaviors. A model must capture the essence, and
the important properties of the real thing, while
suppressing the unnecessary details. - A model could be either physical, like a model
car, or mathematical (we can use an equation to
model the driving distance of a vehicle).
3Models of Computation
- There are problems that do not have any
algorithmic solution - (not the same as saying that there are problems
for which no algorithmic solution has yet been
found, but for which such a solution may exist,
if we were sufficiently clever to discover it) - April 1984, TIME magazine
- Put the right kind of software into a
computer, and it will do whatever you want it to.
There may be limits on what you can do with the
machines themselves, but there are no limits on
what you can do with software.
4Models of Computation cont,
- The algorithmic problems we wish to discuss are
such that no amount of money, time or brains will
suffice to yield solutions. - We still require and/or can give
- termination for each legal input even allowing
any amount of time (algorithm can take as long as
it wishes on each input, but it must eventually
stop and produce desired output) - algorithm can be given any amount of memory it
asks for
5Model of Computing Agent
- Central Features
- a computing agent must be able to follow the
instructions in an algorithm - notwithstanding the format of the instructions, a
computing agent must be able to read them, decode
them, ask for and use pertinent data - a computing agent must be able to act according
to instructions - a computing agent carries out an algorithm
reacting both to input and to the present
state - a computing agent is expected to produce output
the outcome of an algorithm must be an observable
6Finite State Machine
- Simple processes can be modelled by a Finite
State Machine - Components
A state, a stage in the processing
A transition between two states. Controlled by
the a particular event, or input character
The starting state
The ending state
7Finite State Machine
- Simple FSM for a turnstyle
- Gate is opened by token (no need to worry about
exact amounts/change) - Passing through the gate locks it for the next
person - Note that there is no start state and no stop
(halt) state for this FSM
8Finite State Machine
- A simple FSM for a vending machine.
- Machine accepts nickels, dimes and quarters only
- Exact amount (35c in this case) must be tendered
9Defining Syntax
- Syntax rules for constructing, e.g., programs
in a particular language - Most programming language syntax can be defined
as a Context Free Grammer (CFG) - Various ways of representing syntax
- Easiest, most common is BNF (Backus-Naur Form)
- A very useful skill for any computer technologist
to acquire
10BNF The Basics
- A CFG definition consists of
- Set of Terminal Symbols elementary symbols
permitted in the language, keywords, constants,
etc. - Set of Nonterminals linguistic constructs
- A set of Productions
- Left side consisting of a single nonterminal
- Right side consisting of a sequence of zero or
more terminals or nonterminals - A single Starting Nonterminal representing the
main construct of the language
11BNF The Basics
- Notation
- Non-terminals written inside angle-brackets lt and
gt - Exclusive or written as
- Production rules written as
- Empty string written as ltemptygt
- Example A School Week
- ltWeekgt ltDaygt ltWeekgt ltemptygt
- ltDaygt ltSessiongt ltDaygt
- ltSessiongt ltClassroomgt ltLabgt ltFreegt
12BNF The Basics
- Extended BNF
- Non-terminals written as words, no lt or gt
- Exclusive or written as
- Production rules written as
- ( ) used for grouping
- ... a sequence of 0 or more occurrences of
the construct - ... an optional construct
- The School Week again
- Week Day
- Day Session
- Session Class Lab Free
- Arithmetic expressions e.g. 2 3 5 occur
in virtually all programming languages - A BNF description of expressions
- ltexprgt ltexprgt lttermgt ltexprgt -
lttermgt lttermgt - lttermgt lttermgt ltfactgt lttermgt / ltfactgt
ltfactgt - ltfactgt ltnumbergt ( ltexprgt )
- The BNF captures the precedence of multiplication
and division over addition and subtraction
14Parse Trees
- A Parse Tree is created by a compiler using the
syntax definition - It can be used to generate code or to evaluate
expressions - 2 3 5
- ltexprgt
- / \
- / \
- ltexprgt lttermgt
- / \
- lttermgt lttermgt ltfactgt
- ltfactgt ltfactgt ltnumbergt
- ltnumbergt ltnumbergt
- 2 3 5
15Turing Machine
- The Turing machine is the primary model for a
computing agent. - It consists of
- a tape extending infinitely in both directions
that is divided into cells - each cell being able
to hold one symbol - a read/write head that can read and write the
contents on one cell. The read/write head can
move one cell to the left or one cell to the
right. - a set of internal states
16Turing Machine
- It should be pointed out that a Turing
machine is a "finite state" device - Has a finite number of cells on the tape that are
not blank, - it can only read and write a finite set of
symbols on the tape - it can only assume one of a finite number of
internal states.
17Turing Machine Instructions
- Usually denoted by a 5-tuple
- (current state, read symbol, next state, write
symbol, direction of move) - e.g. (1, 0, 1, 2, R)
- NOTE Output and next state depend on current
input and the present state - Some versions allow either a move or a write
symbol, but there is no loss of generality either
18Turning Machine
- Is a TM an appropriate model for a computing
agent? - Can accept input
- Can store information in and retrieve it from
memory - Can take actions according to algorithm
instructions action taken depends on present
state and input item being processed - Can produce output
19Other considerations
- What if there is more than one instruction that
applies to the current configuration of (current
state, current symbol)? - What if there is no instruction that applies to
the current configuration of (current state,
current symbol)? - What is the initial configuration?
