Title: CIW Site Design Prep Session
1CIW - Site DesignPrep Session
2Client Software
3Features for Developers
- Dynamic HTML (DHTML) support
- Provides interactivity in Web pages
- DHTML behaviors
- Store Web page information and style
- XML support
- Enables developers to build Web-based
applications - Allows you to separate data from presentation
4Configuring IE 5
- Exploring Security Options
- Setting Security Options
- Setting Connections Options
5Exploring Security Options
- Web Content Zones
- Internet zone
- Local intranet zone
- Trusted sites zone
- Restricted sites zone
- Security Levels
- High
- Medium
- Medium-low
- Low
6Setting Security Options
7Setting Connection Options
- Internet Connection Wizard
- Proxy Server
8Downloading Files Using FTP
- FTP - an Internet service that allows you to
download files from the Internet to your computer
- To download files
- Connect to an FTP server on a remote computer
- Have permissions to access files on the FTP server
9Comparing Web Browsers
10Review Client Software
- Identify the developer features
- Configure Internet Explorer 5
- Download files using FTP
- Identify the contrasting features of available
Web browsers
11Basic HTML
- Web Site Design Considerations
- Creating a Web Page
- Adding Images to a Web Page
- Creating Tables
- Formatting Tables
- Review
13Web Site Design Considerations
- Minimize download time
- Keep information accessible
- Provide alternative media
- Minimize the use of sound
- Coordinate colors
- Text considerations
- Consistency
- Legal issues
14Creating a Web Page
- Basic HTML Tags
- HTML Tag Syntax
- Creating a Web Page Using Notepad
- Creating a Web Page A GUI Authoring System
- Content Tags
- Creating Headings, Paragraphs, and Lists
- HTML Tag Attributes
- Hyperlink Tags
- Adding Hyperlinks
15Basic HTML Tags
- HTML Tag
- ltHTMLgt lt/HTMLgt
- Contains a head and a body section
- HEAD Tag
- ltHEADgt lt/HEADgt
- Requires the ltTitlegt lt/Titlegt tag
- BODY Tag
- ltBODYgt lt/BODYgt
- Holds the entire content of the Web page
16HTML Tag Syntax
- HTML Tags
- Begin with a (lt) end with a (gt)
- Most tags are paired into beginning and ending
tags for example, ltH1gtlt/H1gt
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgtltTITLEgtMy site lt/TITLEgtlt/HEADgt ltBODY
gt ltH1gtWELCOME TO MY SITElt/H1gt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
17Content Tags
- Headings
- Have levels from one to six, one being the
largest -
ltBODYgt We are learning the Heading tags in
HTML. ltH1gtHEADING 1lt/H1gt ltH2gtHEADING
2lt/H2gt ltH3gtHEADING 3lt/H3gt ltH4gtHEADING
4lt/H4gt ltH5gtHEADING 5lt/H5gt ltH6gtHEADING
6lt/H6gt lt/BODYgt
18Content Tags (continued)
- Paragraph tags
- Indicate where a new paragraph begins
lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt We are learning about the
paragraph tags in HTML. ltPgtThis is a new
paragraph.lt/Pgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
19Content Tags (continued)
ltOLgt ltLIgtThis is a list item.lt/LIgt ltLIgtThis is
a second list item.lt/LIgt lt/OLgt
ltULgt ltLIgtThis is a list item.lt/LIgt ltLIgtThis is
a second list item.lt/LIgt lt/ULgt
ltDLgt ltDTgt Word 1 ltDDgt This is definition of
word 1. ltDTgt Word 2 ltDDgt This is definition of
word 2. lt/DLgt
20HTML Tag Attributes
- FONT tag attributes
