Title: Road pricing in the UK
1Road pricing in the UK
- Ian Drummond
- Head of Road Pricing Framework Division
- Department for Transport
- United Kingdom
2Road pricing in the UK
Steps along the way
- The current situation
- Tolling or charging
- Systems in use in the UK
- Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- What next?
3The current situation
- Congestion is an increasing problem for the UK
- Causes are economic and geographic
- We are a small island with increasing levels of
car ownership
4The small island - things are close to hand
UK unlike most of Europe
5Road user charging in the UK Where we are today
- London congestion charge
- Introduced 2003, extended 2007
Start of congestion charge
- London Scheme has cut congestion
- Small area, extended 19 February 2007
7Road user charging in the UK Where we are today
- London congestion charge
- Introduced 2003, extended 2007
- Durham
- Very local scheme, introduced 2002
8Road user charging in the UK Where we are today
- London congestion charge
- Introduced 2003, extended 2007
- Durham
- Very local scheme, introduced 2002
- Tolled roads and crossings
- Dartford, Mersey Tunnel, M6 Toll etc
9Local schemes
- Local authorities lead on analysing problems and
devising solutions - Variety of places
- Big conurbations West Midlands, Greater
Manchester, Tyne Wear - Mixed areas Greater Bristol, East Midlands 3
cities - Cities towns Durham, Cambridge, Reading,
Norwich - Proposals expected to cover road pricing linked
to local transport investment
10Local pathfinders - places we are working
with to explore possibilities
11Tolling or charging
- Policy is to deal with congestion
- Charge for driving in congested areas
- Tolling for specific projects only
- Estuarial crossings
- M6 Toll
- No general policy to toll for infrastructure
- provision or maintenance
- Barriers
- Cash or Tags
- Automatic Number Plate Readers
13SWOT analysis Strengths of the UK position
- An incremental approach
- Learn from experience
- Reduced risk of systems failure
- No big bang
- Growing support for charging from reports
- Eddington, Stern
- Business sector support for exploration of road
14SWOT analysis Weaknesses of the UK position
- Debate is still ongoing
- Presentational issues challenges for decision
makers - Experience in running schemes is limited
- Designing and costing operational systems is
proving to be a challenge - Narrow supply base
- Potential monopolistic supply market
15SWOT analysis Opportunities for the UK position
- Transport Innovation Fund
- Significant funds innovative approaches
- Demonstration projects
- Advances thinking on issues of concern generates
real world experience - International collaboration
- Stockholm Group working with and learning from
others - Traffic growth
- Increased congestion will stimulate better debate
16SWOT analysis Threats to the UK position
- Public backlash
- Projects cannot get off the ground
- Local experience is not gained
- Cost of complementary transport investment
- Key to providing alternative means of getting
around - Part of package
- Complexity of running sophisticated schemes
- Experience only comes with experience
17Road pricing in the United Kingdom Next steps
- First TIF Business cases expected in the summer
- Proposals take greater shape
- Time-Distance-Place Demonstration Project
- Enable learning involves industry
- Local Transport Bill
- Greater scope for LAs to tackle local congestion
18Road pricing in the UK
- Ian Drummond
- Head of Road Pricing Framework Division
- Department for Transport
- United Kingdom