Title: P
1PW Public/Private Partnering
- Senior Executive Partnership Round Table
- Larry W. Jones
- Vice President, Customer Support
- PW Military Engines
- 13 May 2003
2PW Partnering Objectives
Affordable War Fighter Readiness--Win/Win
- Best value
- Long term contracts and partnering agreements
- Reasonable return on investment
- Protection of product and corporate reputation
- Protection of corporate intellectual property
- Preservation of core competencies
- Depot Skills Technology
- Influence
- Source of Repair
- Core
- Future Supply Decisions
- Improved relationships
- Paving the way for future efforts
3PW Partnering Background
PW/Government Partnering Initiated in 2000
- MOU signed by MGen Johnson and Steve Finger--
August 2000 - Mutual Benefit Cornerstone
- Focused on F100
- PW/NAVDEP Jacksonville
- J52 PBL
- Corporate contract
4PW/Government Partnering Initiatives
- F100 Material Management
- Corporate Contract signed June 2002
- PW /OC/DLA Co-forecasting Requirements
- Guaranteed Parts Availability, 230 Parts
- 250M On Order
- Plasma Spray Center
- Sept 2002
- PW Coating Services to Government Commercial
customers - Facility Leased from OC-ALC
- F100 Inspection FMS Engine Test
- OC-ALC Direct Sales Agreement
- Eddy Current Inspection
- Test PW Overhauled F100 Engines
5PW/Government Partnering Initiatives
- F119 Overhaul and Repair
- OC-ALC/AFMC/ACC/PW Team Initiated 2002
- Direct Sales Agreement Approach
- Overhaul Labor, Support Services Parts Repair
- On-Going Planning
- F100-PW-229 Total Systems Support II
- Spring 2003
- Depot OR and Material Management
- USAF fleet of 339 engines
- J52 PBL
- Summer 2002
- Depot Repair Management--11 Key Components
- NADEP Jacksonville Provides Repair Services
- Direct Sales Agreement.
6Long-Term Partnering Vision
F119 Partnership offers template for future
OC-ALC Performed F119 Assembly/Disassembly Item
OK-City Based Repair/Overhaul Management Proprieta
ry Repair Processes Item Repairs Parts
Inventory/Material Sustainment
Connecticut Based Program/Fleet Management Supply
Chain/Material Management Sustaining Engineering
7The Way Ahead
Whats the future?
- Whats the long-term government strategy?
- Whats the long-term Industry strategy?
- Whats BRAC impact on partnering?
8Discussion Points
Optimum Use of Resources Best Practices
- Determining Win/Win for Established Workloads
- Long-Term Contracting
- Politics--Jobs versus Efficiency
- Best Value Determinations
- Roles Responsibilities
- Core
- 50/50