Title: Financial Policy Division
1Financial Management ForumIFRS Opening Balance
- Financial Policy Division
- July 2004
2Structure of presentation
- Introduction
- Overview of transition to IFRS
- Audit expectations
- Balance sheet - key areas of change
- AASB 1047 30 June 2004 disclosures
- Conclusion
- Status
- AASB Standards
- DTF analysis (www.dtf.wa.gov.au/ias2005)
- Focus
- Preparation of opening balance sheet
- Not For Profit (NFP) entities
4Financial Reporting Timelines
5Overview of transition to IFRS
- AASB 1 requirements
- Opening Balance Sheet consistent IFRS
- Same accounting policies in this and all periods
presented in first IFRS financial report - Retrospective application
- Opening adjustments to equity
- Treasurers Instruction 1106
6Overview of transition to IFRS
- AASB 1048 Interpretation and Application of
Standards - Applies to annual reporting periods beginning on
or after 1 January 2005 - Service Standard listing UIG Abstracts
applicable - to be updated by re-issuing AASB 1048 when new or
revised Abstracts are released - UIG Abstracts to be called Interpretations
- Applies to opening balance sheet
- adjustments to accumulated surplus (deficit) or,
if appropriate, another category of equity
7Audit expectations
- Opening balance sheet
- Significant accounting policies notes
- Other notes
- Supporting information where further breakdown
of line items is appropriate - Notes to explain material adjustments from30
June closing balance sheet
8Balance sheet - identifying key areas of change
- Summary checklist in handout
9- Opening IFRS Balance Sheet
- Assets
10Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE)
- Intangibles
- Assets Held for Sale
- Investment Property
11Property, Plant and Equipment
- AASB 116 Property, Plant and Equipment
- AASB 136 Impairment of Assets
- AASB 123 Borrowing costs
- allows borrowing costs on qualifying assetsto be
expensed or capitalised - TI 954 Revaluation of Non-Current Assets
- land and buildings at fair value by 30 June 2005
- TI 1106 Transition to IFRS
- deemed cost not permitted (AASB 1)
- assume asset will be replaced unlessidentified
as surplus (AASB 136)
12Property, Plant and Equipment
- AASB 116 does not change
- Initial recognition at cost (fair value is
acquiredat no cost or for nominal cost) - Assets at cost or fair value (FV)
- Consistent measurement within class
- FV market value or depreciated replacement
cost for specialised assets - Frequency of revaluation - no material variance
from FV - Accounting for revaluations
- Treatment of depreciation on revaluation - gross
or net - Depreciation
13Property, Plant and Equipment
- Key changes under AASB 116 that do not impacton
the opening balance sheet - Gains and losses on disposal of items of PPE to
be recognised in Income Statement on net basis - Additional note disclosure for revalued assets
14Property, Plant and Equipment
- Key changes under AASB 116 that impacton the
opening balance sheet - Costs of dismantling, removal and restoring to
be recognised in the cost of PPE - Change in recognition criteria for subsequent
costs - replacement parts
- major inspections
- Derecognition of replacement parts and
inspections - No progressive revaluations
15Property, Plant and Equipment
- Costs of dismantling, removal and restoringto be
recognised in the cost of PPE - Refer AASB 116 paragraphs 16 (c) and 18, AASB
1Implementation Guidance paragraph IG13, UIG 1
Changes in Existing Decommissioning, Restorative
and Similar Liabilities - Present value of obligation recognised as
provision under AASB 137 - Initial estimate of provision added to cost of
the related asset and depreciated over the useful
life of the asset - Unwinding of the discount is interest expense
- Other changes to the provision added to the cost
of the asset - Costs retained for revalued assets - see UIG 1
16Property, Plant and Equipment
- Costs of dismantling, removal and restoring to
be recognised in the cost of PPE - Where an agency has a provision in the opening
balance sheet, the following opening balance
sheet adjustments are required where an expense
was previously recognised when the liability was
incurred - DR Asset present value of the liability at
the date the liability was incurred - CR Acc Depreciation depreciation to 30 June
2004 - CR Acc Surplus (deficit) the difference
17Property, Plant and Equipment
- Change in recognition criteria for subsequent
costs - replacement parts and major inspections - Refer AASB 116 paragraphs 12 to 14
- Any existing replacement parts or inspections
that have been expensed would need to be
recognised and depreciated to 30 June 2004 - Opening balance sheet adjustments
- DR Asset cost
- CR Acc Depreciation depreciation to 30 June
2004 - CR Acc Surplus (deficit) the difference
18Property, Plant and Equipment
- Derecognition of replacement parts and
inspections - Refer AASB 116 paragraphs 12 to 14 and 67 to 72
- Where an agency recognises a replacement part in
the opening balance sheet, the estimated carrying
amount of the part being replaced is derecognised - Opening balance sheet adjustments
- CR Asset cost
- DR Acc Depreciation depreciation to replacement
date - DR Acc Surplus (deficit) the difference
19Property, Plant and Equipment
- No progressive revaluations
- Transitional provisions in AASB 1041 allow a
progressive revaluation over the 5 years to 30
June 2005 - Consequently, a class of PPE may have assets
measured at of cost and assets measured at fair
value (FV) at 30 June 2004 - No equivalent transitional provisions in AASB 116
- a classmust be all at cost or FV in the
opening balance sheet - TI 1106 does not permit deemed cost option
20Property, Plant and Equipment
- No progressive revaluations
- Where a class has assets at cost and FV, all
assets in the class must be measured at FV in the
opening balance sheet - Revaluation increments and decrements are
adjusted against accumulated surplus (deficit)
