Intro to Economics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intro to Economics


Consumers use market bargaining when they decide what to buy. ... Cars, movie studios. Jeans, books. Wheat, shares of stock. Examples. Complete. High. Low ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intro to Economics

Intro to Economics
Initial Questions
  • List 10 items in your life that are scarce.
  • Where does your money come from?
  • How does where it comes from impact what you do
    with it?

Four Laws of Scarcity
  • 1) In order for something to be scarce, people
    must first want it.
  • 2) In order for something to be scarce, some
    people who want it must be unable to get it.
  • 3) What is scarce is different at different
    times and in different places.
  • 4) Scarcity also involves choosing among a
    variety of uses for a particular resource.

Defining Economics
  • Economics
  • the study of human efforts to satisfy what
    appears to be unlimited and competing wants
    through the use of scarce resources.
  • (The science of decision making)

Four Factors of Production
  • Land- All resources found in nature
  • Ex. deserts, fields, cattle.
  • Labor- People with all their efforts and
    abilities excluding entrepreneurs that contribute
    to the production of goods and services.
  • Ex. factory worker
  • Capital- The tools equipment and factories used
    in the production of goods and services.
  • Ex. Bulldozer, School
  • Entrepreneurial Ability- Special Talent to
    innovate and take advantage of business
  • Ex. Manager at McDonalds

  • Resources are what people use to make the things
    that satisfy their needs and wants
  • The three kinds of resources are
  • Natural resources
  • People made resources
  • Human resources

The Three Kinds of Resources
  • Natural resources include air, water, land
    plants, animals, minerals and other raw
    materials. They are also known as land resources
  • People-made resources include tools, factories,
    machinery and even computers. They are also know
    as capital resources or capital goods
  • Human resources include the work that people can
    do, their energy, their ideas, their training and
    their skills also called labor resources

Economics deals with
  • Description- what we produce, who gets how much?
  • Analysis- why are we producing?
  • Explanation- communicating the how of economic
    activity to others.
  • Prediction- anticipating likely consequences of
    different courses of action.

Fallacy of Composition
  • What is true for the individual may not be true
    for the whole.

Causation Fallacy
  • What you think causes something may not actually
    be the cause.
  • Causation/correlation

The Two Branches of Economics
  • Micro- examines choices of individuals concerning
    one product, firm or industry.
  • Ex. How one person deals with gas prices.
  • Macro-examines behavior of whole economy at once.
  • Ex. How the Government deals with higher gas
  • Trade, Unemployment.

Three Basic Questions
  • What to Produce?
  • How to Produce?
  • For whom to Produce?

Fundamental Economic Problem
  • SCARCITY-peoples wants and need are unlimited
    while the resources needed to produce the goods
    and services to meet the wants and needs are
  • Need- basic requirement for survival (food)
  • Want- means of expressing a need (Choosing
    Dominos Pizza)

  • Physical needs are things that are necessary for
  • Ex. food, clothing and shelter
  • Collective needs are the things groups of people
  • Ex. water and sewer systems and fire and police
  • Satisfying collective needs improves peoples
    quality of life Remember SimCity?

  • Psychological wants When people want things
    that will make them happy or give them greater
    comfort of body and mind, we call these wants.
  • What people want depends on when and where they

Opportunity Cost
  • The cost of the next best alternative use of
    money, time, or resources when one choice is made
    rather than another.
  • Opportunity costs are not the same for everyone.
  • There is no such thing as a free lunch!

Economic Systems
  • Method used by a society to produce and
    distribute goods.
  • Traditional Economy-relies on custom or ritual to
    answer the three questions.
  • Low standard of living, little chance for change
    or innovation.

  • Market Economy-decisions are made by free markets
  • Command Economy-government is in command of the
    economy and decides how to answer the three
  • Traditional Economy

Adam Smith
  • Scottish Philosopher-(1723-1790)
  • The Wealth of Nations
  • Focus on productivity
  • Restricting the role of government
  • Laissez faire, Let them do as they please.
  • Invisible Hand- self regulation of the market
    through competition

  • Smith showed that what a nation produces, called
    its output depends mostly on the skills of its
    workers or, in other works, a nations wealth is
    created by the sum total of the labor of its
  • Output is used to satisfy the nations wants in
    two ways
  • 1) Some things are used directly by the nations
  • 2) Other things can be sold to buy goods from
    other nations

Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Advantages- Efficiency, individual freedom,
    flexibility (system can change to fit the needs
    of society)
  • Disadvantages- Winners and Losers in a
    competitive market, some are ignored, unfair
    world, sometimes very unstable (Great Depression).

