Title: Enterprise Fellowships Phase III 20082013
1Enterprise Fellowships Phase III2008-2013
- Dr Clive Reeves
- Innovation and Commercialisation
- Scottish Enterprise
2The opportunity Are you a researcher with a
science and technology based business idea? an
interest in building a successful company? the
energy and motivation to help the business reach
its potential? If so we may be able to help
3The Enterprise Fellowship Programme Provides
support to researchers with entrepreneurial
ambition by providing 12 months of salary
support Hosting support costs (usually Fellows
are hosted by an academic institution) Business
Training Business Mentors Access to
professional financial/entrepreneurial
networks Business Development funding (5k-10k)
4- Programme has a strong record of success
- It has operated over the past 10 years and
supported 76 awards - An Independent Review in 2007 carried out by
- ErnstYoung and Oxford Economics has reported
- More than 44 high technology businesses formed
- Of which 34 have raised a total of gt70m
follow-on investment - More than 220 staff employed across these
businesses. - Average growth of turn-over is 53 year on year.
5If you are interested Scottish Enterprise and
the Royal Society of Edinburgh have funding for
up to 60 awards over the next five years. Awards
are granted based on a competition process with
the next awards available to start in October
2008. Timeline Closing date for written
applications 6th June 08 Interviews 24th
June 08 Award decisions July 08 Award
commencement Oct 08 Further details http//www.