Title: Mobile learning and accessibility
1Mobile learning and accessibility
2How does mLearning compare with traditional
3mLearning is evil
- The keys are too small
- The screen is too small
- The fonts are too small
- The fonts are the wrong colour
- The navigation is difficult
- The software is poor
- Your learners get sterilised by microwaves
4User experience - 1
5User experience - 2
6Traditional learning is evil
- The resources are too bulky
- The activities are too limited
- The content is too narrow
- The navigation is difficult
- The work is too individualised
- Learning is too compartmentalised
- The medium is too sterile
7User experience - 3
8How does your approach influence your impacts?
9Top down mobile learning
Invest significant money
Buy significant kit
Require significant training
Develop significant protocols
Significantly adapt teaching approaches
Manage significant investment
10Top down mobile
Energy and effort
Finance procurement
Project management
IT support
11Bottom up mobile learning
Identify pedagogical advantage
Show staff how to do simple thing well
Support development time creatively
Support technical team as consultants
Incorporate resources into assessment
Involve learners as co-explorers
12Bottom up mobile
Energy and effort
Tutor / learner
Project management
Technical support
13Death by.
- Handout
- Whiteboard
- PowerPoint
- Podcast
- Vodcast
- Video etc
Learner experience
14How does mLearning support inclusive learning?
15mLearning offers resources that are..
- Portable
- Present
- Personal
- Private
- Preferred
- all accessed via Personal technologies
16Existing resources can be available in new ways.
Web pages
Slide show
Flash cards
Number crunchers
17How to do it
18(No Transcript)
19Implications for supporting disabled learners
20Straining at the leash
- Do I need a notetaker if the key points of the
lesson are on the VLE and now on my phone? - Do I need a scribe if I can record audio and
photographic evidence in its place? - How can they help me when they think BlueTooth is
a sheep disease?
21More information
- JISC TechDis Upwardly Mobile guidance
- http//www.techdis.ac.uk/upwardlymobile
- LSN GoMobile! Publication
- http//tinyurl.com/LSN-GoMobile
- MoleShare
- www.learningtechnologies.ac.uk/moleshare/
- NIACE Mobile technology, the handheld choice
- http//www.niace.org.uk/mobiletechnology/
22A bit of inspiration from Yorkshire and