Title: Three options for Web Data Retrieval
1Three options for Web Data Retrieval
- 3 technologies let you connect to remote data
sources and invoke methods without leaving the
current page.
Dino Esposito desposito_at_vb2themax.com
- Remote Scripting
- DHTML Data Binding
- Remote Data Services
- Annotated Overview
This presentation assumes youre familiar with
DHTML and JScript. A knowledge of scriptlets
would help.
3We have a problem...
- Migrating the C/S metaphor to the world of Web.
- Migrating a stateful metaphor to a stateless
protocol such as HTTP. - Any request to the server means a new page to be
sent to, and displayed by, the browser.
Reduce the traffic over the network, Simplify
state maintainance, Increase the responsiveness
of the application
4We have a solution...
- A typical schema that youve probably implemented
countless times...
5It has to be a better way...
- A way in which you just issue remote calls, get
the results and update the current page.
6Remote Scripting
- Library of script functions (mostly) based on
JavaScript. - Lets you call public methods from an ASP page.
- You can do that from either a client-side HTML
page and another server-side ASP page. - Remote Scripting (RS) is included in Visual
InterDev 6.0.
rs.htm Client-side proxy rs.asp Server-side
stub rsproxy.class Transportation layer
7Using RS on the client
- Initialize the RS engine by calling
RSEnableRemoteScripting() - Include the rs.htm file in your page.
- Call RSExecute() to invoke (sync/async) a remote
method. - You are returned a structure with the return
value and possible error messages. - You can get a local copy of the remote object.
Object-based vs. Function based syntax.
8Using RS on the client
lt!-- typical header for a RS-enabled HTML page
--gt ltBODYgt ltSCRIPT language"JavaScript"
src"http//expoware/_ScriptLibrary/rs.htm"gt lt/SCR
IPTgt ltSCRIPT language"JavaScript"gt
brary") lt/SCRIPTgt function execSynch() var
co RSExecute(pageURL, "GetEmpInfoAsArray",
aspObject RSGetASPObject(pageURL) function
execSync() var co aspObject.GetEmpInfoAsArr
9Using RS on the server
- Invoke the RS method dispatcher at the top of any
ASP page RSDispatch. - Include the rs.asp file in your page.
- Define a public interface for the functions
externally callable - Such an interface is based on an object with a
fixed name public_description. A JS or VBS 5.0
10Using RS on the server
lt!-- typical header for a RS-enabled ASP page
--gt lt RSDispatch gt ltSCRIPT RUNATSERVER
languagejavascriptgt lt!--INCLUDE
VIRTUAL"/_ScriptLibrary/RS.ASP"--gt function
Description() this.GetEmpInfoAsArray
DoGetData public_description new
11RS Architecture
12RS in action
- How to access the Employees table in the
NorthWind database and display the data for a
given employee.
- RS is based on JavaScript
- Uses a Java applet to communicate with the remote
ASP page - It works on any Java/Javascript-enabled browser
and any Web server that supports ASP
14DHTML Data Binding
- Supported by IE 4.0 and higher, data binding (DB)
is the Web counterpart of Visual Basic's
data-bound controls. - Data binding lets you bind a data source with one
or more HTML tags on a page. - You dont have to take care of the connection or
retrieving and marshaling a recordset. - The loading of the data is asynchronous.
15Using Data-binding
- You need to embed an ActiveX control to govern
the operation. You need to use its DHTML ID to
link to HTML elements. - For any tag to bind, specify the DATASRC and
DATAFLD attributes. They link the element to a
field in the data source. - You connect to a data source through the
properties of the ActiveX control.
16Using Data-binding
ltOBJECT style"displaynone" id"rds"
3"gt lt/OBJECTgt ltSPAN DATASRC"rds"
DATAFLD"employeeID"gtlt/SPANgt rds.Server
"http//expoware" rds.Connect "DSNNW"
rds.Sql select from employees"
17Data-binding Architecture
ltobject idrds...gt lt/objectgt ltspan
datasrcrds datafldemployeeIDgt lt/spangt
18Data-binding in action
- Working with single tags
- Working with HTML tables
- Using a DHTML scriptlet to format a table
on-the-fly - Access to any OLE-DB provider.
19Remote Data Services
- RDS comprehends a couple of controls that
provides the third way to get data through the
Web without leaving the current page - DataSpace, DataFactory
- RDS issues calls to COM objects located on the
Web server. - You need to know the progID of the object
- RDS brings COM far beyond DCOM
20How RDS works...
21RDS in action
- Using the DataSpace and the DataFactory objects
to create remote HTTP-based instances of COM
objects and get recordsets.
22More on RDS
- Youre still working over stateless protocol.
- Any remote method invoked requires a new
roundtrip. - Any state held between two calls, gets lost.
- Design stateless components to work with RDS
23Annotated Overview 1
- Remote Scripting
- ? Works with Netscape, ? Best with DHTML
- No knowledge of COM required
- Completely script-based
- Object mirroring
- Both synchronous and asynchronous calls
- Require page modifications
24Annotated Overview 2
- Data Binding
- ? Easy to use, ? Requires IE4
- Not suitable if youre getting raw data to
manipulate before displaying - Easy to componentize through DHTML Scriptlets
- Allows local sorting and filtering
- Allows raw text and HTML
- Association between tags and data sources
25Annotated Overview
- ? Based on COM, ? Requires MDAC 2.1
- Less page intrusive than RS or DB
- Lets you think in terms of components
- Part of the Microsoft Windows DNA
- Doesnt allow asynchronous calls
- Support HTTP and HTTPs
- Remote Scripting
- Cutting Edge, http//www.microsoft.com/mind
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/scripting
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/voices/scripting.asp
- http//www.asptoday.com
- DHTML Data Binding
- Cutting Edge, http//www.microsoft.com/mind
- http//www.asptoday.com
- Remote Data Services
- http//www.asptoday.com
- Professional ADO RDS with ASP - Wrox Press
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