Title: Visual Basic for Applications
1Visual Basic for Applications
- Its all about objects and automation
- Focusing on MS Excel
- ATiB Workshop Fall 2001
2What is VBA?
Its the glue!
- Common programming component shared among MS
Office applications - Also shared with Visual Basic 4.0 and later
- Allows creation and manipulation of application
objects such as spreadsheets, databases,
documents, mail, projects - Facilitates application interoperability
3What does VBA allow you to do?
- Create applications based on MS Office products
- Manipulate objects in object model of various
products - Customize way product appears to others
- Leverage capabilities of pre-built objects in
Limited only by your imagination
4Excel VBA specifically
- Create user defined functions that can be used
like any other spreadsheet function - UDFExamples_Isken.xls
- Automate tedious, routine tasks
- BlueBorder
- Create full-blown applications
- Portfolio Optimization / Web Query example
- Distribute applications to others
5VBA for Modelers by Albright
- First half is very nice Excel VBA primer
- Many concepts transfer to Access and other
applications - Of course, object model is different
- Learning any one flavor of VBA makes learning
others much easier
6Why Learn to Program in VBA?
- Algorithmic thinking important to business
analysis - Business solutions often require some programming
- automation
- user defined functions
- Simple macro languages a thing of the past
- Huge productivity gains possible
- Ability to code is a very valuable skill
- Its fun
7Whats needed from students
- No prior programming experience required
- A logical mindset
- Willingness to experiment and learn
- Plenty of practice
- Perseverance
8VBAGeneral ProgrammingObject Manipulation
Excel VBA Applications
General Programming Concepts
Excel Object Model
9Recording Macros
- Useful for learning VBA
- Really useful for learning details of object
model - A way to start a program
- To use
- start recorder (Tools-Macro-Record New Macro)
- do stuff
- stop recorder (Push the stop button)
- go look/edit code in VBE
- Cant record logic
- Recall the Blue Border example
10Programming with VBA
- Figure out what you logically want to accomplish
- Pseudo-code and/or Flow chart
- Figure out which objects you need to
create/modify/access. - Figure out how to use those objects properties
and methods to do what you want to do. - Hunting through help, common sense, object
browser, record a macro - READ and practice from VBA for Modelers
11Visual Basic Editor
Chaps 3, 13
- Project Explorer
- Code Modules
- Immediate Window
- Object Browser
- Locals
- Watch
- Run, continue, reset
- Single step into, over out
- Breaking out
- Using Breakpoints
- Auto List Members
- Auto Quick Info
Chaps 4, 10
- Subroutines
- Do stuff
- DOESNT return a value
- Takes any number of arguments
- Functions
- Do stuff
- RETURNS a value
- Takes any number of arguments
Sec. 4.3
- Temporary storage of values
- Like algebra
- Can do things like xx1
- Declare variables with Dim
- pick data type for the variable
- first thing you do in a program
- Option Explicit
- forces explicit variable declarations
14Some Data Types
Sec. 4.3
- String for text like Bob Smith
- Integer integers in 32768 to 32768
- Long for bigger integers
- Boolean only True (-1) or False (0)
- Double numbers with decimals
- Currency monetary values
- Date for dates and times
- Object specific versions for each object type
- Variant let VBA decide how to deal with
15Simple Communication with User
Sec. 4.4-4.6
- MsgBox show user message, get button click
response - InputBox get a single value from the user
16Learn to use Online Help
17Control Logic - Condition If Then Else
If some condition Then a statement to be done if
the condition is True OR If some condition Then
a bunch of statements to be done if the
condition is True Else a bunch of
statements to be done if the condition is False
End If
Sec. 7.3
18Control Logic - Looping ForNext, Do WhileLoop
For counter start To stop bunch of
statements to be repeated Next counter
Sec. 7.5-7.7
Do While condition bunch of statements to
be repeated Loop
19The Object Model an analogy
Chaps 2,6,8
We have object called Car
Each Car is part of the collection Cars
Each Car has properties that describe it such as
make, model, color, price, age, purpose, etc.
Each Car has methods that control it such as
accelerate, stop, turn left, turn right,, etc.
20Object Model for Cars
- Hierarchical
- Collections are plural
- Each object has its own specific set of
properties and methods
Cars (Car)
Wheels (Wheel)
21Object Property Values
- Car Object is a template for creating specific
car instances - Each car can have its own set of values for each
NOT a real program
Set property values
Use Drive method
Check a property value and use a method if value
meets condition
22Intro to (MS Excel) Objects
- Object a single unit containing code and data
that serve a common purpose - Properties and Methods
- Appearance and behavior control
- SomeObject.SomeProperty
- SomeObject.SomeMethod method arguments
- Collections of Objects
- the Collection itself is an object
- collections are plural in name
23Excels Worksheet Object
In other words, VBA lets you programmatically
manipulate almost any object in a supporting
24Accessing specific objects in collections and
down hierarchy
- By index number
- By name
- Down hierarchy
- Worksheets(BreakEvenModel).Range(FCost).Value
Dots separate objects in hierarchy
Can use Immediate Window to learn about
referencing objects. Lets look at
25A Few Range Properties
P 65-67
- Address
- Cells a strange but useful property
- Font
- Rows
- Columns
- Value
- Name
26A Few Range Methods
P 65-67
- Clear, ClearContents
- Copy, Cut, PasteSpecial
- Select
- Sort
- Columns
- Value
- Calculate
27Specifying Ranges w/VBAUsing the Cells
Sec 6.4
Range("C5E15").Cells(4,2).Value 500
28Specifying Ranges w/VBAUsing the Cells
Sec 6.4
Range(B5B14").Cells(3).Value 500
29Specifying Ranges w/VBAUsing the Offset property
Sec 6.4
Range(A5").Offset(2,3).Value 500
2 rows
3 columns
30Creating User FormsCh 12 in VBA for Modelers
Open PracticeForm_blank.xls
Blank form
Get to know all the controls
31Each control has a slew of properties. The form
itself also has a bunch of properties. Select the
form to see them.
32Get to this stage, see p193-194
Oops, forgot list box
33Leszynski Naming Convention
- Makes object names informative
- Standardized vocabulary for teams
- Improved ability to work with objects
- Sorting, self-documenting, find-replace
34Names for Common ControlsfrmCustomer
35Now, get it to here, p195-196.
Note how list box based on Customers range
36Now time for Event Code
- Need code to respond to events like users pushing
buttons - Open PracticeForm_Isken.xls
- Tools-Macro-Visual Basic Editor (ALT-F11)
- Lets examine the code
37Three subs behind the form
- CancelButton_Click()
- OKButton_Click()
- UserForm_Initialize()
- Note that this sub is always called this
regardless of the form name (go figure)
38More code
39Main calling sub and some Public variables