Course Overview Topic 3

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Course Overview Topic 3


The business rules which concern the project are atomic - that is, they cannot ... e-commerce (car rental, online shop, ...) 5. Examples of BRs in e-Commerce (1) 6 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Course Overview Topic 3

Course Overview - Topic 3
  • Business Rules (BRs)
  • Introduction to BRs
  • Developing BRs
  • Hands on Developing BRs
  • Integrating BRs and OO Programs with AOP
  • Hands on Integrating BRs with JAsCo
  • María Agustina Cibrán
  • Maja DHondt

In this Course
  • defining BRs at conceptual level
  • developing BRs analysis
  • developing BRs design and implementation
  • different kinds of implementation/representation
    approaches for BRs

What Are BRs?
  • Business Rule Group
  • A business rule is a statement that defines or
    constrains some aspect of the business. It is
    intended to assert business structure or to
    control or influence the behavior of the
    business. The business rules which concern the
    project are atomic - that is, they cannot be
    broken down further.
  • ? business rules represent decisions, advice,
    recommendations, policies, preferences,

Where Do We Find BRs?
  • many domains and businesses...
  • insurance (health, travel, car, ) claims
    processing, billing,
  • banking loan recommendation, fraud detection,
    personalised investments, customer relationships
  • manufacturing resource optimization, inventory
    management, order fulfillment, logistical costs,
    coordination between manufacturing and the supply
  • government compliance with legislation and
  • e-commerce (car rental, online shop, )

Examples of BRs in e-Commerce (1)
Examples of BRs in e-Commerce (2)
  • recommendations
  • availabilities of products
  • delivery rates
  • delivery restrictions
  • lead time to place an order
  • refunds
  • returns
  • cancelling orders
  • creditworthiness, trustworthiness, and

Kinds of BRs
Book on BRs Business Rules Applied by Barbara
von Halle and Defining Business Rules by the
Business Rule Group
  • terms
  • concepts, e.g. customer
  • property of concept, e.g. status of customer
  • constant, e.g. female
  • facts
  • connect terms, e.g. status of customer is gold
  • rules
  • discover new information
  • decide to take action

Classification of Rules
At a business event, rules may be injected to
control its execution.
constrains information
enables other action
creates new information
action enabler rules
  • constraints A constraint is a mandatory
    restriction on a business event, e.g.
  • a customer must not purchase more than 25
    products at one time
  • guidelines A guideline expresses a warning about
    a business event, e.g.
  • a customer should not have more than 10 open
    orders at one time

Action Enablers
  • An action enabler rule checks conditions at a
    business event and upon finding them true
    performs an action
  • IF ltrelationgt(ltterm1gt,,termpgt) AND
  • THEN ltactiongt
  • if the status of a customer is gold, then give a
    15 discount on his or her order

  • An inference checks conditions at a business
    event and upon finding them true establishes the
    truth of a new fact
  • IF ltrelationgt(ltterm1gt,,termpgt) AND
  • THEN ltrelationgt(ltterm1gt,,termqgt)
  • if a customer has purchased for more than 1000
    then he or she is a gold customer

  • A computation provides a calculation on numeric
    data for arriving at a value for a term
  • lttermgt IS COMPUTED AS ltformulagt
  • the total price of an order IS COMPUTED BY
    subtracting a 15 discount from the subtotal

BRs Development Cycle
  • discovery business conversation piece
  • may not be relevant, atomic, declarative,
    reliable, precise, complete, unique, consistent
  • ? natural language version
  • is relevant, atomic, declarative, reliable
  • but may not be precise, complete, unique,
  • analysis rule specification language version
  • relevant, atomic, declarative, reliable, precise,
    complete, reliable, unique, consistent
  • design depends on implementation medium
  • implementation executable

BRs Development Criteria
  • separate BRs from data and process
  • do not put them in the database tier
  • do not put them in the application tier
  • do not put them in user interface tier
  • ? put them in separate BRs Layer
  • in all phases of development cycle !
  • Note that BRs can still be represented in DBMS
    or object-oriented language!!!

Analysis of BRs
  • make each rule atomic
  • remove redundant or overlapping rules
  • resolve inconsistencies among rules

Atomic Rules
  • each rule should represent one complete thought,
    so should not be decomposable
  • do not allow ANDs in the conclusion of action
    enablers and inference rules, nor in constraints
    and guidelines, but decompose them into separate
  • only allow minimal conditions
  • do not allow ORs in the condition of action
    enablers and inference rules, but decompose them
    into separate rules

Unique Rules
  • rules should be truly distinct and the rule set
  • look for rules that enable a common action or
    infer the same information, and resolve them
  • look for rules that have conditions in common and
    make sure that their conclusions are distinct

Consistent Rules
  • rules are inconsistent if
  • they have equivalent conditions but contradictory
  • they have equivalent conclusions but
    contradictory conditions

Design of BRs
  • design of BRs depends on implementation medium of
    the BRs
  • data-change-oriented systems
  • service-oriented systems
  • DBMS
  • rule management tools
  • rule object patterns
  • Whatever the implementation medium, BRs
  • should be represented separately and explicitly!
  • Rule-Based
  • System

