Title: Principals of Object Orientation
1- Principals of Object Orientation
- OO Analysis
- Modeling with UML
- UML Views
- User model view
- Structural view
- Behavioral view
- Implementation view
- Environment view
Functional View Static View Dynamic View
2- Principals of Object Orientation
3What is an Object?
- A thing
- A Visible Thing
- It has
- Identity
- Behavior
- What the object do and what can be done to it
- State this includes
- static properties and dynamic values of these
properties - Structure and behavior of similar objects are
defined in a common CLASS.
4What is an Object
- Behavior of objects is achieved via its
- Operations and
- Methods.
- The state of an object is realized thought the
contents of its data. - Objects can communicate via messaging protocols
5Object Behavior - Object Life Cycle
Wait forRequest
6Principals of OO - Abstraction
- Abstraction
- Denotes the essential characteristics of an
object that distinguishes it from all kinds of
objects. - What does the object do without any implication
on how does it do it - A software object is an abstraction
- A representation of something in the real word
like a student, a book,
7Principals of OO - Encapsulation
- Encapsulation
- The process of Compartmentalizing the elements of
an object that constitute its structure and
behavior - Data hiding
- Localize design decisions
- What are the encapsulated elements?
- Information that describes the object (the things
an object know about itself) - No of pages, cover type, ISBN, and other Book
information - State, the objects current condition (or state)
- Behavior
- What the object can do (register, drop etc.)
- What can be done to it (a pencil object can
8Principals of OO - Encapsulation
- Encapsulation
- What you need to know to use the object
- The interface
- What you need to know in order to make the object
work properly - Mechanism to respond to the interface, THE
- Driving a car!
- You need to know the ignition, steering, brake,
and gas pedal - No need to know about the mechanics of the
engine, spark plugs, etc.
9Principals of OO
- Modularity
- OO is different from Structured Paradigm
- In Structured Paradigm module and function are
the same - In OO Paradigm Classes and objects are the lowest
form of Modularity. - A module could have multiple classes
10Principals of OO
- Hierarchy
- Ranking of ordering of abstraction
- Inheritance (is a)
- The relationship between classes
- One class share the structure and behavior of one
or more classes - Generalization and Specialization
Class Furniture
Object Chair
Cost Dimensions Weight Color
Cost Dimensions Weight Color
Chair inherits all attributes and operations of
class Furniture
Buy Sell
Buy Sell
12Principals of OO
- Polymorphism
- The same operation may behave differently on
different classes. - Example sign
- When an object is substituted with one of its
children at run time - (The is-a relationship)
- Overloading of operations
- Same operation with different signatures
13Principals of OO
- Identifying Classes
- External Entities (devices, people)
- Things (reports, forms, Features, Estimates)
- Occurrences or Events (Moving)
- Roles (Mangers, Engineers, Group, Team)
- Places (Loading dock, Shipping Floor)
- Structures(Computers)
14 15OO Modeling
- OO has its own Modeling Techniques
- UML Unified Modeling Language
- Grady Booch Method
- James Rumbaugh Method
- Ivar Jacobson Method
16OO Modeling
- Grady Booch Method
- Micro Development Process
- Defines a set of analysis tasks that are
re-applied in the Macro process - Identifies classes, objects, and relationships
- Macro development Process
- Refine
17OO Modeling
- James Rumbaugh Method
- Object Modeling Technique (OMT) for
- Analysis, creates
- The object model objects, classes, and
relationships - The dynamic model objects and system behavior
- The Functional Model DFD like
- System level design
- Object level design
18OO Modeling
- Ivar Jacobson Method
- Object Oriented Software Engineering
- Use Cases Oriented method
19- The Unified Modeling Language
20Why do we model?
- Provide structure for problem solving
- Experiment to explore multiple solutions
- Furnish abstractions to manage complexity
- Reduce time-to-market for business problem
solutions - Decrease development costs
- Manage the risk of mistakes
21The Challenge
Tijuana shantytown http//www.macalester.edu/j
22The Vision
Fallingwater http//www.adelaide.net.au/jpolias
23Why do we model graphically?
- Graphics reveal data.
- 1 bitmap 1 megaword.
- Anonymous visual modeler
24What is UML
- The UML is a graphical language for
- Specifying, can be used to communicate "what" is
required of a system, and "how" a system may be
realized. - Visualizing, it can be used to visually depict a
system before it is realized - Constructing, can be used to guide the
realization of a system similar to a "blueprint".
