Extending Graphplan to handle Resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Extending Graphplan to handle Resources


... {At(Car, LC),Has-fuel(Car)} STRIPS ... uses mutexes of planning Graph to guide the search. ... of mutexes to direct the search for a plan. generate a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Extending Graphplan to handle Resources

  • Extending Graphplan to handle Resources
  • Presenter Pham Van Cuong
  • Department of Computer Science
  • New Mexico State University

  • Planning with Resources is ubiquitous in real
  • Actions in the real world often need resources to

  • Our approach to planning with Resources is based
    on Graphplan, a well-known planning algorithm.
  • Techniques that make Graphplan attractive
  • Polynomial time construction of planning Graph.
  • Use of mutexes to enhance the search for a plan.

  • Graphplan background
  • STRIPS language
  • Planning Graph Mutexes.
  • Planning with Resources.
  • GPR- A Graphplan with Resources
  • Input language (PDDL 2.1 level 2)
  • Data structures
  • Mutexes
  • Algorithm
  • Experimental Results.

STRIPS language
  • A STRIPS action a is specified by an expression
    of the form
  • action a Pre Pre(a)
  • Add Add(a)
  • Del Del(a)
  • For example,
  • Action Drive(Car,LC,EP)
  • Pre At(Car,LC),Has-fuel(Car)
    Add At(Car,EP)
  • Del At(Car, LC),Has-fuel(Car)

STRIPS language
  • The result of executing an action a in a state s
  • Res(a,s) (s Add(a)) \ Del(a ) if a is
    executable, Res(a,s) if otherwise.
  • The result of executing a sequence of actions
    a1, a2 , an in a state s is
  • Res( ,s)s
  • Res(a1, a2 , an,s) Res(an,Res(a1, a2 ,
    an-1,s)), where Res(a, ) for
    every a.

STRIPS language
  • A planning problem is a tuple ltP,A,I,Ggt, where P
    is a finite set of fluents, A is a finite set of
    actions, I (the initial state) is a set of
    fluents, and G (the goal) is a finite set of
    fluent literals.
  • Given a planning problem QltP,A,I,Ggt, a
    sequence of actions a1, a2 , an is a solution
    (plan) to Q if Res(a1, a2 , an,I) is defined
    and G holds in Res(a1, a2 , an,I).

Graphplan Planning Graph
  • a directed, leveled graph with a set of nodes and
    a set of edges.
  • The levels alternate between proposition levels
    and action levels.
  • The proposition levels contain proposition
    nodes, each of which is labeled with a fluent
  • The action levels contain action nodes, each has
    an action as its label.

Graphplan Planning Graph
  • An edge presents the relation between an action
    and a proposition.
  • At time t, action nodes are connected to
  • their preconditions in the proposition level t
    by precondition edges.
  • their addeffects and del-effects in
    proposition level t1 by add-edges and del-edges,

Graphplan mutex
  • Two actions A and B are mutex each other if
  • action A deletes a precondition or an add-effects
    of B or vice versa.
  • a precondition of action A and a precondition of
    action B are mutex in the previous proposition
  • Two propositions p and q are mutex if
  • all ways of creating p are mutex with all
    ways of creating q.

Current approaches to Planning with Resources-
some characteristics
  • State based search (Metric FF, LGP).
  • Using heuristic function to guide search (Sapa,
    TP4 )
  • Forward chaining approach (TLPlan )
  • No existing planner uses mutexes of planning
    Graph to guide the search.

GPR- A Graphplan with Resources
  • Based on Graphplan algorithm.
  • Use of mutexes to direct the search for a plan.
  • generate a concurrent plan.

GPR- Input language (syntax)
  • FFB U FN where FB is the set of boolean
    fluents and FN is the set of numeric fluents.
  • An assignment is of the form fv where
  • f F and v Df
  • A set d of assignments is
  • consistent if for every fluent f F there
    exists at most one assignment of the form fv in
  • complete if for every fluent f F there
    exists at least one assignment of the form fv in

GPR- Input language (syntax)
  • A numeric constraint is a triple (exp1, comp,
    exp2) where comp gt,,lt,, is a comparator.
  • A numeric effect is a tuple of the form (f, aop,
    exp) where f FN , aop assign,increase,
    decrease,scale-up,scale-down is an assignment
  • A condition con is a pair (b(con),n(con)) where
    b(con) FB and n(con) is a set of numeric

GPR- Input language (syntax)
  • An action a is a pair (Pre(a),Eff(a)), where
  • pre(a) is a condition
  • eff(a) is a triple (b-add(eff(a)),
    b-del(eff(a)) ,n(eff(a)))
  • b-add(eff(a)), b-del(eff(a)) FB
    n(eff(a)) is a set of numeric effects which
    does not contain two numeric effects (f,aop,exp)
    and (f,aop,exp).
  • For example,
  • action FLY (plane,EP,LAX)
  • Pre ( At(plane,EP), (gt (fuel plane)
  • Eff (At(plane,LAX) , At(plane,EP) ,
    (decrease (fuel plane) 200) ).

