Title: HighField Magnet Workshop
1Nb3Sn Magnet Instability Observations at
LBNLAlan Lietzke, Paul Bish, Bill Lau, Sara
Mattafirri, Mark Nyman Superconducting Magnet
TestingLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Magnet Instabilities
- Mechanical (wire moves in B-field)
- Diamagnetic (B-field moves thru wire)
Flux-Jump - Observations
- Summary of instability observations at LBNL
- Observational challenges
- Examples
- Summary Conclusions
- Future Plans
3Experimental GoalsFast-Flux Investigations
- Initial (1996) Goals
- Identify quench trigger.
- Locate mechanical triggers.
- Differentiate between training and thermal
quenches. - Recent Focus
- Mechanical or flux-jump quench triggers
4Summary Instability Observations at LBNL
5Summary (boot-legged)Instability Observations
6Observational Challenge PS Noise
- Voltage View
- PS ripple
- PS switching transients
- dV/dt view
- PS switching transients
PS transients and ripple
7Quench Trigger
- Mechanical
- or
- Diamagnetic?
8Fast-Flux Differentiation
- Stick-slip
- Higher frequency.
- Oscillation.
- Flux-jump
- Lower freq.
- Little overshoot, no ringing.
300V/s, 30mV flux-jump
300V/s, 30 mV Stick-slip
9Flux-Jump Variations
- Cascade (sometimes to quench)
10D20 (1997) 1st Four-Layer Nb3Sn
- Geometry
- Dipole
- Cos-theta
- Four-layer Nb3Sn
- 50 mm clear bore
- L gt 1 meter.
11D20 (1997) Training
- Quench
- 13.5T, but slow training.
- Stick-slip limited (??)
- Fast-Flux
- Stick-slip slow training
- Flux-jumps?? rare ( 8/ramp).
Stick-slip training
12D20 (1997) Fast-Flux Signals
- Typical (100s)
- Stick-slip
- 40mV, 500V/s
- Rare (6-8/ramp)
- Flux-jump??
- 3mV (small), 25V/s
Flux-jump?? Low-B, no training, no decel., no
ring., but repeatable, and little net flux change.
13D20 Fast Flux Change
- Summary
- Trained to its 4.3K Iss. (reluctantly!).
- Many fast-flux changes
- Mostly mechanical.
- Little memory.
- Conclusion
- Flux-jumps NOT a problem (at this Jc, Istrand,
RRR). - Slow stick-slip training slow quench
14SM-02 (Feb02) 1st Magnet Failure
- 14 low Cu SC 7 hi-purity Cu
- RRR 250 (7-Cu strands)
- 42 Iss (Istrand 285A).
- Splice quenching (??, hi-RRR sig.).
- No ramp-rate hump.
- Fast-Flux data (finally) examined Aug03
- Flux-jump quench onsets.
- Cascade, mirror symmetric.
15SM-02 (Feb02) Violent Quench-Start
- Large inductive voltages
- 10x D20
- Swamped PS transients.
- Swamped resistive growth
- 20m/s 4V/s
- Erratic signals
- No ringing!
16RD3c 11T Racetrack Common-Coil Dipole
- Cost-effective field-quality demo
- Reuse 14.5 Tesla POP outer coils.
- Reuse 19 Tesla support structure
- Iron yoke
- Bladder Key
- Al shell
17RD3c Magnetic Design
- Challenges
- Correct large positive sextupole (RD3b outer
coils). - Large (a2) quadrupole (reused yoke).
- Large SC-hysteresis (Nb3Sn)
- Smallest measurable bore (max. force on
correction coil).
18RD3c Training Performance
- Slow training
- Erratic plateau.
- 0.9 Iss.
- Stick-slip.
- Many (repeating) fast-flux events.
- Study platform for FFC events.
19RD3c Stick-Slip Quench Triggers
- Accel/decel, ringing
- gt2000V/s
- Freq1/size
- lt 1 trigger quenches.
20RD3c Fast Flux Changes
- Two Kinds
- Flux-Jumps
- Slow (10ms)
- I lt 50 of Iss
- Polarity dB/dt.
- Every ramp.
- Stick-Slip
- Fast (0.1ms)
- Training
- Yes lt 8KA.
- No gt 8KA.
21RD3c Multi-Ramp FFCs
- Flux Jump
- Same every ramp reversed polarity during
down-ramp. - Stick-Slip up-ramp only forgets every ramp
gt 8kA.
22RD3c Fast-Flux Summary
- Quench-training stalled 10.7 kA (92 Iss).
- Huge (gt2KV/s) stick-slip triggers.
- Stick-slip training stalled
- No memory above 8 kA (20 lower).
- Flux-jumps
- Record number did not limit performance.
- All from higher Deff coil.
- independent of ramp repetition and direction.
- Fast-flux-change polarity reverses with dI/dt.
23NMR (2003)
- Magnet Performance
- 7T (60 of Iss)
- No training effect.
- No ramp-rate hump.
- Conductor/splice performance
- RRR 5.6
- 0.2 lt Rsplice lt 0.3 nOhm.
Quench start
Splice quench.
- Quench origins
- Outside of splice.
- All but 1st in SC-12.