- Color
- Size
ltfont color"Yellow" face"Arial"gtHey I'm Yellow
ltfont size2 color"white"gtChange My size
21Hyperlink Tags
- Hyperlinks
- Connect a Web page to another page or a different
location on the same page - Types of Hyperlinks
- URL (http//xxx/xxx/xxx/dir/file.htm)
- E-mail (mailtosomeone_at_mycompany.com)
- Non-HTML document (file\\path\dir\filename)
- Newsgroup (news.xxx.xxx.xxx)
- Bookmark (Mypage.htmbookmarkname)
ltA HREF"Destination_Address"gttext or graphiclt/Agt
22Hyperlink Tags (continued)
- Relative links
- Describe the destination relative to the location
of the Web page containing the link - Absolute links
- Used to link documents that are not part of the
same site
ltA HREF"MyDocument.htm"gtLink textlt/Agt
ltA HREF"../myfolder/myFile.htm"gtLink textlt/Agt
ltA HREF"/Directory/myFile.htm"gtLink textlt/Agt
ltA HREF"http//Server/Directory/File.htm"gtLink
23Hyperlinks Tags (continued)
- Bookmark tag
- Names a location in a Web page that can be a
target for a hyperlink
ltA Name"bookmark1"gt
ltA HREF"MyDoc.htmbookmark1"gtLink textlt/Agt
24Adding Images to a Page
- Adding Images Using HTML
- Creating Hyperlinked Images
- Image Map Tags
- Image Design Considerations
- Designing Interactive Web Graphics
25Adding Images Using HTML
- Use the IMG tag to add images to Web pages
- ltIMGgt tag tells the browser that an image will be
displayed - SRC attribute tells the browser the file name of
the image to display -
ltIMG SRC name of image filegt
26Creating Hyperlinked Images
- Nest image under the ltA HREFgt lt/Agt tag
ltHTMLgt ltBODYgt ltA HREF"mysite.htm"gt ltIMG
SRC"webpage.jpg"gt lt/Agt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
27Image Map Tags
- Server-side image map tags
- The size and location of each hotspot and its
associated URL reside in a separate file on the
server - Client-side image map tags
- Are run by the browser rather than a CGI
ltA HREF"name.map"gt ltIMG SRC"name.gif"
ISMAPgt lt/Agt
ltIMG SRC"name.bmp" USEMAP"jumps"gt
28Image Maps
- Create various geometric shapes
- Rectangular hotspots
- Circular hotspots
- Polygonal hotspots
- Highlight hotspots
- To create an image map, use the rectangle,
circle, or polygon tools toward the left end of
the Image toolbar
29Image Design Considerations
- Image Display
- Ensure that users get the information with or
without the images - Supply alternative text for images because some
browsers cannot display images - Performance of a Web page
- The main content of a page should be visible
within 8 seconds - The entire page, including all images, should be
downloaded within 30 seconds - Specify the HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes for any
image to be displayed on the page
30Image Design Considerations (continued)
- Thumbnails
- Improve the performance of a Web page.
- Are small images mapped with hyperlinks to pages
that have full versions of the images. - GIFs and JPGs
- GIFs are best suited for icons, navigation bar
buttons, or large images that contain only a few
colors - JPGs are best suited for photographs of graphics
with a large degree of detail and color
31Designing web graphics
- Image slicing
- An image is divided using the slice tool
- Each slice is assigned a URL, an ALT tag, and
different compression values - Rollovers
