credit cards. check overdrafts. Credit cards vs. debit cards. Three main types: ... Suppose your credit card has $100 balance on 5/31 and there will be no finance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
one bank issuer and agent banks establish merchant accounts
affiliate with another type of card like American Express
3 Bank Credit Cards
prearranged line of credit
cardholder makes purchase
retail merchant submits sales draft to merchant bank (agent) for payment less a merchant discount (0 to 6)
merchants volume of credit card activity
average size of each sale
compensating balances at the bank
merchant bank reimburses merchant
merchant bank submits charge to VISA/MasterCard
VISA/Master Card forwards charge to issuer bank
issuer bank makes payment to VISA/MasterCard
VISA/MasterCard forwards payment to merchant bank
card issuing bank bills cardholder
card holder pays the bank
4 Calculation of Finance Charges
Suppose your credit card has 100 balance on 5/31 and there will be no finance charge if paid by 6/30. On June 1 you make 100 purchase. On June 15 you make a 20 payment on the loan. The interest rate charged is 1.5 monthly or 18 annually.
What is the finance charge?
4 Methods
adjusted balance
previous balance
average daily balance excluding current
average daily balance including current
5 Methods
Adjusted balance
amount that has been billed less payments
purchases not counted
100 - 20 80 x 1.5 1.20
Previous Balance
Based on original amount billed no consideration to payment or purchases.
100 x 1.5 1.50
ADB excluding current
100 for 15 days and 80 for 15 days 90 ADB x 1.5 1.35
ADB including current
200 for 15 days and 180 for 15 days 190 average x 1.5 2.85.
lose your grace period if payment is partial or skipped
6 LiquidityLearning Objectives
Understand the role of liquidity in financial intermediaries.
Describe how to measure liquidity.
Measure the costs of liquidity.
Understand the mechanics of regulators reserve requirement.
7 FI Liquidity
What makes it different than other firms?
Asset liquidity
Liability liquidity
core deposits
8 Sources and Uses of Liquidity Consolidated Statement
Sources of liquidity
1. Total cash-type assets
2. Maximum borrowed funds limit
3. Excess cash reserves
Uses of liquidity
1. Funds borrowed
2. Federal reserve borrowing
Discount window
9 FI Liquidity Risk
What makes it different than other firms?
Asset-side liquidity risk
potential causes
Liability-side liquidity risk
potential causes
10 Measuring Liquidity Risk Exposure
Financing gap
Average loans - average core deposits
- liquid assets borrowed funds
11 Liquidity Management
Estimating Liquidity Needs
12 Reserve Requirements of Depository InstitutionsJanuary 1998
Net transaction accounts
0-47.8 million 3
More than 47.8 10
Nonpersonal time deposits 0
Eurocurrency liabilities 0
First 4.7 million transaction accounts are subject to 0
Transaction accounts all accounts that are permitted to make withdrawals by instruments. Accounts with limits of 6 or less transfers may be excluded.
Reserves held as vault cash or deposits at Federal Reserve Banks
13 Reserve Requirements of Depository InstitutionsJanuary 1998
Net transaction accounts
0 - 4.7 0
4.7-47.8 million 3
More than 47.8 10
Nonpersonal time deposits 0
Eurocurrency liabilities 0
First 4.7 million transaction accounts are subject to 0
Transaction accounts all accounts that are permitted to make withdrawals by instruments. Accounts with limits of 6 or less transfers may be excluded.
Reserves held as vault cash or deposits at Federal Reserve Banks
14 Calculate Reserve Requirements Computation period Tuesday Maintenance period Thursday Friday x 3 Friday x 3 Monday Wednesday 15 Reserve Target
4 error can be made up in next period
else penalties, explicit implicit
opportunity costs
4 can be carried to next period
16 Problem
The average demand deposits at a bank during the most recent computation period has been estimated at 225 million over a 14 day period (Tuesday to Monday). The average daily reserves at the Fed during the 14-day reserve maintenance period has been 16 million and the corresponding daily vault cash during this period was 4 million.
What is the average daily required reserves to be held at the bank during the maintenance period?
Is the bank in compliance?
What is the amount in excess that can be carried forward?
What is the loss of the carryover if the opportunity cost is 6
17 Sources of Liquidity
Borrowing vs Selling
Asset liquidity vs. liability liquidity
Liquidity of securities
Borrowing from regulators
discount window
FHLB advances
18 Liability Management
Funding costs and funding risks
demand deposits
interest bearing checking
passbook savings
Retail Time deposits and CDs
Wholesale CDs
Federal funds
19 Liquidity Measures
Liquid Assets
Fed Funds Sold and securities/resell
Assets in trading accounts
Debt securities with remaining mat. less than 1 year (fixed or variable rate)
Commercial paper
Remember pledged securities
Temporary Investments
Basically same exceptOnly interest bearing Cash accounts