  • System of economics and politics by which the
    factors of production are owned by the
  • Marx and Engels (1848) The Communist Manifesto
  • Advantages- Worker security, public goods are
    provided for, communal society (reaction to
    capitalism)-workers are not taken advantage of.

The Industrial Revolution
  • Socialism developed largely in reaction to the
    poverty and other hardships that accompanied the
    Industrial Revolution.
  • Karl Marx
  • Karl Marxs theories, mostly worked on with
    Friedrich Engels, criticized capitalism.
  • To Marx, the proletariatthe workerswere being
    so badly abused by the bourgeoisie the
    capitaliststhat they were certain to rise up and
    overthrow the capitalistic system.
  • Socialists vs. Communists
  • The socialist movement was split during the
    nineteenth century those who believed socialism
    could only be attained by a violent revolution
    became communists, and those who believed
    democratic processes could be used became todays
    modern socialists.

Marxs Theory in Action
  • 1. Marxs view of history
  • To Marx, all of history was a struggle between
    social classes competing for control of
    productive property.
  • 2. The Labor Theory of Value
  • In Marxs view, the value of a commodity was set
    by the amount of labor put into it.
  • 3. The Nature of the State
  • Marx saw the state and its government as tools by
    which the capitalists maintained their order and
  • 4. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat
  • Marx did not believe a free, classless society
    would initially be formed, but rather, in the
    transition an authoritarian state would represent
    and enforce the interest of the masses.

Some Communist Nations
  • China
  • When Mao Zedong took control of China in 1949,
    the country developed its own version of central
  • The Chinese economy today, however, has evolved
    into a mix of state-controlled enterprises and a
    growing class of private enterprises.

  • Cuba
  • Fidel Castro led a revolution in Cuba in 1959 to
    overthrow a corrupt government. In 1961, Castro
    declared himself a Marxist and the country became
    communist in nature.

  • North Korea and Friends
  • North Korea is one of the few remaining communist
    countries in the world.
  • Communism also spread in the Southeast Asian
    countries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia during
    the mid-1970s.

Disadvantages of Communism
  • Lack of individual freedom
  • Same money no matter how hard you work (few
  • Inefficiency of Central Planning
  • (cant control everything)

  • Government owns some resources and determines
    what is produced.
  • (Offshoot of Communism)
  • In between capitalism and communism.
  • Advantages-allows the workers greater security
    and public goods than capitalism.
  • Disadvantages-lack of efficiency, people cannot
    pursue their special interests without government
    permission in most cases.

To Summarize Economic Systems
Economic Conflict
  • Economic decisions are based on values beliefs,
    and opinions as well as on facts.
  • The decision in any one case depends on who makes
    the decision and what is important to the
    decision maker.
  • Because economic decisions are based on values,
    beliefs and opinions, these decisions often
    involve conflict between the people who control
    resources and those who have no control over
  • Economic choices are made by consumers, by
    business and industry and by governments

Settling Economic Conflicts
  • The two ways that economic conflicts may be
  • Market bargaining
  • Government actions

Market Bargaining
  • Market Bargaining refers to the way economic
    conflicts are settled by the way people buy and
    sell goods and services
  • Consumers use market bargaining when they decide
    what to buy.
  • Workers use market bargaining when they decide
    where they want to work
  • Businesses use market bargaining when they decide
    on a price

Government Actions
  • Government Actions are when state and federal
    lawmakers make rules for many economic decisions
  • Example Minimum wage law
  • Property and contracts settled in court
  • Constitution protects the right to own property

The PPC or PPF
  • Production Possibilities Curve
  • Production Possibilities Frontier
  • A curve depicting all maximum output
    possibilities of two or more goods given a set of
    inputs (resources, labor, etc.).
  • For example, in the second diagram, the decision
    to increase the production of computers from 5 to
    6 (from point Q to point R) requires a minimum
    loss of food output. However, the decision to add
    a tenth computer (from point T to point V) has a
    much more substantial opportunity cost.

Assumes that Resources are fully employed
  • Attainable vs. Unattainable Points are shown

  • A total increase in technology would cause the
    curve to move more outward
  • Curve reflects increase in opportunity cost.

Market Structures
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