- Documenting, can be used for capturing knowledge
about a system throughout its life-cycle -
- the artifacts of software systems
25What is UML
- Added to the list of OMG adopted technologies in
November 1997 as UML 1.1 - Most recent minor revision is UML 2.0,
26OMG UML Contributors
AonixColorado State University Computer
Associates Concept Five Data Access EDS Enea
Data Hewlett-Packard IBM I-LogixInLine
Software Intellicorp Kabira TechnologiesKlasse
Objecten Lockheed Martin
Microsoft ObjecTimeOraclePtech OAO Technology
SolutionsRational SoftwareReich SAP Softeam Ster
ling Software Sun Taskon TelelogicUnisys
27OMG UML Specification
- UML Summary
- UML Semantics
- UML Notation Guide
- UML Standard Profiles
- Software Development Processes
- Business Modeling
- UML CORBAfacility Interface Definition
- UML XML Metadata Interchange DTD
- Object Constraint Language
28the Language
- language syntax semantics
- syntax how the symbols should look and how are
they combined (i.e words in natural language) - semantics rules that tells us the meanings of
each symbol. - UML Notation Guide defines UMLs graphic syntax
- UML Semantics defines UMLs semantics
29UML Views
- User model view
- The system from the users perspective.
- Use-cases
- Structural model view
- Static structure
- Classes, objects, and relationships
- Behavioral model view
- Dynamic aspect of the system including
collaborations between elements identified in the
user-model and the structural model views. - Implementation model view
- Describes the structural and behavioral aspects
of the implementation. - Environment model view
- Shows the actual hardware that is required to
implement the solution.
30UML Diagrams
31UML Views
Static ViewClass DiagramObject Diagram
Dynamic ViewSequence DiagramCollaboration
Diagram State Chart Diagram
Functional ViewUse Case DiagramActivity Diagram
32UML Views
Structural model view or Static View
- Structural model view
- Class Diagram
- User model view
- Behavioral model view
- Implementation model view
- Environment model view
33What is structural modeling?
Structural model view or Static View
- Structural model a view of a system that
emphasizes the structure of the objects,
including their classes, relationships,
attributes and operations. - Used to model the static structure and
relationships among the classes of an OO software
system - A class diagram is made of
- Nodes (Classes and Interfaces)
- Links (Relationships)
34UML Class Diagram
- Source for code generation
- It represents classes, their members, and
relationships. It includes - Attributes
- Operations
- Stereotypes
- Associations
- Inheritance
- Properties
- It shows static view
- Blueprint for building
- Does not show behavior
35UML Class Diagram - Modeling Attributes
- An Attribute describes a piece of information
- Show type of attribute
- Primitive (Language supplied data type, int,
boolean) - User defined class (String)
- Show visibility
- - private
- public
- protected
- package
- Show default value
- Show Constraints Integrity rules
- Show static values by underlining the attribute
- Example
- Visibility / attribute Name Data Type default
value constraint
36UML Class Diagram - Modeling Operations
- An operation denotes behavior
- Things an object can do and
- Things can be done to an object
- Show Name
- Show arguments use attribute notation
- Show return type use attribute notation
- Visibility (-,,,)
- Example
- totalOrderAmount (order Order) Dollar total
37Class Representation in UML
Structural model view or Static View
- class Point
- int x,y
- public void move (int dx, int dy)
- x dx
- y dy
38Object Representation in UML
Structural model view or Static View
- Point p1 new Point ()
- p1.x 0 p2.y0
- p1.move (20,15)
After sending the move message to p1 object
39Modeling Relationships With UML
40Relationships in UML
Structural model view or Static View
- Association
- To permit the exchange of messages
- Associations are the mean for objects to
communicate - Default is bi-directional (support messages in
either way) - When an object uses the services of another
object but does not own it. - Client server
41Class Diagram Association
Structural model view or Static View
- General Binary Relationship
42Association Elements - Association Name
- Association Name
- Expresses the purpose of the association (verb)
that describes how objects of one type (class)
relate to objects of another type (class) - A Person owns a Car
- A Person drives a Car
- A Person rents a Car
- You can show the direction to read the
association name
43Association Elements - Multiplicity
- Association Multiplicity
- Defines rules on how objects in each class are
related - A value can be assigned to each participant in
the association - Min..Max
- denotes zero or more
- 1.. no upper limit
44Association Elements - Roles
- Association Roles
- Generates code
45Association Elements - Constraints
Must have valid driver license
46Association Elements - Class
- Association Class
- Encapsulate the association in a class to include
information about the association
47Association Elements - Reflexive
- Reflexive Association
- Objects in the same class can be associated and
related to one another - Common for modeling Hierarchies
48Association Elements - Qualified
- Qualified Association
- Indexes
- The customer uses the order number to lookup the