- A rollover effect causes the image to change when
the mouse moves over it
32Creating Tables
- Creating Tables Using HTML
- Creating Tables Using Notepad
- Creating Tables Using a GUI Web Authoring System
33Creating Tables Using HTML
- ltTABLEgt lt/TABLEgt Tag
- ltTRgt lt/TRgt Tag
- ltTDgt lt/TDgt Tag
ltTABLEgt lt/TABLEgt
34Formatting Tables
- Table Width and Height
- Table Headers
- Spanning Columns or Rows
- Table Borders
- Table Caption
- Grouping Columns
- Nesting Tables
35Table Width and Height
- WIDTH attribute
- Values in pixels or percentages
- HEIGHT attribute
- Values in pixels or percentages
ltTRgt ltTD WIDTH"27"gtlt/TDgt ltTD HEIGHT"25"gtlt/TDgt
36Table Headers
- ltTHgt tag
- Default values for the ltTHgt tag
- ALIGN center, VALIGN middle
ltTABLE ALIGNleft border1 WIDTH20gt
ltTRgt ltTHgtNamelt/THgt ltTHgtE-maillt/THgt lt/TRgt
ltTRgt ltTDgtScottlt/TDgtltTDgtScott_at_yahoo.comlt/TDgt
lt/TRgt ltTRgt ltTDgtDianelt/TDgtltTDgtDiane_at_hotmail.com
lt/TDgt lt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt
37Spanning Columns or Rows
- The COLSPAN attribute
- The ROWSPAN attribute
- ltTRgtltTD ROWSPAN2gtR2 C1lt/TDgtltTDgtR2 C2lt/TDgtltTDgtR2
C3lt/TDgtlt/TRgt -
ltTABLE alignleft border1 width20gt lttrgtlttd
colspan3 AligncentergtAirline Confirmationlt/tdgtlt/
trgt lttrgtlttd rowspan2gtFlight Detailslt/tdgtlttdgtDepa
rture Citylt/tdgtlttdgtDeparture Timelt/tdgtlt/trgt lttrgtlt
tdgtArrival Citylt/tdgtlttdgtArrival
Timelt/tdgtlt/trgt lt/TABLEgt
38Table Borders
- BORDER attribute
- Creates a border for a table
- The number specified sets the width of the border
39Table Caption
- ltCAPTIONgt tags
- Use the ALIGN attribute to set the horizontal
alignment of the caption - Use the VALIGN attribute to set the vertical
alignment of the caption -
ltTABLE ALIGNleft border1 WIDTH20gt
ltCAPTION ALIGNcenter VALIGNbottomgtEmployee
Detailslt/CAPTIONgt ltTRgt ltTHgtNamelt/THgtltTHgtE-maillt
/THgtlt/TRgt ltTRgtltTDgtScottlt/TDgtltTDgtScott_at_yahoo.com
lt/TDgtlt/TRgt ltTRgtltTDgtDianelt/TDgtltTDgtDiane_at_hotmail.
comlt/TDgtlt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt
40Grouping Columns
VALIGN"BOTTOM"gt ltTRgt ltTDgt This
column, Column 1, should be aligned to the
center.lt/TDgt ltTDgt This column, Column 2, is a
part of the same group.lt/TDgt ltTDgt This
column, Column 3, should be aligned to the
bottom.lt/TDgt lt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt
41Nesting Tables
- Each table cell can contain its own table
- Tables can be nested together to create more
complex tables -
COLSPAN3 ALIGNCENTERgtEmpdetailslt/THgtlt/TRgt
ltTRgtltTD ROWSPAN2gt ltTABLE BORDER1gt ltTRgtltTDgt
Scottlt/TDgtltTDgtRogerlt/TDgtlt/TRgt ltTRgtltTDgtDianelt/TD
gtltTDgtSarahlt/TDgtlt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt
ltTRgtltTDgtAddresslt/TDgtltTDgtDesignationlt/TDgtlt/TRgt lt/TA
- Create a Web page using basic HTML tags
- Add images to a Web page using HTML
- Create tables by using HTML
43Advanced HTML
- Creating Frames Using HTML
- Creating Forms Using HTML
- Formatting Forms
- Creating a Form
- Introduction to Style Sheets
- Using Style Sheets
- Publishing a Web Page
- Review
45Creating Frames Using HTML
- What Are Frames?
- Using Frames Guidelines and Drawbacks
- The ltFRAMESETgt Tag
- The ltFRAMEgt Tag
- The ltNOFRAMESgt Tag
46What Are Frames?
