Title: Regions of the United States
1Regions of the United States
2The Northeast
- The NE contains 9 states New Hampshire, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Maine, Vermont,
Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.
3I think if I Had to show someone New England
only at one instant, in one time and place, it
would be this from a canoe suspended on a silver
river, surrounded by the great, silent autumnal
explosion of the trees. On the hills, the
evergreens stand unchangingscattered in abstract
patterns through their ranks, the deciduous
treesproduce the glorious golds, oranges, reds
and purplesof a New England autumn -Ogden
4The Northeast Resources
- Compared to other regions the NE has few
resources - farms are small and sparse because of thin, rocky
soils that lay on hills. The growing season is
short (last frost in the spring to the 1st frost
in the fall). - Its valuable resources have been aided by its
shoreline and fishing and trade have been its
biggest industry. Coal is also big in
- The Northeasts many rivers have helped it become
a good center of commerce.
- Industrialists harnessed the power of rivers with
water wheels converts water power into machine
power. Many manufactured shoes, textiles and
other goods
Many pioneers of invention hailed from the
Northeast. Eli Whitneys concept of
interchangeable parts paved the way for mass
By 1900 the NE held the position as the most
productive manufacturing area in the world.
6The Northeast The Megalopolis
Suburbs residential areas on the outer edges
of the cities. People began to commute to work
by streetcar and commuter train.
- As manufacturing grew, the Northeast coastal
cities attracted industries that required a large
supply of workers causing cities to grow in
7- By the 1960s the area from Boston to Washington
DC had become known as Megalopolis which means
very large city. 55 million people now live in
this Megalopolis.
8The Northeast Problems
- After decades of steady expansion there are
worries of water shortages and facilities for
waste disposal. There is also an increase in
9Between 1980-90 New York City population
decreased by about 1 million causing a decrease
in taxes collected leading to less money for
providing public services (cops, roads, teachers
10NY is still considered the business capital of
the world.
11(No Transcript)