order - Used to reduce multiplicity just like indexes are
used to reduce time to search a table
50Modeling Relationships With UML
- Inheritance Specialization and Generalization
51Modeling Relationships With UML - Inheritance
Structural model view or Static View
- Inheritance
- Not a form of Association (no multiplicity)
- Extension Relationship (specialization and
generalization) - Extension between two interfaces
- Implementation (when a class implements an
interface) - UML uses hollow triangle (pointing toward the
super class - Inheritance
- specialization and Generalization
- is-a
- One class is a specialization of another
- The child has all the characteristics of a parent
and it might specialize them - Example A mammal is-a-kind-of Animal
- A cat is-a-kind-of Animal
52Class Diagram Inheritance
Structural model view or Static View
is-a Relationship
Extension Relationship
Implementation of an Interface
53Generalization is-a or type-of
Structural model view or Static View
- Vehicle
- Car
- Motorcycle
- Truck
Representation of inheritance
A car is-a Vehiclea Truck is-a Vehicle
Specialization occurs when sub-classes add
additional functionality or override existing ones
54Generalization - Inheritance
Structural model view or Static View
- Credit Card Class is a subclass of the Bank Card
Class - Credit Card Class is a specialization of the Bank
Card Class - Credit Card Class is a Bank Card Class
- Credit Card Class inherits from the Bank Card
Class - Credit Card Class is derived from the Bank Card
- Bank Card Class is a supper class of the Credit
Card Class - Bank Card Class is a Generalization of the Credit
Card Class - Bank Card Class is base/ parent class of the
Credit Card Class
- Specialization occurs when sub-classes add
additional functionality or override existing
ones - Inheritance is an implementation of the
generalization relationship
Credit card is a special kind of card
55Modeling Relationships With UML
- Aggregation and Composition
56Relationships in UML- Aggregation Composition
Structural model view or Static View
- Aggregation (diamond at the owner)
- Is a type of Association used to indicate that
objects are not independent , rather they (the
parts) are assembled or configured together to
create another object (the whole) - A number of different parts are assembled to
create a Car object - One object contains another.
- The aggregation class is referred to as the
owner, or whole. The aggregated class is the
owned, or part. - Example a window has a drawing area, the drawing
area can't stand on its own.
57Relationships in UML- Aggregation Composition
Structural model view or Static View
- Composition (filled in diamond at the owner)
- Strong aggregation
- the owner is responsible for creating and
destroying of the part object. - Composite object that creates its components
- Example an active object with multiple threads
of control. - Is used for aggregation where the life span of
the part is dependent on the whole. The
aggregate has control over the creation and
destruction of the parts - Aggregation Composition Modeling
- Small diamond at the end of association denotes
Aggregation - If diamond is filled its a Composition (Consist
58Aggregation Composition Examples
Structural model view or Static View
Structural model view or Static View
- See Figure 2.7 Page 35 for Class Diagram
Aggregation and Composition Example
61Modeling Relationships With UML
62Class Diagram Dependency
Structural model view or Static View
- One operation of a class1 depends on another
operation of class2 - Use relationship
- Class C1 depends on class C2 if C1 uses C2.
- In many instances, a client-server relationship
exists between two classes. - In such cases, a client-class depends on the
server-class in some way and a dependency
relationship is established
63Structural Modeling Core Relationships
Structural model view or Static View
64UML Views
- User model view
- Use-cases
- Structural model view
- Behavioral model view
- Implementation model view
- Environment model view
65Modeling Requirements with UML
User Model view or Functional View
66Modeling Requirements With USE-CASES
User Model view or Functional View
- Used to model Requirements
- Describes the behavior of the system as seen by
external entities called actors - Each actor represent a role played by a set of
external entities that interact with the system - Describes what
- Each use case represent a scenario
67Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach,
6/e Use-case diagram
Modeling Requirements with UML
68Modeling Requirements With USE-CASES
- Used to model Requirements
- Describes the behavior of the system as seen by
external entities - Actors
- Other Systems
- Each actor represent a role played by a set of
external entities that interact with the system - Describes what
- Each use case represent a scenario
69Modeling Requirements With USE-CASES
- Model the system from the end-user's perspective.
- Objectives
- Define the functional and operational
requirements of the system (product) by defining
a scenario of usage. (These should be agreed upon
by the users and developers.) - Describes how the system and the users will
interact. - use case model a view of a system that
emphasizes the behavior as it appears to outside
users. - A use case model partitions system functionality
into transactions (use cases) that are
meaningful to users (actors).
