Title: Using Information Technology
1Using Information Technology
- Chapter 5
- Hardware--The CPU Storage
2Hardware--The CPU Storage How to Buy a
Multimedia Computer System
- 5.1 Microchips, Miniaturization, Mobility
- 5.2 The System Unit
- 5.3 Secondary Storage
- 5.4 Future Developments in Processing Storage
35.1 Microchips, Miniaturization, MobilityFrom
Vacuum Tubes to Transistors to Microchips
- Transistor - a tiny electrically operated switch,
or gate, that can alternate between on and
off many millions of times per second
1940s vacuum tube towering over 1950s transistor
4Steps in Manufacture of a Microchip
- Make large drawing. Reduce drawing hundreds of
times to microscopic size. - Duplicate reduced photo many times on sheet.
5Steps in Manufacture of a Microchip
- Print sheet of multiple copies on a wafer made of
silicon, a semiconductor. - Print layer after layer above and below original
silicon surface.
6Steps in Manufacture of a Microchip
- Cut wafer into chips.
- Mount chip in frame with connective pins
7Miniaturization Miracles Microchips,
Microprocessors, Micromachines
- Types of microchips
- Memory
- Logic
- Communications
- Graphics
- Math
- Microprocessor
- Microcontroller
85.2 The System UnitThe Binary System Using
On/Off Electrical States to Represent Data
- The binary system has only two digits--0 and 1.
- Bit - binary digit
- Byte - group of 8 bits used to represent one
character, digit, or other value
9The Binary System Using On/Off Electrical
States to Represent Data Instructions
- Kilobyte 1000 bytes
- Megabyte 1,000,000 bytes (one million)
- Gigabyte 1,000,000,000 bytes (one billion)
- Terabyte 1 trillion bytes
- Petabyte 1 quadrillion bytes
10The Binary System Using On/Off Electrical
States to Represent Data Instructions
- ASCII - the binary code most widely used with
microcomputers - EBCDIC - used with large computers
- Unicode - uses two bytes for each character
rather than one
11The Parity Bit
Parity bit - an extra bit attached to the end of
a byte for purposes of checking for accuracy
- Even parity - sum of bits must come out even
- Odd parity - sum of bits must come out odd
Even parity scheme
12Machine Language
- Machine language - a binary-type programming
language that the computer can run directly
13The Computer Case Bays, Buttons Boards
- Bay - a shelf or opening used for the
installation of electronic equipment - System unit - houses the motherboard, power
supply, and storage devices - Case - empty box with just power supply
Overhead view of system unit
14Power Supply
- Power supply - a device that converts AC to DC to
run the computer - Types of power protection devices
- Surge protector
- Voltage regulator
Surge protector
15The Motherboard the Microprocessor Chip
- Motherboard - the main circuit board in the
system unit - Expansion - increasing a computers capabilities
by adding hardware - Upgrading - changing to newer, more powerful
16The Motherboard the Microprocessor Chip
- Two principal architectures or designs of
microprocessors - CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) -
Supports a large number of instructions at
relatively low processing speeds - RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) -
Supports a reduced number of instructions in
order to obtain faster processing speeds
17The Motherboard the Microprocessor Chip
- Two kinds of microprocessors used in most
personal computers today - Intel-type chips made by Intel, AMD, and others
- Motorola-type chips made by Motorola for Apple
Macintosh computers
18Processing Speeds From Megahertz to Picoseconds
19How the Processor or CPU works Control Unit,
ALU, Registers
20How the Processor or CPU works Control Unit,
ALU, Registers
Machine cycle
21How Memory Works RAM, ROM, CMOS, Flash
- Types of memory chips
- RAM - Random Access Memory, used to temporarily
hold software instructions and data - ROM
- Flash
22How Memory Works RAM, ROM, CMOS, Flash
- Types of memory chips
- ROM - Read-Only Memory, which cannot be written
on or erased by the computer user. Contains
fixed start-up instructions - CMOS
- Flash
23How Memory Works RAM, ROM, CMOS, Flash
- Types of memory chips
- CMOS - Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
powered by a battery and thus doesnt lose its
contents when the power is off - Flash
24How Memory Works RAM, ROM, CMOS, Flash
- Types of memory chips
- Flash - can be erased and reprogrammed more than
25How Cache Works Level 1 (Internal) Level 2
- Cache - temporary storage for instructions and
data that the processor is likely to use
frequently, thus speeding up processing - Level 1 (L1) cache - built into the
microprocessor - Level 2 (L2) cache - consists of RAM chips
outside microprocessor - Virtual memory - free hard-disk space used to
extend the capacity of RAM
26Other Methods of Speeding Up ProcessingInterleav
ing, Bursting, Pipelining
- Interleaving - a process in which the CPU