- Frame divides a Web page into multiple,
scrollable regions - Features
- A frame can be assigned an individual URL
- A frame can be assigned a name to be referred by
other URLs - A frame can be resized dynamically
47Guidelines and Drawbacks
- Guidelines
- Use frames to display information that requires
one area of the page to remain static, while the
other area changes - Use borderless frames wherever possible
- Provide white spaces in the pages that display
the frames - Drawbacks
- Frames divide the browser window into smaller
sections - Some browsers do not support borderless frames
- Some browsers do not support frames
48The ltFRAMESETgt Tag
- The frameset is the main container of a frame
- Attributes of a frameset
- ROWS defines horizontal frames
- ROWS"row_height_value_list"
- COLS defines vertical frames
- COLS"column_width_list
SRC"Frame1.htm"gt ltFRAME SRC"Frame2.htm"gt lt/FRA
49The ltFRAMEgt Tag
- Defines a frame in a frameset
- In ltFRAMESETgt tag, specify
- Source HTML file
- Appearance of the frame
- Use the ltBASEgt tag with the TARGET attribute to
specify the target frame for hyperlinks
ltFRAME SRC"FrameDoc2.htm" SCROLLING"yes"
50The ltNOFRAMESgt Tag
- If a browser does not support frames, use
ltNOFRAMESgt tag to supply alternate HTML
ltFRAMESETgt ... ltNOFRAMESgt ltPgtYou need
Internet Explorer version 3.0 or later to
view frames!lt/Pgt lt/NOFRAMESgt lt/FRAMESETgt
51Creating Forms Using HTML
- What Are Forms?
- The ltFORMgt Tag
- Overview of Form Controls
- Using Text Controls
- Using Push Buttons
- Creating a Simple Form
- Using Radio Buttons and Check boxes
- Using Drop-Down Menus
- Using Hidden Controls
52What Are Forms?
- Forms
- Accept user information
- Provide options to users for retrieving
information based on their needs - Allow users to submit comments or feedback
53The ltFORMgt Tag
- Use the ltFORMgt and lt/FORMgt tags to create a form
- A form cannot be nested within another form
ltFORM ACTION"/scripts/formProcessor.asp"
METHODPOSTgt lt!- Form Contents fields,
buttons, etc. --gt Name ltINPUT TYPETEXT
NAME"txtName" VALUE"My Name"gt ltINPUT
54The ltFORMgt Tag (continued)
- Attributes of the ltFORMgt tag
ltFORM ACTION"formProcessor.asp" METHOD"POST"gt
ltFORM TARGET"Frame1"gt
55Overview of Form Controls
- Use the ltINPUTgt tag to define controls
- Syntax
- Form controls
- Text box
- Password
- Text area
- Push button
ltINPUT TYPEtype_of_control NAMEname_of_control
- Radio button
- Drop-down menu
- Check box
- Hidden control
56Using Text Controls
- Single-line text box
- Password
- Scrolling text box
ROWS"2" NAME"txtComments"gt lt/TEXTAREAgt
57Using Push Buttons
NAME"btnclickme" VALUE"click me"gt
58Using Radio Buttons and Check Boxes
- To add a radio button
- Use ltINPUTgt tag and set TYPE to RADIO
- To add a group of radio buttons
- Assign the same NAME attribute to all radio
buttons in a group
ltBgtAre you aware of the COM Technology?lt/Bgt ltPgtltIN
VALUE"yes"gtyeslt/Pgt ltPgtltINPUT TYPE"RADIO"
NAME"optaskqn" VALUE"no"gtnolt/Pgt ltPgtltINPUT
TYPE"RADIO" NAME"optaskqn" VALUE"maybe"gtmaybelt/
59Using Radio Buttons and Check Boxes (continued)
- To add a check box
- Use ltINPUTgt tag and set TYPE to CHECKBOX
- To make the check box appear selected
- Add CHECKED attribute to the ltINPUTgt tag
VALUE"biz" gtBusiness use ltINPUT TYPE"CHECKBOX"
NAME"chkpersonaluse" VALUE"personal"gt
60Using Drop-Down Menus
- Use the ltSELECTgt tag to add a drop-down menu
control - MULTIPLE attribute allows multiple selections in
a drop-down menu - Use the ltOPTIONgt tag to add items to the
drop-down menu - SELECTED attribute to show a default selection in
a drop-down menu
ltSELECT MULTIPLE NAME"lstorderingpreference"gt
61Using Hidden Controls
- To add a hidden control
- Use ltINPUTgt tag, set TYPE to HIDDEN
- To set a value to the control