GPR- Input language (semantics)
  • A state is a consistent and complete set of
  • An assignment fv holds in a state s, denoted by
    s (fv), if fv s. A set of assignments d
    holds in s, denoted by s d, if for all fv
    d s (fv).
  • A numeric constraint (exp1, comp, exp2) holds in
    a state s, denoted by s (exp1, comp, exp2), if
    both exp1 and exp2 are defined in s and exp1
    comp exp2 holds.

GPR- Input language (semantics)
  • A set of numeric constraints C holds in a state s
    if s c for every numeric constraint c C.
  • A condition con(b(con),n(con)) holds in a state
    s (s con) if s b(con) and s n(con).
  • An action a is executable in a state s if
    s Pre(a) .

GPR- Input language (semantics)
  • A state transition Res(a,s), if a is an
    executable action in s, contains the following
  • ftrue if f b-add(eff(a))
  • ffalse if f b-del(eff(a))
  • fs(exp) if (f,assign,exp)
  • fs(f) s(exp) if (f,increase,exp)
  • fs(f)- s(exp) if (f,decrease,exp)
  • fs(f) s(exp) if (f,scale-up,exp)
  • fs(f)/s(exp) if (f,scale-down,exp)
  • fs(f) if there does not exist the fluent f in
    the left hand side in every assignment fv
    Res(a,s) .

GPR- Input language (semantics)
  • if a is not executable in s, then Res(a,s) (or
  • For a sequence a1, a2,.., an of actions,
    Res(a1, a2,.., an,s) Res(an, Res(a1, a2,..,
    an-1,s) and Res( ,s)s, where Res(a, )
    for every a.

GPR- Input language (semantics)
  • A planning problem is a tuple (F,A,I,G), where
    F FB U FN , A is a finite set of actions, I
    (the initial state) is a set of assignments, and
    G (the goal) is a condition.
  • A solution (plan) to a numeric planning problem
    is a sequence a1, a2 , an of actions if
    Res(a1, a2 , an,I) G and Res(a1, a2 ,
    an,I) is defined .
  • The semantics can be extended to allow parallel

GPR - Planning Graph
  • A directed, leveled graph with a set of nodes and
    a set of edges.
  • The levels alternate between fluent levels and
    action levels.
  • The action levels contain action nodes, each is
    labeled with an executable action in that level.
  • The fluent levels contain fluent nodes, each of
    which is labeled with an assignment .

GPR - Planning Graph
  • An edge presents the relation between an action
    and an assignment.
  • At time t, each action node a is connected
  • to assignments fv which make Pre(a) hold in
    the fluent level t, denoted by Pre(a,t) (fv),
    by incoming edges.
  • to assignments created by a s effect in the
    fluent level t1 by outgoing edges

GPR mutex between actions A and B at level t
  • Inconsistent effects
  • An add-effect of A is negated by B or vice
  • Interference
  • One of the del-effects of A is a precondition of
    B or vice versa.
  • There exist two mutexed assignments f1v1 and
    f2v2 in level t and Pre(A,t)(f1v1) and

GPR mutex between assignments
  • Two assignments f1v1 and f2v2 are mutex at time
    t if
  • f1 f2 and v1 ? v2 or,
  • all ways of creating f1v1 are mutex with all
    ways of creating f2v2.

GPR Algorithm description
  • GPR algorithm alternates between two phases
    constructing the planning Graph and extracting a
  • The planning Graph is constructed until the
    planning Graph is leveled off or a valid plan is
  • Extracting a solution phase starts whenever the
    goal is reached.

GPR Constructing planning Graph
  • The fluent level 1 consists of all assignments
    in the initial state.
  • Once an executable action A is found at time t,
    GPR will do the followings.
  • creates an action node in the level t and labels
    it with A.
  • for each assignment fv in the fluent level t
    s.t. pre(A,t) (fv), adds an edge connecting
    it to A.
  • for each assignment fv created by some effect of
    A, GPR creates a fluent node with the label fv,
    adds it to the fluent level t1, and then
    inserts an edge from A to this node.
  • finds all action nodes in level t which are mutex
    with A and updates the mutex list.

GPR- Extracting a solution
  • Given a goal Gt at time t, GPR non-deterministical
    ly selects a set of actions At-1 and computes the
    goal Gt-1 as follows.
  • At-1 is a set of actions in level t-1 s.t. for
    each g Gt there exists one edge from some a
    At-1 to g.
  • Gt-1 is the set of assignments in level t-1 s.t.
    every action a At-1 is executable in Gt-1
  • If t0 and Gt I, this indicates that a
    solution is found.

GPR- Experimental Results
  • GPR generates a concurrent plan for the Rocket
    domain in 3 time steps with.
  • For the Rocket Domain with renewable Resources,
    GPR also generates a plan in good quality.
  • GPR is available on www.cs.nmsu.edu/cvan

Future works
  • GPR is the first step towards creating a planner
    for domains with resources. It can be improved
  • Finding a plan that satisfies some constraints
    (eg. minimal resource consumption).
  • Considering actions with duration.

  • Thank you !
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