Title: Quantum Phase Transition in Ultracold bosonic atoms
1Quantum Phase Transition in Ultracold bosonic
- Bhanu Pratap Das
- Indian Institute of Astrophysics
- Bangalore
2Talk Outline
- Brief remarks on quantum phase transitions in a
single species ultracold bosonic atoms. - Quantum phase transitions in a mixture of two
species ultracold bosonic atoms. - Special reference to new quantum phases and
transitions between them.
3SF-MI transition for bosons in a periodic
Bose-Hubbard Model
onsite interaction
Fisher et al, PRB(1989)
U/t ltlt 1 Superfluid U/t gtgt 1 Mott
Jaksch et al, PRL(1998) (for optical lattice)
Integer density gt SF-MI transition
4SF-MI Transition In Optical Lattice
Greiner et al, Nature(2002) 3D Stoeferle et
al, PRL (2004) 1D
5SF-MI transition in One component Boson with
Filling factor 1
Mott Insulator
6SF-MI transition in One component Boson with
Filling factor 1
7SF-MI transition in One component Boson with
Filling factor 1
8SF-MI transition in One component Boson with
Filling factor 1
9SF-MI transition in two component Boson with
Filling factor 1 (?a1/2, ?b1/2)
10SF-MI transition in two component Boson with
Filling factor 1 (?a1/2, ?b1/2)
11SF-MI transition in two component Boson with
Filling factor 1 (?a1/2, ?b1/2)
12Phase separation in two component Boson with
filling factor 1 (?a1/2, ?b1/2)
Phase separated SF
13Phase separation in two component Boson with
filling factor 1 (?a1/2, ?b1/2)
Phase separated SF
14Phase separation in two component Boson with
filling factor 1 (?a1/2, ?b1/2)
Phase separated MI
15Two Species Bose-Hubbard Model
Exploration of New Quantum Phase Transitions
Present work ta tb 1 , Ua Ub
U Physics of the system is determined by ? Uab
/ U and the densities of the two species ?a
Na/L and ?b Nb/L
16Theoretical Approach
- We calculate the Gap
- And the onsite density
- For a and b type bosons, EL(Na,Nb) is
the ground state energy and - ?0LNaNbgt is the ground state wave
function for a system of length L with Na (Nb)
number of a(b) type bosons obtained by DMRG
method which involves the iterative
diagonalization of a wave function and the energy
for a particular state of a many-body system. The
size of the space is determined by an appropriate
number of eigen values and eigen vectors of the
density matrix. - We study the system for ? 0.95 and ? 1.05 .
- We have considered three different cases of
densities - i.e ?a ?b ½ , ?a 1, ?b ½ and ?a
?b 1
GL EL(Na1,Nb) - EL(Na,Nb) EL(Na,Nb) -
ltniagt lt?0LNaNb nia ?0LNaNbgt
- For ? 0.95 and for all densities there is a
transition from 2SF-MI at some critical value Uc
. - For ? 1.05 and ?a ?b ½ there is a
transition from 2SF to a new phase known as PS-SF
at some critical value of U and there is a
further transition to another new phase known as
PS-MI for some higher value of U. - For ? 1.05 and ?a 1 and ?b ½ there is a
transition from 2SF to PS-SF. The PS-MI phase
does not appear in this case. - Finally for ? 1.05 and ?a ?b 1 there is a
transition from 2SF to PS-MI without an
intermediate PS-SF phase. This result is very
intriguing. -
- Tapan Mishra, Ramesh. V. Pai, B. P. Das,
This plots shows the SF-MI transition at the
critical point Uc3.4 for ? 0.95
Plots of ltniagt and ltnibgt versus L for U 1 and
U 4 . These plots are for ? 1.05 and L50.
19OPS ?i ltnaigt - ltnbigt
The upper plot is between LGL and U which showes
the SF-MI transition and the lower one between
OPS and U.
- For the values of the interaction strengths and
the density considered here we obtain phases like
2SF, MI, PS-SF and PS-MI - The SF-MI transition is similar to the single
species Bose-Hubbard model with the same total
density - When Uab gt U we observe phase separation
- For ?a ?b ½ we observe PS-SF sandwiched
between 2SF and PS-MI - For ?a 1 and ?b ½ there is a transition from
2SF to PS-SF - For ?a ?b 1 no PS-SF was found and the
transition is directly from 2SF to MI-PS.
21- Co-Workers
- Tapan Mishra, Indian Institute of Astrophysics,
Bangalore - Ramesh Pai, Dept of Physics, University of Goa,
- Goa
22Bragg reflections of condensate at reciprocal
lattice vectors showing the momentum distribution
function of the condensate
M. Greiner, et al. Nature 415, 39 (2002).
23Experimental verification of SF-MI transition
M. Greiner, et al. Nature 415, 39 (2002).