Title: International Workshop on
1International Workshop on High Density Nuclear
Physics QCD
Topics that will be discussed in the workshop
include -----------------------------------------
------------------ - Short-range structure of
nuclei,- High energy reactions for probing high
density configurations in nuclei,- Onset of hard
QCD dynamics in high energy nuclear processes, -
Hadrons in the nuclear medium,- Parton
propagation in nuclear medium,- Equation of
state for dense nuclear matter,- Nuclear matter
at high densities and neutron stars
Topics that will be discussed in the workshop
include -----------------------------------------
------------------ - Short-range structure of
nuclei,- High energy reactions for probing high
density configurations in nuclei,- Onset of hard
QCD dynamics in high energy nuclear processes, -
Hadrons in the nuclear medium,- Parton
propagation in nuclear medium,- Equation of
state for dense nuclear matter,- Nuclear matter
at high densities and neutron stars
- Short-range structure of nuclei,- High energy
reactions for probing high density configurations
in nuclei,- Onset of hard QCD dynamics in high
energy nuclear processes, - Hadrons in the
nuclear medium,- Parton propagation in nuclear
medium,- Equation of state for dense nuclear
matter,- Nuclear matter at high densities and
neutron stars
- Short-range structure of nuclei,- High energy
reactions for probing high density configurations
in nuclei,- Onset of hard QCD dynamics in high
energy nuclear processes, - Hadrons in the
nuclear medium,- Parton propagation in nuclear
medium,- Equation of state for dense nuclear
matter,- Nuclear matter at high densities and
neutron stars
Short-range structure of nuclei,
October 6-10, 2008, Yerevan, Armenia