Title: Hedge Funds in the Middle East
1Hedge Funds in the Middle East
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3The global hedge fund industry
4Hedge fund marketTotal assets and number of
- Increasing numbers of sophisticated investors are
invested in hedge funds - Funds of hedge funds are estimated to account for
about 25-30 of total hedge fund assets - Total hedge fund assets are only about 2-3 of
global equity market capitalisation
Source Hedge Fund Research, Inc. (HFRI). 1As at
31 March 2007.
5Changing strategy dynamics
Source Hedge Fund Research, Inc. (HFRI). 1As at
31 March 2007.
6Selection criteria used by institutionsChoosing
their hedge fund investments
- Early Days
- Reputation
- Track record
- Downside protection (guaranteed)
- Relationship
- Current Environment
- Track record
- Reputation of company/individuals
- Involvement in investment process
- Level of transparency
- Quality of service
- Regional presence
- Man Investments establishes an office in Bahrain
in 1986 - Handful of illiquid regional equity markets
- Initially offered managed futures
- Introduced a capital guarantee
- Exclusively private clients
8In the year 2000
- Man Investments still the only locally registered
firm, offices in Dubai and Bahrain - Proliferation of regional markets, but still
illiquid - Wide range of strategies, bias towards long/short
equities - Still limited supporting infrastructure
- Private clients account for 90 of assets
- A rich and diverse market that is expanding
rapidly - Local equity markets increasingly liquid, other
investment opportunities emerging (property,
development, inward investment) - Growing base of institutional investors (about
35 of assets) - Supportive regulatory environment and
infrastructure has emerged (e.g. Bahrain Central
Bank, DIFC, Qatar Financial Centre) - Far wider range of strategies, structures new
sources of Alpha being identified all the time
10Characteristics of the region
- Middle Eastern investors are sophisticated
- High acceptance of hedge funds by both private
and institutional investors - Main product preferences
- Private investors
- Principal protected (safety)
- Structured products (diversification)
- Around 65 of money raised from private clients
is invested in principal protected structured
- Institutional investors
- Fund of hedge funds
- Single managers
- Tailor-made products
- Structured products
- New Alternatives
11Developments in the Middle East
- Money inflows to hedge funds in 2006 remained as
in previous years - Become a more accepted asset class
- Expected to grow 15 year on year
- Slight decline in private client investments
- Compensated by increase in institutional investing
12Outlook for the Middle East
- Investor confidence in hedge funds is unchanged
- Inflows expected to remain at high levels
- Rapid increase in institutional investments very
likely - The composition of assets under management (today
60 private money, 40 institutional money) will
change in the coming years towards a 50/50 split - Strong competition from regional stock markets
and real estate markets - IPO boom, infrastructure absorbing some liquidity
13The road ahead
- The Middle East offers huge opportunities, but
the industry also faces significant hurdles - Sourcing capacity and new sources of alpha is
increasingly challenging - Clients are demanding higher levels of service
- There is increased competition from other asset
classes - Regulatory environment is likely to become more
- The Middle East continues to offer significant
opportunities for funds of hedge funds, but to
maintain a competitive advantage, managers must - Continue to meet the performance promise super
risk-adjusted returns with diversification - Deliver increasingly high standards of client
service - Invest in innovation and product development to
access new strategies and managers and thus
secure future performance