Title: with members across the UK: www'coastproject'co'uk
1reduce - reuse - recycle
..and helping the local council ask the
businesses what help they need to recycle more..
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
2reduce - reuse - recycle
...facilitating partnership between businesses
and local charities...remember all those
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
3reduce - reuse - recycle
..from compost bins to long-life light bulbsand
jute bags for recycling, or buying local
vegetables.. .designing waste out
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
4..and getting green teams passionate about their
impact in the hotel, and out...)
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
5..so...where do the visitors sit in all this?...
Don't doubt for one moment that visitors are
increasingly wanting to see this when they come
on holiday...
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
6do not underestimate the shift in thinking...
7organic foods up by 10ethical cleaning
products up by 12 food boycotts up by
15 free range eggs up by 21green energy
up by 37 sustainable timber and paper up
by 46 freedom foods up by 56energy
efficient light-bulbs up by 58fairtrade
goods up by 61 rechargeable batteries up by
79responsible tour operators up by
7environmental tourist attractions up by
22green cars up by 132 Ethical
Consumerism Report 2008, The Co-operative Bank.
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
8(No Transcript)
9Indications of Demand
- 11 actively seeking a green holiday- 53
will respond positively if come across it
like for like- ¾ visitors associate green
with higher quality
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
10And some of our best businesses are making it
their business to find out more Local campsite
survey, Helsbury Park, Cornwall 08
are happy to sort their rubbish whilst on
holidayif its made easy for them to do so
Its about the triple bottom line
would sort food waste for compostingif its
made very easy for them to do so Local campsite
survey, Helsbury Park, Cornwall 08
Its about the triple bottom line
would definitely buy locally grown farm
produceif readily available and competitively
priced Local campsite survey, Helsbury Park,
Cornwall 08
Its about the triple bottom line
are paying more attention to their
accommodations carbon footprint when making
their selection Local campsite survey, Helsbury
Park, Cornwall 08
Its about the triple bottom line
14 CoaST Ambassador Programme..and to build
on this growing interest that serves ALL our
interests, and encourage our visitors to be the
Best Sort of Visitor.....we help train our
Ambassador Businesses to do just that
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
15(No Transcript)
16 with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
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19..using their websites to explain what theyre
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
20CoaST Visitor Charter
..and we help businesses communicate a POSITIVE
message to our visitors..
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
21CoaST Visitor Website
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
22talking to our surfers
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
23so with so many businesses working so hard to
communicate the recycling message to our
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
24and the marketing backing up that message..
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
25 people, place and prosperity www.coastproject.co.u
26 27..then businesses, visitors, and communities
become inspired to change the CoaST network
has inspired us, motivated us ..made each person
believe that even small things can contribute to
protecting the environment which has had the
effect of motivating people to go for the big
things. CoaST member tourism business
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
286 main reasons why our businesses want to join
the rubbish revolution 1 they save money 2
they get a marketing edge 3 they don't want to
kill the goose that lays the golden egg 4
increasing sense of corporate responsibility 5
new carbon legislation due to arrive 6 they
are inspired and influenced by Ambassador
Businesses who are leading the way and
changing the culture
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
29So the three pearls of wisdom we have learned 1
Collaborate work together as businesses, ideally
in a network, and help your staff do the same 2
Communicate talk to your visitors, explain what
you're trying to do, and ask for their help
they will respond well! 3 Innovate design the
waste out at the beginning
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk
30 So by collaboration and collective
effort this is how we warm our homes, and dont
burn down our houses. Thank you, and dont stop
now! Manda Brookman CoaST Tel 44 00 1872
562 057 info_at_coastproject.co.uk www.coastproject.c
o.uk www.oneplanettourism.co.uk
with members across the UK www.coastproject.co.uk