Finding Collisions in Interactive Protocols A Tight Lower Bound on the Round Complexity of Statistic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Finding Collisions in Interactive Protocols A Tight Lower Bound on the Round Complexity of Statistic


Black-box lower bounds ... rounds SH-cmt. Sam. Impossible ... Defining Sam (two rounds cmt.) 15. S(b,r) R. q. a. Commit stage. Reveal stage (b,r) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Finding Collisions in Interactive Protocols A Tight Lower Bound on the Round Complexity of Statistic

Finding Collisions in Interactive ProtocolsA
Tight Lower Bound on the Round Complexity of
Statistically-Hiding Commitments
Iftach Haitner, Jonathan Hoch, Omer Reingold and
Gil Segev
Talk Outline
  • Statistically-hiding commitments
  • Black-box lower bounds
  • Our lower bound on the round complexity of
    statistically-hiding commitments
  • Other lower bounds (Private Information
    Retrieval, Oblivious Transfer, Interactive

Statistically-hiding Commitments
  • The digital analogue of a sealed envelope.
  • Major ingredient in statistical ZKA, secure
    computation, and
  • Two-stage protocol between S and R
  • Commit-stage S commits to x w/o revealing it to
    R .
  • Reveal-stage S opens the commitment.
  • Security properties
  • Computationally-binding an efficient S cannot
    decommit to two different values.
  • Statistically-hiding an unbounded R does not
    learn x during the commit stage.

Applications of SH-Commitments
  • In setting where some commitments are never
    revealed, guarantees ever lasting security.
  • Statistical zero-knowledge arguments.
  • Coin-flipping protocols.
  • In some settings - a general transformation for
    protocols with statistical security
    semi-honest model ? malicious model

Known Constructions
  • NY 89, DPP 93 Collision-resistant hash
    functions (CRHF) - two rounds
  • NOVY 91 One-way permutations (OWP)-
    O(n/log(n)) rounds
  • NOV 06 HR 06 One-way functions (OWF) -
    poly(n) rounds

A family of efficiently computable, compressing
functions that are collision resistant
Efficiently computable permutations that are hard
to invert
Impossibility Results
  • Are the previous constructions optimal?
  • Usually it is very difficult to come up with
    unconditional impossibility results.
  • Discrete log is hard
  • ) CRHF exists
  • ) OWP implies two-round SH-commitment in a
    trivial sense.

Black Box Reductions
  • In their seminal work Impagliazzo and Rudich
    presented a paradigm for proving impossibility
    results under a restricted, yet important, class
    of reductions called black-box reductions.
  • Quite a few black-box separation results e.g.,
    no key-agreement from one-way functions.

(Fully) Black-Box Reductions
  • A fully black-box reduction from B to A
  • Black-box construction.
  • Black-box proof of security.
  • Proof of securityAdversary for breaking B
    ) adversary for breaking A
  • Fully black-box reductions relativize (hold
    relative to every oracle).

Black-Box Reductions (cont.)
  • Most constructions in cryptography are (fully)
    black-box, e.g., pseudorandom generator from OWF.
  • Few non black-box techniques that apply in
    restricted settings (typically using ZK proofs).
  • Black-box separations are (still) very meaningful.

Previous results
  • Fischlin 02 In any BB-reduction from
    SH-commitment to OWP (or to TDP), the commitment
    has at least two rounds.
  • Wee 06 In any BB-reduction from restricted
    type of SH-commitment to OWP defined over 0,1n,
    the commitment has ?(n/log n) rounds.

Our Results
  • In any BB-reduction from SH-commitment to OWP
    defined over 0,1n, the commitment has ?(n/log
    n) rounds and the sender communicates ?(n) bits.
  • Remarks
  • Can be generalized.
  • The bounds for the number of round are tight, and
    the bounds for number of bits communicated are
    tight for bit commitments.
  • Assuming that the permutation is s(n)-hard, then
    the bounds are ?(n/log(s(n))) and ?(n) resp.
  • Also for trapdoor permutations.
  • Also for honest receiver and for weakly-binding
    commitment schemes.

Our Results (cont)
  • Additional lower bounds
  • Interactive Hashing
  • Statistical oblivious transfer
  • Single server private information retrieval
  • Additional contributions
  • A novel extension of Gennaro-Trevisan 01
    short description paradigm
  • A new proof of Simon 98 (no BB-reduction from
    CRHF to OWP)

The Proof
  • 9 PPT with oracle access to Sam that breaks the
    binding of any o(n/log n) rounds SH-commitment.
  • 8 PPT APr?A?,Sam inverts ? negl
  • ) No BB-reduction from o(n/log n) rounds SH-cmt
    to OWP defined over 0,1n.