- By convention, a turing machine
- starts at leftmost non-blank character on the
tape, in state 1 - halts in state 2 (put another way, state 2 is the
halt state) - cannot move left from start without crashing
20Algorithm vs. TM
- An algorithm is a collection of instructions for
a computing agent to follow. - If a Turing machine is a good model of a
computing agent, then instructions for a Turing
machine can be a model for an algorithm. - Properties of an Algorithm
- be a well-ordered collection
- consist of unambiguous and effectively computable
operations - halt in a finite amount of time
- produce a result / output
21An Example
- Assume we have the following instructions (H
stands for the halt state) - (1, _, 1, _, R)
- (1, 1, 3, 0, R)
- (1, 0, 3, 1, R)
- (3, 0, 3, 1, R)
- (3, 1, 3, 0, R)
- (3, _, H, _, L)
- And the following tape (input) to begin with
22Example cont.
- We will have the following execution
23Example continued
- The previous TM accepts any binary string as an
input and produces the complement of the string
as the output, when it halts. - This qualifies as a model for computing agents.
- TM is actually more powerful than a real computer
in the sense that there is no limit to its memory
24A FSM Diagram
- Is a visual representation of a TM algorithm
- Consists of
- Circles indicating states
- Arrows representing the transitions
- From every state there must have at least 2
labels for each edges one for the input and one
for the output - An optional direction, may be applied to each edge
25Example Unary Addition
- Alphabet 0, 1 (regular grammar)
- Construct the state transition diagram for a
unary addition machine. - Two numbers are represented as strings of 1s with
(any number of) blanks in between and an
afterwards (this is to make the machine simpler,
it is not necessary) - input 1 1 1 1 1 b b b 1 1 1
- output 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
26Unary Addition Machine
27Example Binary Incrementing
- Alphabet 0, 1 (regular grammar)
- Construct the state transition diagram for a
binary incrementing (adds 1) machine. - Number is represented as strings of 1s with a
space marking the end - input 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 output 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 - input 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 output 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
0 - The key to working out this TM is the realisation
that the number ends with either a series (1 or
more) or zeros or a series of 1s. - Ends with 0 simply replace the 0 with a 1
- Ends with 1 work left, replacing 1 with 0 until
a 1 is found, replace that 1 with a 0
28Binary Incrementer FSM
29TM instructions
- A Turing Machine does not always halt
- Basically any input on the tape gives one of
three situations - The TM accepts the input (halts)
- The TM rejects the input (stops in a non-halt
state) - The TM does not stop, it loops
- The unary add machine we just saw will loop if we
omit the from the input
30Church-Turing Thesis
- If there is an algorithm to do a symbol
manipulation task, then there is a Turing machine
to do that task. - This implies that Turing machines define the
limits of computability - Thus if we can find a symbol manipulation problem
for which we can prove that no Turing machine
exists to solve it, then no algorithm exists, and
thus the problem is uncomputable.
31The Halting Problem
- Given any collection of Turing machine
instructions together with any initial tape
contents, whether that Turing machine will never
halt if started on that tape - This is an uncomputable problem no Turing
machine exists to solve this problem
32Example Algorithm A
- while x ! 1
- x x 2
- legal input set of positive integers (1,2,)
- Algorithm A will halt for ODD inputs, and will
run forever for EVEN numbers - Trivial to decide!
33Example Algorithm B
- while x ! 1
- if x 2 0
- x x/2
- else
- x 3x1
- Algorithm B has been tested on many positive
integers and has always terminated. - No one has been able to prove that it will
always terminate.
Try x 7 sequence of x is 7,22,11,34,17,52,26,13
34Unsolvability of the Halting Problem
- Assume that P is a TM that takes as input the
encoding of T of a TM T and an input t for that
TM and that solves the halting problem. In
particular, P always halts and its outputs are
35Unsolvability of the Halting Problem
- Use P to build a TM Q that takes as input the
encoding T of a TM T and input t for that TM and
that halts exactly when P outputs 0. The result
of executing Q is
36Unsolvability of the Halting Problem
- Finally, use Q to build a TM S that takes as
input the encoding T of a TM T, makes a copy of
T and feeds (T,T) to Q. The result of running
S is
37Unsolvability of the Halting Problem
- What happens when S is given S as input?
This table embodies a contradiction. We must
conclude that P does not exist and that the
Halting Problem is unsolvable.
38Other Unsolvable Problems
- Given a TM T, determine whether it ever halts on
any input. - Given two TM, T1 and T2, determine whether they
solve he same problem. - Given a formal logical statement about algebra,
determine whether it is a theorem or not. - A variety of puzzles that involve tiling the
39Sphere of algorithmic problems
Problems admitting no algorithms at all
Problems admitting reasonable (polynomial-time)
Problems admitting no reasonable algorithm
40What are the consequences?
- A computer scientists, we must recognize that
there are many things we cannot do. - No program in any language can be written to
decide whether any given program always stops
eventually no matter what the input - No program can be written to decide whether any
two programs are equivalent (i.e. will produce
the same output for all inputs) - No program can be written to decide whether any
given program on any given input will ever
produce some specific output - (Last case equivalent to stating that it is
impossible to write a general tester program.) - Finally, note that it may be the generality of
such tasks which is making life difficult
41Research on undecidable Problems
- the pessimistic part of algorithm design and
analysis - important to remember that when trying to solve
an algorithmic problem there is always the chance
that it might not be solvable at all, or it might
not admit any practically acceptable solution - IN principle intractable and tractable problems
appear to have a solution - IN practice only tractable problems appear to
have a solution
- Only in a limited number of cases can we
construct an equivalent FSM for a given TM. - We can only if the TM
- Does not rewrite characters on the tape
- Moves in only one direction