Title: Stenciled on the right side of the tank car
1Tank Car Specification Number
- Stenciled on the right side of the tank car
- (when facing the side of the tank)
2Tank Car Number
The rail tank car number is to the left (when
facing the side of the tank)
3Specification No
Tank Car Number
This makes both numbers visible from either side
or end of the tank car
4Tank Car Specification Number
- EXAMPLE DOT 111 A 60 W 1
- Studying knowing how to read a specification
number can reveal a lot of information - For example, special protective systems are
- S Shielded
- T Thermally protected w/o jacket
- J Thermally protected with jacket
5Tank Car Specification Number
- EXAMPLE DOT 111 A 60 W 1
- DOT Authorizing agency
- 111 Class designation
- A Special protective systems
- 60 Tank test pressure
- AL Material of construction, other than
steel (AL aluminum) - W Method of construction (weld)
- 1 Fittings valve types
6Class Designations
- Only certain commodities may be transported in
particular classes of rail tank cars
7Tank Test Pressure
Only certain commodities can be loaded into tanks
rated at certain pressures
8Intermodal Containers
- Most of the intermodal tanks are built of
stainless steel, because of its resistance to
cold temperatures - Most are built to pressure-vessel standards
Two types
Non-pressure Pressure
9Non-pressure Intermodal Containers
- Non-pressure intermodal tank containers
(intermodal portable tanks or IM tanks) are
usually used to transport liquid or solid
materials at pressures up to 100 p.s.i.
10Pressure Intermodal Containers
- designed for internal pressures of 100 to 500
p.s.i.g. - generally used to transport gases liquefied under
pressure (e.g., LPG, anhydrous ammonia)
11Identification of Facility Tanks
- Above-ground storage tanks may be divided into
four general categories of pressure design - atmospheric (non-pressure)
- low-pressure storage
- pressure
- cryogenic liquid
121) Atmospheric (non-pressure) Tanks
- Ordinary cone roof tanks
- Floating roof tanks
- Lifter roof tanks
- Vapordome roof tank
13Ordinary Cone Roof Tanks
14Floating Roof Tanks
Eyebrow vent
The roof deck rests upon the liquid and moves
with the changes in liquid level. Eyebrow
Vents are a distinguishing feature of this type
of tank.
15Lifter Roof Tanks
In this type of tank the roof is sealed and moves
up or down with changes in vapor volume
16Vapordome Roof Tank
In this tank a flexible diaphragm in the
hemispherical roof moves up or down with the
changes in vapor volume
172) Low Pressure Tanks
- Low-pressure storage tanks are normally used for
vapor conservation purposes requiring storage of
materials at pressures of 0.5 to 15 p.s.i.g. - Low pressure tanks include spheroids and noded
183) Pressure Tanks
- Pressure tanks are normally used for vapor
conservation purposes requiring storage of
materials at pressures above 15 p.s.i.g. - Pressure tanks include spheres and pressure
194) Cryogenic Liquid Tanks
- used for onsite storage and supply
- have a distinctive appearance
- construction and service similar to cryogenic
rail tank cars
20Container Markings
- Tanks on facilities will typically be marked
using the NFPA 704 system to display the hazards
for the product that is stored
21Container Markings
- Transportation containers will be placarded with
the appropriate placard based on the hazard class
of the materials being transported
22Container Markings
Highway transportation vehicles will have
identification numbers that will also be included
on the shipping papers
23Container Markings
- Rail transportation vehicles will have
identification numbers that will also be included
on the shipping papers
24Container Markings
Intermodal tanks are likely to be transported on
any mode of transpor-tation, such as rail, water
or highway As a result they frequently combine
the markings required for each of the individual
modes of transportation
25Container Markings
- May contain
- tank initials and number
- specification marking
- DOT exemption marking
- AAR 600 marking
- country and size/type markings
- dataplate
- tank and valve test dates
26 Pipeline Markings
- Warning markings
- - standard
- - product
- - call before you dig
27 Container Failure Sequence
Container Stress
- There are three types of stress that could cause
a container system to release its contents - Thermal stress
- Mechanical stress
- Chemical stress
28Container Failure Sequence
Container Breaching
There are five ways a container can breach and
release its contents
- - disintegration
- - runaway cracking
- - failure of container attachments
- - container punctures
- - container splits or tears
29Container Failure Sequence
Contents Released
The four types of releases include
- - detonation
- - violent rupture
- - rapid relief
- - spills or leaks
30Container Failure Sequence
Dispersion Patterns
Typical dispersion patterns include
- - pressure waves
- - fragments, shrapnel or chunks
- - flowing liquids
- - vapor dispersion