- Add text to the VALUE attribute
62Formatting Forms
- Setting the tab order set the TABINDEX
attribute - Adding labels set ID attribute, add ltLABELgt
tag, and set the FOR attribute to the ID of the
control - Adding Access Keys set ACCESSKEY attribute
NAME"txtaddress" TABINDEX"2"gt
ID"optColor1"gt ltLABEL FOR"optColor1"gt Green
ID"optcolor2"gt ltLABEL FOR"optcolor2"
63Cascading Style Sheets
- Style sheets define the look and feel of Web
pages - Define the font, color, text, margins, and
borders for the Web page - Advantages of using a style sheet
- Additional formatting options
- Better control
- Easier customization
- Supports a larger audience
- Improves the performance of your site
64Using Style Sheets
- Using Inline Styles
- Setting Style Properties
- Embedding Style Sheets
- Linking Style Sheets
- Creating New Style Classes
- Creating Style Sheets Using HTML
65Using Inline Styles
- You can add inline styles to HTML tags by using
the STYLE attribute - You can also apply a style to a block of tags by
using the ltSPANgt tag
ltP STYLE"margin-left 1.0in color teal"gt
This text appears indented and in the color
teal. lt/Pgt
ltSPAN STYLE"font-size 14pt color teal"gt
66Setting Style Properties
- To set the font properties in the style
definition use - Use font to specify multiple font properties
together - To set the color of the text use the color
Font-style, Font-size, Font-family,Font-weight
ltP STYLE"font-family Arial font-weight bold
font-size 14pt"gt
ltP STYLE"font bold 14pt"gt
ltP STYLE"font-family Arial color teal"gt
67Embedding Style Sheets
- Use the ltSTYLEgt block to embed style sheets
ltHEADgt ltSTYLE TYPE"text/css"gt H1 font 17pt
"Arial" font-weight bold color teal H2
font 13pt "Arial" font-weight bold color
purple P font 10pt "Arial" color red
lt/STYLEgt lt/HEADgt
68Linking Style Sheets
- Create a file that contains the style definitions
- Save file to the server with the extension .css
- Link to .css file from any HTML document with the
ltLINKgt in the ltHEADgt section of HTML document - In case multiple styles are defined for a tag,
the style which is in effect is the style that is
defined last in the order of occurrence
H1 font 17pt "Arial" font-weight bold
color teal
ltHEADgt ltLINK REL"stylesheet" TYPE"text/css"
HREFMystyles.css"gt lt/HEADgt
69Creating New Style Classes
- Create a new style class by preceding the style
name with a dot
ltSTYLEgt .red font-size18pt colorred
.green font-size15pt colorgreen lt/STYLEgt
70Publishing a Web Page
- Overview of Publishing
- Preparing to Publish
- Production Processes
- Publishing a Web Site
71Preparing to Publish
- Verify hyperlinks
- Recalculate hyperlinks
- Perform site-wide spell-check
- Perform site-wide search and replace
72Production Process
- Site development process involves the
- Staging server hosts the Web site in
development - Test server hosts the Web site published for
testing - Production server hosts the Web site published
for public access
73Publishing a Web Site
- Before publishing, find out if target server
supports FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE) - If FPSE is supported publish using HTTP,
otherwise publish the site using FTP - You can also publish a site to a file system
- Create frames using HTML
- Create forms using HTML
- Create style sheets using HTML
- Publish a Web page
75Using Client-Side Scripts
- Client-Side vs. Server-Side Scripting
- Client-Side and Server-Side Objects
- Introducing Client-Side Scripting
- Using Dynamic HTML
- Using Event Procedures
- Adding a Rollover Effect
- Using the Document Object Model (DOM)
- Validating Form Inputs
77Client-Side vs. Server-Side Scripting
- Server-side scripting
- Client-side scripting
The time at the Web server is lt Time() gt The
date at the Web server is lt Date() gt