- Propagation
- 50 into nearby splice in 1 ms.
- Max. splice temperature after quench 40K.
- Conclusions
- Splices low heating, well cooled, but quenching
25UND (2003)1st NbSn Undulator
- 6-0.7mm, high-I strand (1kA)
- RRR low (??)
- 40 Iss (Istrand 333 A).
- Splice quenching every quench
- After quench-start (no damage)
- Fast-Flux
- Many flux-jumps
- All quenches had F-J start.
26UND (2003) Quench Augmentation
F-Js during quench augmentquench rate.
- Cascade during quenching
- Increases effective quench speed.
- Reduces peak temperature.
Small flux-jumps start quench.
27HD1 Coil Mod-B Cross-Section
150MPa Pre-stress Target
28HD1 Quench Training
- 1st Quench
- 8.7 kA
- 13.3 T
- 78 of Iss.
- Layer-1
- Return-end spacer
- Cond. Limits
- 11.3-11.5 kA
- 16.6-16.9 T
29HD1 Typical Quench Trigger (15.8T)
- Fast motion
- 2 kV/s (huge)
- Delay
- 0.6 ms
- decaying tremors
- Resistive growth
- large surges (multi-turn, or F-J?)
Flux-jumps (?) during quench augment quenching
30HD1 Typical Quench Trigger (15.8T)
- Fast motion
- 18 mV
- Magnetization decay
- 0.6 ms
- 23 mV
- Rapid resistance growth
- 400V/s
31HD1 Fast-Flux Summary
- Quench training stalled 16 Tesla (93
Iss). - Stick-slip training stalled?? (not examined
yet). - Flux-jumps
- 100s, most ever seen in a large magnet.
- Did not limit magnet!
32SM06 (Apr04)
- Set-up
- Oxford conductor
- Small common-coil
- SC13 SC14
- Reacted with NMR 11 12.
- Lightly loaded.
33SM06 (Apr04)
- Training
- All in SC13 (0.68 Iss).
- All but 1st in outer layer.
- Observations
- SC13 flux-jump trigger
- 1/10 had splice quenching.
34SM06 T03s Quench Initiation
- Massive flux-jump trigger
- 4kV/s.
- 3V, 750us.
- Massive parallel propagation
- 2300V/s.
- 10 turns.
35SM06 T03s Flux-Jump Trigger
- Quench-trigger
- 4 V/ms F-J
- Reverse polarity.
- Precursor
- Oscillatory
- Reverse polarity.
36SM06 T03s Flux-Jump Precursor
- Oscillatory
- Reverse polarity.
37SM06 (Apr 04) Fast-Flux Comparison
- Experimental Set-up
- Quenched-start.
- Ramp
- Up-Down-Up.
- Trigger
- Vn-m (5mV)
- Observed
- Mostly flux-jumps
- 7/400 stick-slip
- 1st up-ramp.
- Max. freq. _at_
- 2.5 kA
- 25 of Iss.
38SM06 (Apr 04) Fast-Flux Comparison
- Experimental Set-up
- Quenched-start.
- Ramp
- Up-Down-Up.
- Trigger
- Vn-m (5mV)
- Observed
- Mostly flux-jumps
- 7/400 stick-slip
- 1st up-ramp.
- Max. freq. _at_
- 2.5 kA
- 25 of Iss.
39SM06 (Apr 04) Fast-Flux Comparison
- Experimental Set-up
- Quenched-start.
- Ramp
- Up-Down-Up.
- Trigger
- Vn-m (5mV)
- Observed
- Mostly flux-jumps
- 7/400 stick-slip
- 1st up-ramp.
- Max. freq. _at_
- 2.5 kA
- 25 of Iss.
40SM06 (Apr 04) Fast-Flux Comparison
- Set-up
- Trigger 5mV
- Counter reset
- dI/dt reversal.
- Faster 2nd ramp
- 2x faster
- Statistics
- UpRamp-1 440 cnts
- Coil-N
- DnRamp-1 215 cnts
- Coil-M (49)
- UpRamp-2 360 cnts
- dI/dt 2x
- Coil-N (82)
41SM06 Summary
- Higher bandwidth amplifiers
- dV/dt extended from 10 kHz to 80 kHz.
- Still have trigger problems.
- Coil M limited performance
- Zero training 68 Iss.
- Lower RRR (5.2 vs. 7.1)
- Ramp-rate variations
- M flux-jumped less than N
- Fewer flux-jumps at higher speed.
- Larger flux-jumps at higher speed??
42Summary of Observations
- Incremental DAQ Progress
- Noise suppression.
- Higher bandwidth viewing.
- Triggering improvements.
- Differentiating mechanical from flux-jumps.
- Flux jumps have become a problem recently
- 2002 SM02, mixed (Cu/Sc) strand (high Istrand).
- 2003 NMR, SM06 Low RRR.
- 2003 UND, UNDA High Istrand, Low RRR.
- Flux-jumps are only a problem if they avalanche
adjacent elements - Observation and localization continues to be a
challenge - Need a way to manage them (if they cant be
44Future Plans
- Better FFC-DAQ trigger
- Quieter PS environment.
- Better localization
- More channels,
- FFC antennas (coil arrays).