Title: Cross Cultural Counseling
1Cross Cultural Counseling
- Q A
- Readings/Assignments for next week
- Culture Matters
- Content
- Experiential activity/ Groupwork
- Case Study
- Project Time
- Miriam
- The Primal Mind
- Groups
- Peer Evaluation Forms
4The Focus
- Diversity and Multiculturalism
- Counseling
- Cross Cultural Counseling
- Multicultural Counseling
- Multicultural Counseling Competencies
5Leftovers (Context)
- Minorities have less access to, and availability
of, mental health services. - Minorities are less likely to receive needed
mental health services. - Minorities in treatment often receive a poorer
quality of mental health care. - Minorities are underrepresented in mental health
research. - http//www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/mentalhealth
6Race, Racism, Racial Identity Development
7Recap and follow-up
- Maintain seating assignments
- Cultural Being Paper Due
- Crash as an educational tool?
- Reading assignment
- Tipping point clarification
- Group time
- QA
8Definition deconstruction (readings)
- Privilege (Barry Olson)
- Race
- Racism
- Racial Identity Development
- an arbitrary classification system of
populations conceived in Europe, using actual or
assumed genetic traits to classify populations of
the world into a hierarchical order, with
Europeans superior to all other (Christensen,
- the myth of human races constitutes one of mans
most damnable masses of misinformation, andhas
led to wars, strife, murder and waste of natural
resources (Calloway Harris, 1977).
- The idea that racial classifications correspond
to a reality or collection of characteristics has
not been demonstrated (Axelson, 1999)
- The human genetic code, or genome, is 99.9
percent identical throughout the world (Shreeve,
2006) - National Geographic (March 2006)
13The Genesis of Race in the US
- 1444 European Slave Trade Begins
- 1660s VA and MD passed laws which prohibited
marriage between people of African descent and
people of European descent and made all Africans
slaves for life. - 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
- 1865 13 amendment
- 1978 Most recent racial classification system
from US government? - 2000 Census offers new choices
14Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
15Other topics not covered in class
16Research findings (RID)
- Black counselors identified themselves as more
multiculturally competent than White counselors
(Holcomb-McCoy,2000) - Racial identity development and multicultural
terminology are critical factors of multicultural
competence (Holcomb-McCoy,2000)
17White Racial Identity Development
- Contact
- Disintegration
- Re-integration
- Pseudoindependence
- Immersion-emersion
- Autonomy
- Obliviousness
- Dissonance
- Privilege Protection
- Redefinition
- Self Activism
- Nonracist Identity
18Experiential Activities
19Issue identity The client the counselor
- Identify a counseling issue
- What are the important characteristics of the
20Case Trans-racial adoption (5 min)
- http//www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?story
Id5696238 - Role play
21A Girl Like Me
- http//www.uthtv.com/umedia/show/2052/
22Cool With You
- http//www.blastro.com/player/mellodandtheradoscoo
- Readings, Handouts, Papers, Group Assignments
- Next week
- Culture Matters
- Oppression
- Statused Identities
- Squat Game
- -Isms Illuminated
- Gender
- Case/Skits
- Panel
24-Ism(s) Defined
- A system (social structure) of advantage
(disadvantage) based on specific characteristics - Policies, procedures, rules, and institutions
that create and maintain inequity - Patterns of inequity can be seen over time
- Comparative statistics suggest inequity
25Social Structure
- Laws (e.g., federal, state, local)
- Policies (e.g., Work-related)
- Cultural Values (e.g., Timeliness, efficiency)
- Systems (e.g., Educational, Occupational, Social)
26-Isms Illuminated
27-ISM Development
28Ism Example
- If I discriminate against women, I am sexist and
I am an active participant in sexism. - If I simply enjoy the benefits of my male
privilege and do not actively discriminate
against women, I am still sexist and I am a
passive participant in sexism.