The time at the Web browser is ltSCRIPT
LANGUAGEVBScriptgt Document.Write
time() lt/SCRIPTgtltBRgt The date at the Web
browser is ltSCRIPT LANGUAGEVBScriptgt Document.Wr
ite date() lt/SCRIPTgtltHRgt
78Client-Side and Server-Side Objects
- Client-side objects
- Window (represents the properties, methods, and
events of the browser window) - Document (represents the HTML document displayed
by browser) - Server-side objects
- Response (generates the response sent to browser)
- Request (information sent by browser to Web
server) - Session (user specific information)
- Application (global information for Web
applications) - Server (provides common functionalities and
access to COM objects)
79Introducing Client-Side Scripting
- Client-side scripts are programs attached to HTML
documents, which run on Web browsers - VBScript is a scripting language for writing
client-side scripts - ltSCRIPTgt tag
ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE"VBScript"gt lt!-- VBScript code
is placed here --gt lt/SCRIPTgt
80Using Dynamic HTML
- Introducing Event Procedures
- The ID Attribute
- Using Event Procedures
81Introducing Event Procedures
- An event can be any action including a click,
movement of the mouse, or loading of a document. - Common mouse events onclick, onmouseover, and
ltSCRIPT language"VBScript"gt lt!-- Sub
changecolor_onmouseover() changecolor.style.col
orred End Sub Sub changecolor _onmouseout()
changecolor.style.colorgreen End
Sub --gt lt/SCRIPTgt
82The ID Attribute
- Uniquely identifies an object
- Use the ID property of HTML elements in the
client-side script to manipulate elements
ltbodygt ltp id"myParagraph"gtdynamic
HTML!lt/pgt lt/bodygt
ltSCRIPT language"VBScript"gt lt!-- Sub
myParagraph_onmouseover() 'Execute some
code. End Sub --gt lt/SCRIPTgt
83Using Event Procedures
- Using the Microsoft Script Editor
- Changing the Style of an Element Dynamically
- Adding a Rollover Effect
84Document Object Model (DOM)
- The Window Object
- The Document Object
- Using the DOM
85The Window Object
- The Window object
- Properties - Parent, Self, Top, Name
- Methods - Alert, Confirm, Prompt, Navigate
- Events - OnLoad, OnUnLoad
Sub Window_OnLoad Alert "The OnLoad event is
fired" End Sub Sub Window_OnUnLoad Alert "The
OnUnLoad event is fired" End Sub
86The Document Object
- Properties
- BgColor
- Forms
- LastModified
- Title
- Methods
- Open
- Close
- Write
- WriteLn
87Document Object (Continued)
- Form object
- Properties Action, Method
- Method Submit
- Event OnSubmit
sub btnURL_onClick dim nURL nURLWindow.Documen
t.frmtest.txtURL.Value Window.Alert "The current
URL is " Window.Location Window.Alert "The
new URL is " nURL Navigate nURL End sub
88Document Object (Continued)
- Link object
- Properties
- Href
- Target
- Events
- MouseMove
- OnClick
- Anchor object
- Property
- Name
89Validating Form Inputs
- len function
- isNumeric function
90Validating Form Inputs (Continued)
ltSCRIPT language"VBScript"gt lt!-- function
myform_onSubmit Dim temp tempmyform.T1.value lle
n(temp) if llt5 then MsgBox "You need to enter a
value with 5 or more digits." end if end
function --gt lt/SCRIPTgt
91Validating Form Inputs (Continued)
ltSCRIPT language"VBScript"gt lt!-- Sub
cmdSubmit_onclick ok true if
Form1.txtName.value "" then end
if if isNumeric(Form1.T1.value) false
then msgbox "You must enter a valid
employee id." Form1.T1.focus ok
false end if End Sub --gt lt/SCRIPTgt
- Write a client-side script using VBScript
- Use dynamic HTML to add Web effects
- Describe the Document Object Model (DOM)
- Validate form inputs using VBScript
93Using Server-Side Scripts
- Active Server Pages (ASPs)
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Using ASP Objects
- Programming in ASP
- Review
95Active Server Pages (ASPs)
- Working of ASPs
- Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
- ASP Object Model
96Working of ASPs
- When a browser requests an ASP file from a Web
server - The server-side script gets executed
- ASP processes the requested file, executes the
script commands contained in the file, and
generates an HTML Web page - The Web page is sent back to the browser
97Internet Information Server
- IIS 4/5
- Includes ASPs
- Includes the Native Scripting Engine for VBScript
- Includes the Native Scripting Engine for JScript
98ASP Object Model
- Response object
- Request object
- Session object
- Application object
- Server object
99Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Properties
- Refer to data, attributes, and settings of an
object - Do not take arguments
- Used to describe or set the state and appearance
of an object
lt Response.Buffer True gt
- Methods
- Set of tasks that perform actions
- Can return values and take arguments
- Has access to the data known to the object
lt Response.Write("Hello") gt
102 Using ASP Objects
- Response Object
- Request Object
- Session Object
- Application Object
103Response Object
- Used to send data back to the client Web browser
lt Response.Write(Hello World)gt
104Request Object
- Used to capture information submitted by a form
- QueryString collection
- Form collection
lt firstRequest.QueryString("txtfname")gt
lt firstRequest.QueryString(txtfname) last
Response.Write(Welcome first last)gt
ltfirstRequest.Form(txtfname) last
Request.Form(txtlname) Response.Write(Welco
me first last)gt
105Session Object
- Stores information needed for a particular
session - (View Session.asp from Sampapps)
lt Session(UserName)John Smith gt lt
Response.Write Session(UserName) gt
106Application Object
- Application object
- Stores state information for use by script files
- Lock and Unlock methods
lt Application.(CompanyName)Microsoft Respons
e.Write Application(CompanyName)gt
lt Application.Lock Application("Visit")Applicati
on("Visit")1 Application.Unlock gt
107Programming in ASP
- Script tag
- Variables
- Data Types
- Conditional Statements
- Other Programming Features
108Script Tag
lt Response.Write Nowgt
- Variables can store
- User-supplied information
- Intermediate data
- Property setting of a control
- Dim statement
lt Dim time TimeHour(Now())gt
110Data Types
- Data types
- Determine the type of information that can be
stored in a variable - Variant data type
- Can store data of all types
- IsNumeric functions
lt IF IsNumeric(age) THEN Response.Write
("You have entered the correct value") ELSE
Response.Write ("Please enter a numeric
value as age ") END IF gt
111Conditional Statements
IF (sales lt 50000) THEN Response.Write ( "You
get a bonus of 5") ELSE Response.Write ( "You
get a bonus of 10") END IF
112Other Programming Features
lt Dim i i 1 DO WHILE i lt 10
Response.Write ("The number is " i )
ii1 LOOP gt
113Other Programming Features (continued)
lt Sub IncreaseSales(NumSales) Sales Sales
NumSales End Sub gt
114Other Programming Features (continued)
- Operators
- Arithmetic operators ( , - , , /)
- Comparison operators ( , lt , gt , ltgt)
- Concatenation operators ( , )
- Logical operators (and , not , or)
- String Functions
- InStr (identifies the character location of a
string within another) - Trim (removes leading and trailing spaces)
- Rtrim (removes trailing spaces)
- Ltrim (removes leading spaces)
- Define the ASP object model
- Define object oriented programming
- Execute ASP code in Microsoft IIS
- Use ASP objects to capture form information and
handle server functions - Use ASP to process form information
116Database-Driven Web Pages
- Accessing Data from a Text File Using the
Tabular Data Control - Accessing Data from an XML Document
- Database Access Interfaces
- Processing Forms
- Review
118Accessing Data
- Binding a Tabular Data Control (TDC)