alternates communication between two or more
memory banks - Bursting - a process in which the CPU grabs a
block of information at a time, on the assumption
that the next address requested will be
sequential to the previous one - Pipelining - division of large tasks into a
series of smaller overlapping ones
27Ports Cables
- Types of ports
- Serial port - sends bits one at a time, one after
another - Parallel port
- SCSI port
- USB port
- Dedicated port
- Infrared port
28Ports Cables
- Serial port
- Parallel port - transmits 8 bits simultaneously
- SCSI port
- USB port
- Dedicated port
- Infrared port
29Ports Cables
- Serial port
- Parallel port
- SCSI port - allows data to be transmitted in a
daisy chain to up to 7 devices - USB port
- Dedicated port
- Infrared port
30Ports Cables
- Serial port
- Parallel port
- SCSI port
- USB port - can theoretically connect up to 127
peripheral devices daisy-chained to one
general-purpose port - Dedicated port
- Infrared port
31Ports Cables
- Serial port
- Parallel port
- SCSI port
- Dedicated port - special-purpose ports
- Infrared port
Dedicated ports mouse port, modem port, and
keyboard port
32Ports Cables
- Serial port
- Parallel port
- SCSI port
- Dedicated port - special-purpose ports
- Infrared port - allows a computer to make a
cableless connection with infrared-capable devices
33Expandability Buses Cards
- Expansion slots- sockets on the motherboard into
which you can plug expansion cards - Expansion cards - circuit boards that provide
more memory or that control peripheral devices
34Expandability Buses Cards
- ISA bus - for ordinary low-speed uses the most
widely used expansion bus - PCI bus - for higher-speed uses used to connect
graphics cards, sound cards, modems, and
high-speed network cards - AGP bus - for even higher speeds and 3D graphics
35Expandability Buses Cards
- Graphics cards - for monitors
- Sound cards - for speakers and audio output
- Modem cards - for remote communication via phone
lines - Network interface cards - for remote
communication via cable - PC cards - for laptop computers
365.3 Secondary StorageFloppy Disks
- Floppy disk - a removable flat piece of mylar
plastic packaged in a 3.5-inch plastic case
37Floppy-Disk Cartridges
- Zip disks - 100 or 250 Mb
- SuperDisks - 120 Mb
- HiFD disks - 200 Mb
38Hard Disks
- Hard disks - thin but rigid metal platters
covered with a substance that allows data to be
held in the form of magnetized spots
39Hard Disks
- Head crash - event that happens when the surface
of the read/write head or particles on its
surface come into contact with the surface of the
hard-disk platter, causing the loss of some or
all of the data on the disk
40Hard Disks
- Nonremovable hard disks - housed in a
microcomputer system unit and used to store
nearly all programs and most data files
41Hard Disks
- Removable hard disks - one or two platters
enclosed along with read/write heads in a hard
plastic case, which is inserted into a
microcomputers cartridge drive
Bits on disk - dark stripes are 0 bits and bright
stripes are 1 bits
42Hard-Disk Technology for Large Computer Systems
- Removable packs - 6-20 hard disks aligned one
above the other in a sealed unit - Fixed-disk drive - high-speed, high-capacity disk
drives that are sealed in their own cabinets - RAID storage system - two or more disk drives
within a single cabinet which sends data to the
computer along several parallel paths
43Optical Disks CDs DVDs
- Optical disk - a removable disk on which data is
written and read through the use of laser beams
44Optical Disks CDs DVDs
- CD-ROM - read only. For pre-recorded text,
graphics, and sound - CD-R - for recording on once
- CD-RW - for rewriting many times
45Optical Disks CDs DVDs
- DVD-ROM - for reading only
- DVD-R - for recording on once
- For rewriting many times
46Magnetic Tape
- Magnetic tape - thin plastic tape coated with a
substance that can be magnetized (for 1s) or left
non-magnetized (for 0s) - Tape cartridges - modules resembling audio
cassettes that contain tape in rectangular,
plastic housings
47Smart Cards
- Smart card - looks like a credit card but
contains a microprocessor embedded in the card - Optical card - plastic, laser-recordable,
wallet-type card used with an optical-card reader
Smart card in use
48Flash Memory Cards
- Flash memory card - circuitry on credit-card-size
PC card that can be inserted into slots
connecting to the motherboard
49Online Secondary Storage
- _at_Backup
- Connected Online Backup
- Personal Vault
- SafeGuard Interactive
505.4 Future Developments in Processing Storage
51Future Developments in Processing
- DSP chips - processors for the post-PC era
- Nanotechnology
- Optical computing
- DNA computing
- Quantum computing
- Other possibilities - molecular and dot computers
52Future Developments in Secondary Storage
- Higher-density disks
- Molecular electronics - storage at the subatomic
level - The age of storewidth