Title: Jay Fishbein
1Jay Fishbeins
Thoughts on
2Fellow Spridgeteers, Here are my digital pics
of the people that Clustered with Buster and
Pam. Clustered we did and worked, we did.
3It was great fun. The whole experience of
assembling another Sprite and better than that,
assembling one so quickly is a memory that
everyone present will remember and cherish.
4There were probably 6 people, each of whom could
have done the job alone, but everyone
I have great admiration for those people, as I am
the eternal planner,
5the person that gets lost in the details, and
who long completes the job in my mind before
ever turning a wrench.
It was great to meet all of you cyber-people in
6The Spridget List is such a wonderful resource
and tool to communicate. It is the prototype of
modern car club. Reasonable dues (donations to
Mark. B.), no politics, constant communication
on cars, cats, music, and advanced weaponry,
plus a wealth of technical info.
7Back to the disc. I used the filenames to write
captions for each pic. Unfortunately I didnt
remember everyones name and I apologize in
advance for those I missed.
8Hopefully you have a viewer program of some sort
to view each pic, if not use Windows Explorer
and set your View to Thumbnails. Feel free to
use these pics in any way you like.
9Since I am not in any of these, I am not worried
should one Or more of you decide to use
Paintshop to insert farm animals or anything
10There will be future OSHIT Events for sure, but
the Buster Cluster will not be duplicated.
But that isnt a problem, because they will be
special in other ways.
11Once again, it was a memorable experience
meeting each and every one of you. If you will
ever be in my area of CT, please contact
me. Jay Fishbein Wallingford, CT August 8, 2006