An imaginary world
Random permutation ?0,1n!0,1n
The rest of the talk
  • Define Sam and show how to use it for breaking
    any o(n/log n) rounds SH-commitment.
  • Prove that ? is (still) one-way in the presence
    of Sam.

Defining Sam (two rounds cmt.)
Commit stage
, y P(r2)
Reveal stage
Accepts if S(b,r) is consistent with the commit
First attempt Sam(q,a) returns a random pair
(b,r) s.t S(b,r,q) a. (S,R) is
statistically hiding ) b is uni. dist. in
0,1 ) Sam can be used to break the binding
(S,R) Problem - Sam can be used to invert ?
  • Simon, Fischlin Sam(q) returns two random
    pairs, (b,r) and (b,r) s.t. S (b,r,q) S
  • Sam can be still used to break the binding (S,R).
  • Not clear how to use Sam to invert a specific y.

Defining Sam (general case)
  • Life is not that simple
  • Sam inverts any SH-commitment
  • limit the number of queries Sam answers.
  • Forcing restrictions (Sam is stateless!)
  • the user keeps the state.
  • use signature schemes.
  • 1. Announce q1 2. (b1,r1)ÃSam (where (b1,r1)
    is uniformly dist.) 3. answer a1
  • 1. Announce q2 2. (b2,r2)ÃSam (where (b2,r2) is
    random s.t. S(b2,r2,q1) S(b1,r1,q1)) 3.
    answer a2 S(b2,r2,q1,q2)
  • Reveal stage
  • (bk1,rk1) Ã Sam. Thus, Prbk ? bk1 ½
  • The two-round case oracle Simon revisited
  • Announce q to Sam
  • (b,r)ÃSam, where (b,r) is uniformly chosen.
  • (b,r)ÃSam, where (b,r) is randomly chosen
    s.t. S (b,r,q) S (b,r,q)

First attempt Sam(q1,...,qk) returns two random
pairs (b,r) and (b,r) s.t. S(b,r,q1,...,qk)
S(b,r,q1,...,qk) Problem w.h.p., both (b,r)
and (b,r) are inconsistent with (a1,...,ak)
Defining Sam (more formally)
  • Let C, Cnext0,1m!0,1 be circuits with ?
  • Sam(Cnext,C,w)
  • Return wÃx20,1m C(x) C(w)(if C ?,
    return wÃ0,1m)
  • Preventing Sam from inverting ?
  • Sam answers only if previously answered
    (C,Cprev,.) with w.
  • Limited interaction depth.
  • We enforce the above using signature schemes.

Defining Sam (cont)
d 2 o(n/log(n))
(C1,?,?) w1
(C8,?,?) w
(C56,?,?) w
(C2,C1, w1) w2
(C3,C1,w1) w3
(C4,C2,w2) w4
(C5,C3,w3) w5
(C7,C5, w5) w7
(C6, C5, w5) w6
Defining Sam (last)
  • Let Ci be the circuit naturally defined by S and
    q1,...,qi (Ci(b,r) outputs S(b,r,q1,...,qi)s
  • For all i
  • (bi,ri) Ã Sam(Ci,Ci-1,bi-1,ri-1)
  • ai à Ci(bi,ri )

? is Still One-way in the Presence of Sam
Thm 8PPT A, PrP,yAsam,?(y)
?-1(y) negl A?,Sam(y) hits if it queries
wÃSam(Cnext,C,w) and C(w) queries ? on
?-1(y). Lemma 1 PrP,yAsam,?(y) ?-1(y) and
does not hit negl Using extension of
Gennaro-Trevisan 01 Lemma 2 PrP,yAsam,?(y)
hits negl We prove that PrP,yAsam,?(y) hits
gt negl ) 9 A s.t. PrP,yAsam,?(y) ?-1(y) and
does not hitgt negl
Gennaro-Trevisan Thm.
  • Theorem GT 01 (informal) A random permutation
    is hard even for exponential size circuits.
  • Main Lemma Let A be a circuit making q queries
    to a permutation ?0,1n!0,1n s.t. PryA?(y)
    ?-1(y) ?,then ? has a short description.(of
    length K 2log(2n choose a) log((2n -a)!),
    where a ?2n/(q 1))
  • Proving the thm
  • Let A be a circuit of size 2n/5
  • ) A inverts w.p 2-n/5 a tiny fraction of the ?s
    (lt 2-n)

The proof of GT Lemma -The Short Description
of ?
  • Carefully chosen Y µy A?(y) ?-1(y), X
  • Y X ?2n / (q1)
  • The desc. of ? is the desc. of X,Y and the
    values of ? over 0,1n \ X (and thus indeed of
    size K).
  • Reconstruction go over all y2Y in lex. order,
    simulate A(y) to get x A(y) and set ?(x) y.
  • Y is chosen s.t.
  • all the queries made by A?(y) to ? are already
  • Except for the possibility that A?(y) queries ?
    on ?-1(y), but then you have found ?-1(y).

