Title: The Anti-car Movement in Britain
1The Anti-car Movement in Britain Malcolm Heymer
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17Information on Climate Change
www.abd.org.uk/climate_change_truths.htm The
Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change
Environmentalism by Christopher C. Horner The
Chilling Stars by Henrik Svensmark Nigel
Calder The Great Global Warming Swindle DVD from
WAG TV (www.wagtv.com)
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19Economics of the London Congestion Charge
Source Ealing Councillor Phil Taylor
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21CCTV Facts and Figures
There are over 4 million CCTV cameras in Britain
20 per cent of the world total Britain has 1
per cent of the worlds population In a British
city, you can be recorded on a CCTV camera more
than 300 times per day
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23Any society that would give up a little liberty
to gain a little security will deserve neither
and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin
24Manchester 80 of residents and 57 of
businesses say NO MART survey / Gtr Manchester
Chamber of Commerce
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31Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA)
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33The relationship between accidents and vehicle
flows is not a linear one (e.g. see Walmsley and
Summersgill, 1998). For this reason, it is
recommended that roads with very different flow
levels are not studied together.
TRL Published Project Report PPR026
(2004) Accident Analysis on Rural Roads a
technical guide
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35Dont let it happen in America!