Title: Culture%20and%20Power
1Culture and Power
- How can we understand analyze aspects of
culture (ideas, music, food, work, etc.) as they
are embedded within institutional structures of
2How do young artists participate within and speak
back to structures of power?
3How do anthropologists participate within and
speak back to structures of power?
- Social Justice
- Historical
- Subjective Analysis
- Anthropology of Home
51. Social Justice Approach
- How humans are positioned within and negotiate
systems of inequality - hegemony dominant culture or ideology (taken
for granted) how people are expected to think - we consent with the dominant culture when we do
not ask questions
61. Social Justice Approach Ex.
- How is Kudi positioned within systems of
inequalityin Nigeria, in the world? - What are the hegemonic understandings of Muslim
cultures today?
72. Historical Approach
- Investigating the origin of a process or problem
to denaturalize taken-for-granted categories
82. Historical Approach Ex.
- What is the origin of the idea that women are
prone to hysteria? - Biomedical discourses, rooted in Enlightenment
Europe, linked hysteria to having a womb. - Thus, if we know the idea of hysteria has an
origin, we know the idea was historically created
and could even be Recreated
93. Subjective Analysis is More Objective
- As the anthropologist identifies and critiques
her background or position in relation to her
subject, she is able to produce a more
objective account. - The reader can better evaluate the study and its
findings when she is clear about the researchers
103. Subjective Analysis is More Objective Ex.
- Political background civil rights,
decolonization global equality - Personal interests scholar, activist, yogi,
dancer - Race/nationality/class/gender white skin color
privilege, US privileges, middle class family
from NY, woman - Geography grew up in FL participated in mixed
language, mixed class Cuban dance community
attended private middle high school in FL
114. Anthropology of HomeIs Legitimate
- Cultural Difference is not only out there.
- Focusing on home allows us to understand how
cultural difference works close to home - If we understand how cultural difference works
close to home, we can better understand other
- Argument (p.10)
- The Nacirema belief system rests on the idea
that the human body is ugly that its natural
tendency is to debility and disease. The
Nacirema have an aversion to the natural body and
its functions. They are magic-ridden and
masochistic people. But their exotic customs
have meaning and will eventually guide them to
higher stages of civilization.
13Supporting Evidence/Data
- Every household has at least one ritual shrine in
which the natives perform daily, private
rituals ceremonies to prevent disease and
ugliness. - Medicine men prepare magical charms and potions
for natives in exchange for gifts.
Charm-boxes are usually overflowing. - Every member of a family bows before the
charm-box and mingles holy water in the font, a
rite of ablution/cleansing.
14Supporting Evidence/Data
- Natives go to holy-mouth-men to rid the mouth
of evils. This is like ritual torture. -
- The culture has masochistic tendencies men
scrape and lacerate the surface of their faces
with a sharp instrument, women bake their heads
in small ovens. This is barbaric.
15Objectifying Language
- Objectifying Turning the thing or person being
examined into an object (v. subject) of study,
something separate/distant from the investigator - 1920s-1960s Anthropology culture people are
objects to be studied (like things).
Anthropologists studied people. - Since 1970s Culture people are subjects who
have their own agency or will (desires, ideas,
etc.). We study with people and communities as
16Miners Objectifying Terms
- The Nacirema A Nacireman woman/man (names?)
- ritual activity everyday practice
- shrine bathroom (what do they call it?)
- natives people
- charms/potions medicine, soap, toothpaste, etc.
- medicine men doctors
- herbalist pharmacist
- charmbox medicine cabinet
- font sink
- holy water water
- rite of ablution washing face, brushing teeth
- Water Temple water purification tank
17Miners Objectifying Terms
- holy mouth men dentists
- mouth-rite teeth cleaning
- magical materials fillings
- sharp instrument razor
- vestal maidens nurses
- gift money
- neophyte patient
- listener therapist
18How can we write about other cultures?
- Pay attention to cultural framing. Is the
event a casual event or a religious ceremony? - Ask the people what they think!
- Participant Observation
- Interview Formal informal
- Opening question what do you think about or
whats it like to..? List of 10 questions