Proving Lemma 1
  • Lemma 1 8PPT A, Pr?,yA?,Sam(y) ?-1(y) and
    no hit lt 2-?(n).
  • We show that
  • 8 fixing of A and Sams random coins, 8?
  • PryA?,Sam(y) ?-1(y) and no hit gt ?
  • ) ? has a short description.
  • ) For any choice of A and Sams random coins,
  • Pr?,yA?,Sam(y) ?-1(y) and no hit lt

Proving Lemma 1 (cont)
Sam(Cnext,C,w) Go over 0,1m in a fixed order,
return the first that satisfies C(w) C(w)
  • Idea apply GT to ASam.
  • Problem ASam makes too many queries to ?.
  • Solution when defining Y, only care that the
    queries in the evaluation C(w) and C(w) are
  • Reconstruction when simulating Sam(C) (embedded
    in A?,Sam(y)), we find the first w s.t. all the
    calls of C(w) to ? are already defined and
    C(w) C(w).
  • Problem C(w) might query ? on ?-1(y).
  • A is non-hitting!

From Hitting to Non Hitting (a simple case)
  • Lemma 2 8PPT A, Pr?,yA?,Sam hits negl
  • Idea hitting A ) non-hitting A that inverts ?
  • Let ? be fixed, and assume that A only makes two
    queries w1ÃSam(C1,?,?) and w2ÃSam(C2,C1,w1).
  • A hits if C1(w2) queries y.
  • w2 is uniformly dist. in 0,1m
  • ) PryC1(Um) queries y PryA?,Sam hits
  • A acts as A, but queries C1(Um) before calling
  • ) PryA?,Sam ?-1(y) and no hit PryA?,Sam
  • ) PryA?,Sam hits negl

Sam(Cnext,C,w) wÃx 20,1m C(x) C(w)
From Hitting to Non Hitting (general case)
  • PryASam,?(y) hits gt 1/p(n)
  • hiti PrCi-1(wi) queries y
  • A evaluates Ci-1(wi-1) before it calls
  • invi PrCi-1(wi-1) queries y
  • Wlog hit2 is exp. small
  • d(n) 2 o(n/log n)
  • ? hiti gt 1/p(n)
  • ) 9j s.t. hitj gt max p2(n) ?iltj hiti, t
  • Claim hitj is large ) invj is large.
  • )(invj - ?iltj hiti) gt t/2
  • )PryASam,?(y) ?-1(y) and no hitgt t/2

Sam(Ci,Ci-1,wi-1) wiÃx20,1m
hitj is large ) invj is large
  • We prove that 8i Exhiti invi .
  • invi PrCi-1(wi-1) queries y
  • hiti PrCi-1(wi) queries y
  • Sampling wi-1
  • wi-1 Ã w Ci-2(w) Ci-2(wi-2)
  • Sampling wi
  • Sample wi-1
  • S w Ci-1(w) Ci-1(wi-1)
  • wi à S
  • hitSi PrwÃSCi-1(w) queries y
  • invi ? PrS PrCi-1(wi-1) queries y S
  • ? PrS hitSi Exhiti

Additional Results
  • Similar proof (same Sam) ) in any construction of
    the above, the sender communicates ?(n) bits
  • Give a BB-reduction from low-communication PIR to
    SH-commitment, where the sender communicates
    ?(log n) additional bits.
  • )
  • No BB-construction from OWP (and from TDP) to
    low-communication PIR.

Concluding Remarks
  • In any BB-reduction from SH-commitment to OWP
    defined over 0,1n, the commitment has ?(n/log
    n) rounds and the sender communicates ?(n) bits.
  • Sam breaks the binding w.h.p ) no weakly-binding
  • Did not use the fact that the receiver might
    deviate from the protocol.
  • ) The bound holds for protocols secure only
    against honest receivers.
  • The extension to TDP is not very hard.

Open Questions
  • We showed that in any BB-reduction from OWP
    defined over 0,1n to statistically-hiding bit
    commitment, the sender communicates ?(n) bits.
  • Tighter bounds for commitment of many bits,
    imply tighter bounds for PIR.
  • Using our extension to Gennaro-Trevisan to prove
    other black-box separation results.

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