? Object-Oriented ? Programming Language
Rule Object Pattern
  • BRs explicitly represented as objects rule
  • BRs are separated from other application
  • BRs are activated from other objects by sending
    messages to rule objects
  • patterns are used to structure more sophisticated

Simple Rule Object Pattern
applyRule(Object o) if assessor.evaluate(o)
then action.perform(o)
Simple Rule Object with Properties
applyRule(Dictionary d) if
assessor.evaluate(d) then
Composite Assessors and Actions
Composite Rule Object
Rule Combination Strategies
Pros and Cons of Rule Objects
  • no extra technology or language needed, just
    object-oriented programming language
  • rules are easily activated by sending messages
  • objects are not suitable abstraction for rules
  • rule execution is naïve and not optimised
  • rule combination is also expressed in objects and
    explicitly implemented

Rule Management Tools
  • layer on top of object-oriented language for
    expressing rules more explicitly in IF THEN
  • rules are executed in object-oriented language
  • examples Business Rule Beans from IBM, OptimalJ

  • rules are implemented as stored procedures or as
    triggers or other DBMS-specific features
  • rules are fired when transactions occur on data
    to which the rules are related, e.g if a new row
    is added to the Customer table then all rules
    related to this table are triggered
  • not discussed in this course

Pros and Cons of Rules in DBMS
  • no extra technology or language needed, just DBMS
  • rules are easily activated by triggers or stored
  • rules are hidden in DBMS, not reusable in other
    applications with other DBMSs
  • rule execution is naïve and not optimised
  • rule combination is also expressed in DBMS and
    explicitly implemented

Service-Oriented vs Data-Change-Oriented
  • rule objects are activated when certain event
    occurs in application functionality
  • ? service-oriented
  • rules in DBMS are activated when certain data is
    created, changed or deleted
  • ? data-change-oriented

Rule-Based Systems (1)
  • an explicit construct is provided in the rule
    language for representing each rule - also
    referred to as a rule
  • typically, rule have the IF THEN format
  • rules use data in conditions and conclusions (or
  • a rule engine selects applicable rules and fires
    (activates) them

Rule-Based Systems (2)
  • support for combination of rules is provided
  • assigning priorities to rules
  • meta-rules for specifying combination strategies
  • built-in strategies in rule engine
  • typically tools are provided for expressing rules
    in structured natural language, which is
    automatically transformed to rules in the rule

Data-Change-Oriented Rule Systems (1)
  • design and implementation are data-centric
  • first define data or object model
  • then attach rules to data or objects
  • rules refer to and manipulate data or objects
  • execution is also data-centric
  • if data or objects are changed by running
    application or in conclusions (actions) of rules,
    then rule engine fires attached rules
  • this can again result in data changes, which
    again activates the rule engine

Data-Change-Oriented Rule Systems (2)
examples Versata, USoft, R,
Data-Change-Oriented Rule Systems (3)
  • sequence in which rules are executed is
    determined by sequence in which information is
    processed by the application, because
    user-application interactions correlate to data
    changes and with which rules are associated
  • use data-change-oriented rule system when
    business event
  • has short life cycle input - few interactions -
    database update
  • is data-intensive

Service-Oriented Rule Systems (1)
  • design and implementation are process-centric
  • determine places in process or application
    functionality where rules are activated
  • object model is only used to communicate data to
    the rules
  • execution is also process-centric
  • rule set is activated when certain object
    behaviour is being executed in method
  • rule engine determines applicable rules in rule
    set and activates them, this can result in or
    require other rules being activated

Service-Oriented Rule Systems (2)
Service-Oriented Rule Systems(3)
  • examples
  • based on production rules OPSJ, JRules,
    QuickRules, Eclipse (Haley), Blaze, Jess,
  • based on Prolog SOUL, NéOpus, K-Prolog,
    B-Prolog, Prolog Café, Jinni, InterProlog,

Service-Oriented Rule Systems (4)
  • rules are executed upon request by a running
    application, not because it changes data
  • data is passed to the rule system
  • sequence in which rules are executed is
    determined by the rule engine
  • use service-oriented rule system when business
  • represents entire sub task of application
  • is rule-intensive

Conclusions (1)
  • there are a few books on methodologies for
    developing object-oriented applications with
    explicit BRs (discovery, analysis, design,
    implementation, evolution, )
  • there are MANY different representations for BRs
    (design patterns, OO tools, DBMS, rule-based
    systems) ? decide which one is suitable for kind
    of BRs in application

Conclusions (2)
  • all representation approaches try to separate BRs
    from the application functionality, typically
    implemented in object-oriented language
  • BUT in service-oriented approaches (rule
    objects, service-oriented rule systems) there is
    integration code TANGLED in the application
    functionality ? ASPECTS (see next course)

  • low-tech approach implement BRs as rule objects
  • exercise in object-oriented programming, design
    patterns and Java
  • next exercises integrate rule objects with
    e-commerce application using JAsCo
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