70Use Case Modeling
- Use Case model has three views
- The use case diagram
- High level definition of the relationship between
the system and its users (actors) - Block box view of the system
- The use case narrative
- Standard set of information that is required to
guide for the development of the feature - Textual description
- The use case scenarios
- One logical sequence of the execution of the use
71Use Case Modeling
Name Assumption Pre Conditions Dialog Post
Conditions Exceptions Future Enhancements Open
Use Case Narrative
Use Case diagramDefined by UML
Use Case Scenario
72Modeling Requirements With USE-CASES
- A use case diagram is made of
- System
- Use cases defines required feature of the system
- Actors
- Association Relationships
- between use-cases and actors
- It represents the fact that Actors communicate
with the use case - Dependencies Relationships
- Defines a communication relationship between 2
use cases - Include
- Extend
- Generalization Relationships
- Inheritance relationship between 2 actors or 2
use cases
73Use Case Modeling Core Elements
User Model view or Functional View
74Use Case Modeling Core Relationships
75Use Case Modeling Core Relationships (contd)
User Model view or Functional View
76Use Case Diagram
User Model view or Functional View
77Use Case Diagram - Relationships
User Model view or Functional View
- Association
- Communication between actors and use cases
- Uni or Bi directional
- ltltincludegtgt
- When one use case seeks help form another
- Example Deposit Money use case includes the
Update Account use case - Delegate
- Dashed arrow form the using use case to the used
use case
Update Account
Withdraw Cash
78Use Case Diagram - Relationships
User Model view or Functional View
- ltltextendgtgt
- The extend Dependency says that one use case
might need help from another use case - The extension point is the point where the
extended use cases is tested to see weather its
needed or not - Arrow is going from the use case that is
providing help to the main use case
Update Account
Withdraw Cash
Protect Overdraft
Withdraw Cash with Overdraft
79Use Case Diagram - Relationships
User Model view or Functional View
- Generalization
- Inheritance relationship between use cases
80Use Case Relationships
User Model view or Functional View
81Actor Relationships
User Model view or Functional View
82Use Case Description Change Flight
User Model view or Functional View
- Actors traveler, client account db, airline
reservation system - Preconditions
- Traveler has logged on to the system and
selected change flight itinerary option - Basic course
- System retrieves travelers account and flight
itinerary from client account database - System asks traveler to select itinerary segment
she wants to change traveler selects itinerary
segment. - System asks traveler for new departure and
destination information traveler provides
information. - If flights are available then
- System displays transaction summary.
- Alternative courses
- If no flights are available then
83When to model use cases
User Model view or Functional View
- Model user requirements with use cases.
- Model test scenarios with use cases.
- If you are using a use-case driven method
- start with use cases and derive your structural
and behavioral models from it. - If you are not using a use-case driven method
- make sure that your use cases are consistent with
your structural and behavioral models.
84Use Case Modeling Tips
User Model view or Functional View
- Make sure that each use case describes a
significant chunk of system usage OR FEATURE that
is understandable by both domain experts and
programmers - When defining use cases in text, use nouns and
verbs accurately and consistently to help derive
objects and messages for interaction diagrams - Factor out common usages that are required by
multiple use cases - If the usage is required use ltltincludegtgt
- If the base use case is complete and the usage
may be optional, consider use ltltextendgtgt - A use case diagram should
- contain only use cases at the same level of
abstraction - include only actors who are required
85Example Online HR System
User Model view or Functional View
86Online HR System Use Case Relationships
User Model view or Functional View
87Online HR System Update Benefits Use Case
User Model view or Functional View
- Actors employee, employee account db, healthcare
plan system, insurance plan system - Preconditions
- Employee has logged on to the system and
selected update benefits option - Basic course
- System retrieves employee account from employee
account db - System asks employee to select medical plan
type include Update Medical Plan. - System asks employee to select dental plan type
include Update Dental Plan. -
- Alternative courses
- If health plan is not available in the
employees area the employee is informed and
asked to select another plan...
88Modeling Behavior with UML
- Sequence Diagram
- State Diagram
89Sequence Diagram
- Depicts Object Interaction in time
- Used to capture Scenarios (Use cases)
- Step-by-step sequence of messages exchanges among
objects. - Map directly to use cases
- Used to realize a use case
- Example 2.11 Page 37
90State Diagram
- Each class must be associated with a statechart
that describes its behavior. - Sequence diagrams show behavior of objects and
how they collaborate to achieve the goal at hand
(Inter-Object). - State Diagram show the behavior of an object
(Intra-Object) - Depicts flow of control using states and
91State Diagram
Lamp On
Lamp Off
92State Diagram
93The States of a System
- statea set of observable circumstances that
characterizes the behavior of a system at a given
time - state transitionthe movement from one state to
another - eventan occurrence that causes the system to
exhibit some predictable form of behavior - actionprocess that occurs as a consequence of
making a transition
- Event-List Guard / Action
- Example 2.11 Page 37
94Object Behavior - Object Life Cycle
Can be captured by Statecharts
Wait forRequest
- Statechart is a behavioral language for the
specification of real-time, event driven, and
reactive systems. - states
- events
- actions
- Transitions
Event Condition / Action
96Basic UML Statechart Diagram
top state
Initial pseudostate
/ctr 0
Final state