Title: Chris DuClos EPHT Program
1 Environmental Public Health Tracking and
Vital Statistics in Florida
Chris DuClosEPHT Program Meade Grigg State
Registrar Ken Jones Deputy State Registrar
2Background The Pew Report
- In September 2000, Pew Environmental Commission
Report released to Congress. - Outlined steady Increase of Chronic Diseases in
the US - Birth Defects - 1 Cause of Infant Mortality.
- Learning and Behavioral Disorders rising, over
50 in the past 10 years. - Asthma rate 75 increase (1980-1994)
- Reported increases in the incidence of cancers
- In addition, in a national survey, over 87 or
persons polled, felt that environmental hazards
in our environment were contributing to chronic
illness in US. -
- Despite evidence of increasing rates of disease
and environmental links, a coordinated, a system
to track many of the exposures to health effects
that may be related to environmental hazards did
not exist.
3The Response Health Tracking
- Congress appropriated funding for CDC National
Environmental Public Health Tracking Program in
2002 - For development and implementation of a
nationwide environmental health tracking network
and capacity development in environmental health
at state and local health departments
4Health Tracking Surveillance
- Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) is
the ongoing, systematic collection, integration,
analysis, and interpretation of data for
evaluating - environmental hazards,
- human exposure to environmental hazards,
- health effects potentially related to exposure.
- Results must be disseminated to plan, implement,
and evaluate public health action. This
requires an electronic network.
5Strategic Plan for the EPHT Network
- To provide information from a nationwide network
of integrated health and environmental data that
drives actions to improve the health of
6CDC Goals for EPHT Network
- Develop a national Environmental Public Health
Tracking Network (EPHTN) that - 1) Is standards-based and PHIN compatible
- 2) Allows direct electronic data reporting and
linkage within and across health effect,
exposure, and hazard data - 3) Interoperates with other public health
7CDC Grantees for EnvironmentalPublic Health
Tracking Program FY 2006
8Vital Statistics Collaboration with Health
Tracking in Florida
- Meade Grigg (State Registrar) is on the Florida
EPHT advisory council - What has worked well in Florida- simple vital
stats access procedures for DOH employees other
researchers- secure electronic access to shared
copy of SQL Server database (already geocoded to
FDOH standards)
9Florida ExampleVital Statistics and Health
- Live births and fetal deaths are the denominator
for tracking congenital anomalies (birth defects) - Geocoded records allow for aggregation at census
tract level for various time periods of concern - GIS tools then compare expected to observed rates
around env. hazards(Rapid Inquiry Facility
RIF, from the Imperial College of London
websitehttp//www.sahsu.org )
10Example GIS Analysis of Birth Defects and NPL
Sites in Florida
- Congenital Heart Defects and TCE
11GIS Results Pending More Years of Defect Data
GIS tools can use SES data as confounders
12Second ExampleLBW and Busy Roadways
- Low Birth Weight (lt 2500g) taken from geocoded
live births file - LBW evaluated within 300 meters of roadways with
gt 10,000 cars per day
13Preliminary Results
14Formation of the Vital Stats / EPHT Partnership
in Florida
- Key personnel identified in EPHT grant app
- Orientation meetings held to understand the data
- Acknowledgment of each partners constraints
- Respect for reservations regarding misuse of
data - Share expertise in data, tools, methods
- Share resources rather than try to duplicate them
- Be open to recommendations and ideas
15Guidelines for Vital Statistics/EPHT Partnership
- Follow the Golden Rule
- Meet in person
- Make requests not demands
- Say Please and Thank you
- Whenever possible, provide funding
- Whenever possible, promote their initiatives
16Parting Shot Vital Statistics in the Health
Tracking Network
- Vital Statistics data are very central to health
tracking goals, so long-termrelationships are
very important - By 2010, vital statistics information from all
EPHT states should be included in some form on
the Network - Workgroups (CDC and Grantees) are now discussing
what specific vital stat information will be on
the Network
17Florida EPHT Partnerships
18 Contact Information
- Environmental Public Health Tracking Program
- Greg Kearney, DrPH, MPH, RS (Principal
Investigator, Epidemiologist) greg_kearney_at_doh.sta
te.fl.us , 850-245-4577 - Chris DuClos, MS (IT Manager, Geographic
Information Systems) chris_duclos_at_doh.state.fl.us
, 850-245-4264 - Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Data Analysis
- Meade Grigg, State Registrar
- meade_grigg_at_doh.state.fl.us , 850-245-4010
- Ken Jones, Deputy State Registrar
- ken_jones_at_doh.state.fl.us , 904-359-6900 ext.
- This project is supported by funding provided by
a CDC Cooperative Agreement to the Florida
Department of Health. Its contents are the
responsibility of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views from CDC.