An Overview of Computer Security - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Overview of Computer Security


Security is a state of well-being of information and infrastructures in which ... Confidentiality is the concealment of information or resources. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Overview of Computer Security

An Overview of Computer Security
  • CS 6262

The Definition
  • Security is a state of well-being of information
    and infrastructures in which the possibility of
    successful yet undetected theft, tampering, and
    disruption of information and services is kept
    low or tolerable
  • Security rests on confidentiality, authenticity,
    integrity, and availability

The Basic Components
  • Confidentiality is the concealment of information
    or resources.
  • Authenticity is the identification and assurance
    of the origin of information.
  • Integrity refers to the trustworthiness of data
    or resources in terms of preventing improper and
    unauthorized changes.
  • Availability refers to the ability to use the
    information or resource desired.

Security Threats and Attacks
  • A threat is a potential violation of security.
  • Flaws in design, implementation, and operation.
  • An attack is any action that violates security.
  • Active adversary.

Eavesdropping - Message Interception (Attack on
  • Unauthorized access to information
  • Packet sniffers and wiretappers
  • Illicit copying of files and programs

Integrity Attack - Tampering With Messages
  • Stop the flow of the message
  • Delay and optionally modify the message
  • Release the message again

Authenticity Attack - Fabrication
  • Unauthorized assumption of others identity
  • Generate and distribute objects under this

Masquerader from A
Attack on Availability
  • Destroy hardware (cutting fiber) or software
  • Modify software in a subtle way (alias commands)
  • Corrupt packets in transit
  • Blatant denial of service (DoS)
  • Crashing the server
  • Overwhelm the server (use up its resource)

Impact of Attacks
  • Theft of confidential information
  • Unauthorized use of
  • Network bandwidth
  • Computing resource
  • Spread of false information
  • Disruption of legitimate services
  • All attacks can be related and are dangerous!

Security Policy and Mechanism
  • Policy a statement of what is, and is not
  • Mechanism a procedure, tool, or method of
    enforcing a policy.
  • Security mechanisms implement functions that help
    prevent, detect, and respond to recovery from
    security attacks.
  • Security functions are typically made available
    to users as a set of security services through
    APIs or integrated interfaces.
  • Cryptography underlies many security mechanisms.

Security Services
  • Confidentiality protection of any information
    from being exposed to unintended entities.
  • Information content.
  • Parties involved.
  • Where they are, how they communicate, how often,

Security Services - Contd
  • Authentication assurance that an entity of
    concern or the origin of a communication is
    authentic - its what it claims to be or from
  • Integrity assurance that the information has not
    been tampered with
  • Non-repudiation offer of evidence that a party
    indeed is the sender or a receiver of certain

Security Services - Contd
  • Access control facilities to determine and
    enforce who is allowed access to what resources,
    hosts, software, network connections
  • Monitor response facilities for monitoring
    security attacks, generating indications,
    surviving (tolerating) and recovering from attacks

Security Services - Contd
  • Security management facilities for coordinating
    users service requirements and mechanism
    implementations throughout the enterprise network
    and across the Internet
  • Trust model
  • Trust communication protocol
  • Trust management infrastructure

Assumptions and Trust
  • A security policy consists of a set of axioms
    that the policy makers believe can be enforced.
  • Two assumptions
  • The policy correctly and unambiguously partitions
    the set of system states into secure and
    nonsecure states
  • The policy is correct
  • The security mechanisms prevent the system from
    entering a nonsecure state
  • The mechanisms are effective

Assumptions and Trust Contd
  • Trusting the mechanisms work require the
    following assumptions
  • Each mechanisms enforces part(s) of the security
  • The union of the mechanisms enforce all aspects
    of the policy
  • The mechanisms are implemented, installed, and
    administered correctly

How to Make a System Trustworthy
  • Specification
  • A statement of desired functions
  • Design
  • A translation of specifications to a set of
  • Implementation
  • Realization of a system that satisfies the design
  • Assurance
  • The process to insure that the above steps are
    carried out correctly
  • Inspections, proofs, testing, etc.

Operational Issues
  • Risk Analysis
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Laws and Custom

Human Issues
  • Organizational Problems
  • People Problems

The Security Life Cycle
  • The iterations of
  • Threats
  • Policy
  • Specification
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Operation and maintenance

Access Control Matrix
Protection State
  • A protection system describes the conditions
    under which a system is secure
  • State of a system
  • A collection of the current values of all memory
    locations, storages, registers, etc.
  • A subset of this collection that deals with
    protection is the protection state of the system

State Transitions
  • State transitions due to commands
  • The result of transforming an authorized state
    with an operation allowed in that state is an
    authorized state

Access Control Matrix Model
  • Describes a protection state
  • The rights of each subject with respect to every
    other entity
  • The set of all protected entities is the set of
    objects O the set of subjects S is the set of
    active objects a set of rights R
  • Access control matrix A specifies for each pair
    of s ?S and o ?O, the set of rights s on o,
    As,o ? R
  • The set of protection states of the system is
    represented by (S, O, A)

Protection State Transitions
  • Sequences of state transitions are represented by
    commands that update the access control matrix
  • Primitive commands
  • Create or destroy a subject or object
  • Enter or delete a right for a subject and object

Special Rights
  • The copy right (or grant right) allows the
    possessor to grant rights to another
  • The own right enables the possessors to add or
    delete privileges for themselves and others
  • Principle of attenuation of Privilege
  • A subject may not give rights it does not possess
    to another

Foundational Results
The General Question
  • Given a computer system, how can we determine if
    it is secure?
  • Is there a generic algorithm that allows us to
    determine whether a computer system is secure?
  • What do we mean by secure?
  • Use access control matrix to express the policy

  • Let R be the set of generic (primitive) rights of
    the system
  • No special rights copy and own
  • Definition when a generic right r is added to an
    element of the access control matrix not already
    containing r, that right is said to be leaked
  • Definition If a system can never leak right r,
    the system is called safe with respect to the
    right r. If the system can leak right r, the
    system is called unsafe with respect with the
    right r

Safety vs. Security
  • Safety refers to the abstract model and security
    refers to the actual implementation
  • A secure system corresponds to a model safe with
    respect to all rights
  • A model safe with respect with all rights does
    not ensure a secure system

The Safety Question
  • Does there exist an algorithm for determining
    whether a given protection system with initial
    state s0 is safe with respect to a generic right

Basic Results
  • Theorem There exists an algorithm that will
    determine whether a given mono-operational
    protection system with initial state s0 is safe
    with respect to a generic right r
  • Proof sketch Each command is identified by the
    primitive operation it invokes. Consider the
    minimal sequence of commands needed to leak r
    from the system with initial state s0. We can
    show that the length of this sequence is bounded.
    Therefore, we can enumerate all possible states
    and determine wither the system is safe.

Basic Results (contd)
  • Theorem It is undecidable whether a given state
    of a given protection system is safe for a given
    generic right
  • Proof sketch we show that an arbitrary Turing
    machine can be reduced to the safety problem,
    with the Turing machine entering a final state
    corresponding to the leaking of a given generic
    right. Then if the safety problem is decidable,
    we can determine when the Turing machine halts.
    Since we already know that the halting problem is
    undecidable, the safety problem cant be
    decidable either.

Basic Results (contd)
  • The safety problem is undecidable for generic
    protection models but is decidable if the
    protection system is restricted in some way
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