29Oh- OppressionYou prey on us when we
sleep.OppressionYou chase after the tired, the
poor, the weak.OppressionYou know you mean only
harm.OppressionYou reach out with your long
arm.But OppressionI won't let you near me, aah
no.OppressionYou shall learn to fear me, yes
you will.OppressionYou seek population
control.OppressionTo divide and to conquer is
your goal.OppressionI swear that hatred is your
home.OppressionYou just won't leave bad enough
01 - OPPRESSION(Ben Harper)Fight For Your
Mind, 1995
30But OppressionI won't let you near me, aah
no.OppressionYou shall learn to fear me, yes
you will. Oppression,I don't see how you
sleep.OppressionFor your bleeding conscience I
weep.OppressionYou may have the dollar on your
side.But OppressionFrom the gospel truth you
cannot hide.And OppressionI won't let you near
me, aah no.OppressionYou shall learn to fear
me, yes you will.OppressionI won't let you near
me - aah no.OppressionYou shall fear me, yes
you will - aah.
01 - OPPRESSION(Ben Harper)Fight For Your
Mind, 1995
31Gender Roles
- Masculine and Feminine
- Can an individual be both?
- What if you are trans-gendered?
- Definitions, Restrictions? and Implications
32Gender Roles
- What restrictions did your gender place on you
as a child? (Arrington) - I love sports and interior decorating. Am I
male or female? - What are your contradictions?
- The Tipping Point!
- Journal excerpts for book chapter (Outline)
- Turn in peer reviews
- Course Grade
- Culture Matters
- Institutional Racism Workshop
- Kendra role play revisited
- My privilege revisited
- Dali experience (Victorias challenge revisited)
- Can we believe Ben Harper? (http//www.benharper.n
et/?viewplayer) - What do you want to change in the world?
- What role does multiculturalism have in the
change process?
35Middle-Eastern, Arab, Arab-American Panel
- Awareness, Knowledge, Skills
36- Read Case Study on page 117
- The process of attending to the subjects of race,
ethnicity, and culture in the counseling process - Involves the selective attention to cultural
factors that may impact the clients
sociopolitical experience - Does not define the clients race or culture as
the primary source of concern
- Places the clients concern in a sociocultural
context - The counselor and client work together to
determine how race and culture may impact certain
counseling related concerns
39Asian American History
- Which Asian ethnic group has the longest history
in the US? - What brought them to the US?
- Why were Japanese, Korean, Filipino, and Puerto
Rican people recruited to Hawaii at the beginning
of the 20th century? - What are some of the reasons the first Japanese
immigrants left Japan?
40- The Organic Act of 1900 created the U.S.
Territory of Hawaii and disenfranchised Chinese
and Japanese workers - Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
- December 7, 1941 Bombing of Pearl Harbor
- 110,000 Japanese, mostly second generation,
placed in internment camps
41Generic Characteristics of Counseling
- Standard English
- Verbal Communication
- Individual Centered
- Verbal, emotional, behavioral expressiveness
- Openness and intimacy
- Cause-effect orientation
42Generic Characteristics of Counseling
- Clear distinction between physical and mental
well-being - Nuclear family
- Adherence to time schedules
- Long-range goals
- Ambiguity
43Asian American Client
- Asian language, Nonstandard English, Bilingual
- Family centered
- Restraint of feelings
- One-way communication from authority figure to
person - Silence is respect
44Asian American Client
- Advice seeking
- Well-defined patterns of interaction (concrete
structured) - Private versus public display (shame/disgrace/prid
e) - Physical and mental well-being defined
differently - Extended family
45Asian American Client
- Action oriented
- Different time perspective
- Immediate, short-range goals
46Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
- Helping role and process
- Uses modalities and defines goals consistent with
the life experiences and cultural values of the
client - Recognizes client identities to include
individual, group, and universal dimensions
47Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
- Advocates the use of universal and cultural
specific strategies and roles in the healing
process - Balances the importance of individualism and
collectivism in the assessment, diagnosis, and
treatment of client and client system
48Your Multicultural Counseling Model
- Content
- Select up to 5 points of information
- Theoretical Conceptualization
- Process
- How would you acquire this information?
49Universal and culture-specific strategies
- Common features in helping relationships cut
across cultures and societies - The therapeutic relationship
- A shared worldview between the client and
counselor - Client expectations for positive change
- Interventions believed by both client and
counselor to be a means for alleviating client
50Universal and culture-specific strategies
- Multicultural counseling believes that different
racial/ethnic minority groups might respond best
to culture-specific strategies of helping. - communication style
- beliefs about psychological problems
- strategies for coping with and resolving personal
problems - counseling expectations and behavior
- racial identity development and acculturation
- worldviews