Title: Smart Tool Developments
1Smart Tool Developments
- David Novak
- Eastern Region Headquarters
- Scientific Services Division
- Eastern Region Smart Tool infrastructure
- Activities this year
- Vision for the Future
3Eastern Region Smart Tool Infrastructure
4Role of ST/SITs in IFPS paradigm
- Populate the IFPS Database
- Employ scientific technique
- Streamline grid editing process
- Ensure meteorological grid consistency
- Infuse new science into IFPS
5Regional ST Coordinator
- Coordinate Regional development, implementation,
and training activities - Provide science-based ST/SIT training resources
- Foster research transfer through ST/SIT
development application
6Sharing of ST/SIT Resources
- National Smart Tool Repository
- http//
- Many tools, various degrees of scientific
validity and documentation - Eastern Region Smart Tool Review Procedure
7Eastern Region ST Review Procedure
8ST/SIT Communication
- Eastern Region ST/SIT Homepage
- Announcements
- Repository Information
- Bi-monthly In Focus section
- Training Resources
- ER Smart Tool mail list
- ER IFPS CC items
10 11 12 13 14 15Regional Smart Tool Working Group
- Identify and address regional tool development
needs - Identify scientifically sound and
- operationally relevant tools
- Provide forum for discussion on
- regional Smart Tool
- usage and development
16Activities This Year
17Improving the Smart Tool Repository
- Documentation Requirement
- Categorized by Element Edited
- Tracking number of downloads
18Recommended Tool List
- Tools nominated by the field
- Tested by ST Working Group
- Discussion and voting
19Focused Development
- ER_QCcheck (Tom Mazza RLX)
- -derived from Steve Nelsons QC_Check
- -Highlight or fix areas of
internal grid inconsistencies - -Allows flexibility in how the grids are
20ER_QCcheck Temperature Example
21ER_QCcheck Temperature Example
Highlight Grid
Red shows where Td gt T
22ER_QCcheck Temperature Example
Original Dewpoint
Final Dewpoint
- Additional checks are planned
24Snow-Ratio Smart Tool (Dan Cobb SOO CAR)
Focused Development
- Based on recent research e.g. Dube (2003),
Waldstreicher (2002), Roebber et al. (2003) - Snow crystal size primarily a function of temp
- Largest and fastest growing crystals form at
temperatures between (-12C and -18C) - Rate of crystal production is a function of
supersaturation with respect to ice, which is
directly linked to vertical motion.
25Algorithm Example
Consider a 3 layer cloud with the following layer
average temperatures and vertical motion First
map temperatures to a snow-ratio.
26Algorithm Example
27Algorithm Example
Layer temperature has now been mapped to
snow-ratio (SR) Layer vertical motion is now
being re-cast as the percent of the column total.
28Algorithm Example
Now, the weighted snow-ratios are summed up over
the three cloud layers yielding the cloud-base
snow-ratio. So, the snow-ratio would then be
2.0 12.0 2.3 16.3 Or 16.31
29Verification (PQI) 2004 Jan 19
30Focused Development
31Vision for the Future
32National Smart Tool Team
- Establish process for scientific
- validation and verification
- Establish baselining process
- Scientifically sound operationally
relevant tools - National Forum for Discussion
- Coordination of local, regional, national efforts
33Verification of ST and SITs
Eta 40-km data to 5-km via Smart Init
12-km 2m T data remapped to 5 km
34ERH LAPS Temperature Analysis in GFE
3540-km Smart Init Errors
12-km 2m T errors
36Smart Tool Science
- Incorporate local collaborative research results
into ST/SIT application (Smart Tool Science) - DiurnalTMinMaxT (Steve Nelson Cheryl Sharpe)
- Diurnal temperature curve based on climatology
37Smart Tool Science
Use of Lightning Climatologies in GFE
Spatial Editor
Courtesy Irv Watson (SOO TLH)
38Smart Tool Science
Use of Probabilistic Guidance
MM5 Ensemble Most Probable Precip Category
Model Blend
Ensemble MOS
39Smart Tool Science
Use of Probabilistic Guidance
MRF Smart Initialization
Ensemble MOS Adjusted
40Smart Tool Science
- Intelligent Use of a
- Lapse Rate Smart
- Tool In the GFE
- Harry Gerapetritis
- Laurence Lee (2002)
- (ER Tech Attach)
41Smart Tool Science
Courtesy Rob Radzanowski (CTP)
Courtesy Ken Crawford
42Future Challenges
- National Coordination of Efforts
- Assuring Scientifically Sound Techniques
- Capitalizing on Advances in Science
and Technology
43Links of Interest
- ER Smart Tool Home Page
- http//www.werh.noaa.gov/ssd/smarttools/new_smartt
ool.htm - National Smart Tool Repository
- http//
- Master Consistency Tool
- http//www.werh.noaa.gov/ssd/smarttools/mastercons
istency/ - masterconsistency.htm
- Dube (2003) Snow Ratio Study
- http//meted.ucar.edu/norlat/snowdensity/from_mm_t
o_cm.pdf - Ensemble Mean MOS Bulletins
- http//eyewall.met.psu.edu/mos/weather/index.html