- Navigating Records
119Binding a TDC to a Table
- Properties of TDC
- DataURL
- FieldDelim
- RowDelim
- TextQualifier
- Language
- UseHeader
ltobject classid "clsid333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-
0080C7055A83" width"180" height"52"
ID"flight"gt ltparam name"FieldDelim"
value","gt ltparam name"DataURL"
value"source.txt"gt ltparam name"Useheader"
value"True"gt lt/objectgt
120Navigating Records
Sub btnnext_OnClick() mytable.Nextpage() End Sub
- FirstPage()
- LastPage()
- Nextpage()
- Previouspage()
Sub btnprev_OnClick() mytable.Previouspage() End
121Accessing Data From an XML Document
- Representing Structured Data
- Using an XML Data Island
- Binding an HTML Table to an XML Data Island
122Representing Structured Data
- Provides a format for describing structured data
- Provides a structured representation of data that
is easy to implement - XML can be used to markup
- An ordinary document
- A structured record, such as a purchase order
- An object with data and methods, e.g., an ActiveX
control - A data record, such as the result set of a query
123Using an XML Data Island
- An XML data island can be embedded in an HTML
page by using the XML element
lt?xml version"1.0" ?gt ltXML ID"MyXMLData"gt ltemplo
yeesgt ltemployeegt ltnamegtRobertslt/namegt
ltsalarygt23500lt/salarygt lt/employeegt lt/emplo
yeesgt ltXMLgt
124Binding an HTML Table to an XML Data Island
- For each TD, set the DATAFLD attribute
lt?xml version"1.0" ?gt ltXML ID"MyXMLData"gt ltemplo
yeesgt ltemployeegt ltnamegtRobertslt/namegt
ltsalarygt23500lt/salarygt lt/employeegt lt/emplo
yeesgt lt/XMLgt
ltTDgtltSPAN DATAFLD"name"gtlt/TDgt ltTDgtltSPAN
DATAFLD"salary"gtlt/TDgt lt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt
125Database Access Interfaces
- Standard Database Access Interfaces
- Connecting to a Data Source
- Connecting to a Database
126Database Access Interfaces
Data Consumers
Visual Basic Application
ASP Page
Other Applications
Service Components
Cursor Engine
Query Processor
Data Providers
ODBC Provider
OLE DB Provider
Simple Data Provider
127Connecting to a Data Source
128Processing Forms
- Working with HTML Forms
- Establishing a Connection Using ADO
- Using a Recordset Object
- Processing Forms Using Active Server Pages
- Navigating Records
129Working with HTML Forms
- HTML forms provide a common way of gathering Web
based information - ASPs are used to create scripts to process data
gathered from HTML forms
ltFORM method"POST" action"myfile.asp"gt ltinput
type"text" name"FNumber"gt ltinput type"text"
name"SDate"gt ltinput type"submit"
value"Enter"gt lt/FORMgt
130Establishing a Connection Using ADO
- ADO provides the Connection object to
establishing a connection -
lt 'Create a connection object Set
cn Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'Open
a connection cn.Open "DSNMyDatabase cn.Close gt
131Using a Recordset Object
- Declaring a Recordset object
- Opening a Recordset object
set rs server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
set rs _ cn.Execute("Select fname, lname from
132Navigating Records
Sub Previous_onClick rs.movePrevious If
rs.bof then rs.movefirst End if End
Sub Sub Next_onClick rs.MoveNext If
rs.eof then rs.MoveLast End If End Sub
Sub do until rs.EOF response.write "ltTRgt"
response.write "ltTDgt" _ rs("FName")
"lt/TDgt" response.write "ltTDgt" _
rs("LName") "lt/TDgt" response.write "lt/TRgt"
rs.MoveNext loop
- MoveNext
- MoveLast
- MoveFirst
- MovePrevious
- Access data from a text file using TDC
- Navigate records using TDC methods
- Describe the data access interfaces
- Create a data source name
- Access a database by using the FrontPage 2000
Database Results Wizard - Connect to a data source by using ADO
- Process input form information using ASPs
134Y'all come back now!