Title: Welcome to the Great Bournemouth Debate 2005
1Welcome to the Great Bournemouth Debate 2005
2Who am I?
Meet your host!
Daily Echo Editor Neal Butterworth
3- Rules of the Hall
- Please turn off your mobiles
- No smoking, eating or drinking in the lecture
theatre - Toilets are directly in front of you as walk out
of the doors - Refreshments will be available in the canteen
4Using the keypad to vote
- Press the number button that corresponds with
your selected answer (there is no enter key
required) - You can see how you have voted by looking in the
display screen at the top of the keypad - If you change your mind or make a mistake simply
re-submit your new answer within the countdown
5Who am I?
From Leader of the council Cllr Richard
6Getting to know you
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8(No Transcript)
9Getting to know you
10Getting to know us
P1. Customer First
11Getting to know us
P1. Customer First
12Getting to know us
P2 Recycling
13Getting to know us
P2 Recycling
14Getting to know us
P3 Safer Communities
15Getting to know us
P3 Safer Communities
16Getting to know us
P4 Affordable housing
17Getting to know us
P4 Affordable Housing
18Getting to know us
P5 Sustainable transport
19Getting to know us
P5 Sustainable transport
20Getting to know us
P6 Cultural renewal
21Getting to know us
P6 Cultural renewal
22Getting to know us
P7 Childrens services
23Getting to know us
P7 Childrens services
24Getting to know us
P8 Cleaner streets
25Getting to know us
P8 Cleaner streets
26Getting to know us
P9 Boscombe Regeneration
27Getting to know us
P9 Boscombe Regeneration
28Making our case
Customer First Cllr Adrian Fudge Recycling
Cllr Richard Smith Safer Communities Cllr Rob
Copeland Affordable Housing Cllr Bill
Mason Sustainable Transport Cllr Adrian
Fudge Cultural Renewal Cllr Bill
Mason Childrens Services Cllr Claire
Prince Cleaner Streets Cllr Richard
Smith Boscombe Regeneration Cllr Rob Copeland
29Vote for your top 3!
Now you have learnt a bit more about each
priority and heard why each one is
important, Please vote for your top three
priorities in order of importance, with your
first choice being the most important to you.
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31Refreshment break
32Your top 9 priority suggestions
1.More family friendly facilities 2.Seafront
security 3.Moving towards a healthier
community 4. Protecting the built
environment 5.Licensing 6.More catering for the
older population 7.Parking 8.Greenbelt
protection 9.Bournemouths image
33Making your case
34Vote for your top 3!
Please vote for your top three priorities, in
order of importance, with your first choice being
the most important to you.
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36QA time!
37Final ask the audience !
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39Prize draw presentation!
40What happens next?
41How was it for you?
42How was it for you?
43How was it for you?
44How was it for you?