Title: Distributed Ray Tracing
1Distributed Ray Tracing
Robert L. Cook Thomas Porter Loren
Carpenter Computer Division Lucasfilm
Ltd. SIGGRAPH 1984
2Distributed Ray Tracing
Cook-Porter-Carpenter (1984) Apply
distribution-based sampling to many parts of the
ray-tracing algorithm Rays can also be
stochastically distributed in object space to
- Gloss/Translucency
- Perturb directions reflection/transmission, with
distribution based on angle from ideal ray - Depth of field
- Perturb eye position on lens
- Soft shadow
- Perturb illumination rays across area light
- Motion blur
- Perturb eye ray samples in time
3Distributed Ray Tracing Apply distribution-based
sampling to many parts of the ray-tracing
algorithm Rays can also be stochastically
distributed in object space to simulate
- Gloss
- rays are distributed reflections around
reflection direction to simulate non-smooth
surfaces - Depth of field
- origin of rays is distributed with respect to
lens to get out-of-focus effect - Soft shadow
- rays are distributed around light direction to
simulate area light sources - Motion blur
- rays are distributed in time to simulate object
4Distributed Ray Tracing
5Distributed Ray Tracing Rays can also be
stochastically distributed in object space to
- Gloss
- rays are distributed reflections around
reflection direction to simulate non-smooth
surfaces - Depth of field
- origin of rays is distributed with respect to
lens to get out-of-focus effect - Soft shadow
- rays are distributed around light direction to
simulate area light sources - Motion blur
- rays are distributed in time to simulate object
6DRT Gloss/Translucency
- Blurry reflections and refractions are produced
by randomly perturbing the reflection and
refraction rays from their "true" directions.
7Distributed Ray Tracing
4 rays
64 rays
4 rays
16 rays
10Distributed Ray Tracing Rays can also be
stochastically distributed in object space to
- Gloss
- rays are distributed reflections around
reflection direction to simulate non-smooth
surfaces - Depth of field
- origin of rays is distributed with respect to
lens to get out-of-focus effect - Soft shadow
- rays are distributed around light direction to
simulate area light sources - Motion blur
- rays are distributed in time to simulate object
11Depth of Field
- The area in front of your camera where everything
looks sharp and in focus. - objects falling within that area will be
acceptably-sharp and in focus - objects falling outside the area will be soft and
out of focus.
12CG Camera Models
- Pinhole ideal camera
- All rays go through single point
- Everything in focus -- unrealistic
13More Realistic Model
- Lenses with spherical surfaces
- Depth of field control
14DRT Depth of Field
- Each point in the scene appears as a circle on
the image plane.
15DRT Depth of field
- The lens has a diameter of F/n .The lens is
focused at a distance P so that the image plane
is at a distance Vp - Points on the plane that is a distance D from the
lens will focus at
16DRT Depth of field
17DRT Depth of field
For a point I on the image plane, the rays we
trace lie inside the cone whose radius at D is
18Depth of Field
19Distributed Ray Tracing Rays can also be
stochastically distributed in object space to
- Gloss
- rays are distributed reflections around
reflection direction to simulate non-smooth
surfaces - Depth-of-view
- origin of rays is distributed with respect to
lens to get out-of-focus effect - Soft shadow
- rays are distributed around light direction to
simulate area light sources - Motion blur
- rays are distributed in time to simulate object
20Soft Shadows
- Consider the light source to be an area, not a
point - Trace rays to random areas on the surface of the
light source distribute rays according to areas
of varying intensity of light source (if any) - Use the fraction of the light intensity equal to
the fraction of rays which indicate an unobscured
light source
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24Cook (1986)
25Distributed Ray Tracing Rays can also be
stochastically distributed in object space to
- Gloss
- rays are distributed reflections around
reflection direction to simulate non-smooth
surfaces - Depth-of-view
- origin of rays is distributed with respect to
lens to get out-of-focus effect - Soft shadow
- rays are distributed around light direction to
simulate area light sources - Motion blur
- rays are distributed in time to simulate object
26Motion Blur
Post-process blurring can get some effects, but
- Two objects moving so that one always obscures
the other - Cant render and blur objects separately
- A spinning top with texture blurred but
highlights sharp - Cant post-process blur a rendered object
- The blades of a fan creating a blurred shadow
- Must consider the movement of other objects time
27Temporal Jittering Sampling
28Motion Blur
29(No Transcript)
30Cook (1986)
31Cook (1986)
32Distributed Ray Tracing (Summary)