or the asset revaluation reserve - Where a class of assets is measured at cost there
is no requirement to revalue to FV except land
and buildings
21Property, Plant and Equipment
- Land and buildings
- Land and building at FV by 30 June 2005 (TI 954)
- AASB 1 requires consistent accounting policies to
be applied during transition (1 July 2004 to 30
June 2006) - Therefore, all land and buildings must be
measured at fair value in the opening balance
sheet - Valuations provided by the Valuer General are
consistent with fair value - TI 954 will be amended to exclude land and
buildings subject to AASB 5 non-current assets
held for sale or AASB 102 inventories from the
fair value requirement
22Property, Plant and Equipment
- AASB 136 Impairment of Assets
- Assessment of PPE in opening balance sheet for
indications of impairment - Measure recoverable amount where indication of
impairment exists - Recoverable amount is the higher of FV less costs
tosell and depreciated replacement cost - Write-down to recoverable amount where this is
less thanthe carrying amount
23Property, Plant and Equipment
- AASB 136 continued
- For PPE at cost, impairment losses are adjusted
against accumulated surplus (deficit), - For PPE at FV, impairment losses are accounted
for as revaluation decrements and are adjusted
against asset revaluation reserve and/or
accumulated surplus (deficit) - Limited impact expected
24Property, Plant and Equipment
- AASB 136 continued
- Assets at cost
- depreciated replacement cost would normally
exceed depreciated cost - risks are insufficient depreciation recognised
and falling replacement costs - Assets at FV
- for specialised assets FV is depreciated
replacement cost (recoverable amount) - where FV is market value, maximum impairment is
selling costs
25Property, Plant and Equipment
- AASB 136 continued
- Surplus assets
- recoverable amount is higher of FV less costs
tosell and the present value of cash flows
expectedto be derived from an asset - if reclassified as Held for sale in accordance
withAASB 5, AASB 136 does not apply - Agencies required to assess assets for impairment
26Intangible Assets
- AASB 138 Intangible Assets
- Identification criteria
- must be separable, or
- arise from contractual or legal rights
- Additional recognition requirements for
internallygenerated intangible assets - all research expenditure expensed
- specific rules for development expenditure
- brands, mastheads, publishing titles, customer
list and items similar in substance cannot be
recognised - only expenditure incurred from date when the
recognition criteria met can be capitalised
27Intangible Assets
- AASB 138 continued
- Initial recognition at cost
- Subsequent measurement at cost or fair value (FV)
- Revaluation only permitted where there is an
active market to determine FV - Active market
- homogenous items
- willing buyers and sellers at any time
- prices available to the public
- Software not integral to the related hardware is
an intangible asset
28Intangible Assets
- AASB 138 continued
- Opening balance sheet adjustments
- intangibles assets must be reported on theface
of the balance sheet - software reclassified as intangibles
- derecognise revaluations (no active market)
- derecognise assets that do not meet additional
recognition criteria - AASB 136 also applies to intangible assets
29Non-Current Assets Held for Sale
- AASB 5 Non-Current Assets Held for Sale
and Discontinued Operations - New class of asset
- Recovery principally through sale
- Must be available for immediate sale
- Sale must be highly probable
- Disclosed on the face of the balance sheet
- Assets not depreciated once classified as held
for sale - AASB 136 does not apply
30Non-Current Assets Held for Sale
- AASB 5 continued
- Measurement
- measured at the lower of carrying amount and
fair value (FV) less costs to sell - assets measured at FV must be revalued
immediately prior to reclassification - any initial or subsequent write-down of an asset
tofair value less costs to sell must be
recognised as an impairment loss - a gain is recognised for any subsequent increase
infair value less costs to sell (only to the
extent of impairment losses under this Standard
or AASB 136)
31Non-Current Assets Held for Sale
- Opening balance sheet adjustments
- Consider item of PPE at cost that would have met
the sale criteria at 1 July 2003 (and is unsold
at 30 June 2004) - asset must be reclassified
- derecognise the depreciation for the 12 month
period - where carrying amount at 1 July 2003 is higher
than estimated FV less costs to sell, recognise
an initial impairment loss - recognise any gains or other impairment losses
for a subsequent write-down to FV less costs to
sell or changes in FV less costs to sell
32Non-Current Assets Held for Sale
- Opening balance sheet adjustments continued
- For PPE carried at FV, any revaluations during
the year would need to be derecognised
- AASB 102 Inventories
- Inventory held for distribution
- new class of assets held for distribution at no
or nominal consideration - lower of cost and current replacement cost
- separate disclosure (notes)
- Requirement for opening balance sheet
- identify and reclassify assets from current class
to inventory - remeasure, adjustments to accumulated surplus
34- Opening IFRS Balance Sheet
- Liabilities
35Employee Benefit Obligations
- AASB 119 Employee Benefits
- Recognition measurement
- post-employment benefits such as defined benefit
plans - other long-term employee benefits
- Requirement for opening balance sheet
- Defined benefit superannuation plans
- Departments Budget-funded statutory authorities
- superannuation liabilities assumed by the
Treasurer will not require recognition
36Employee Benefit Obligations
- AASB 119 continued
- Defined benefit superannuation plans
- Other statutory authorities
- fair value of the proportionate share of the plan
assets (if any), less - present value of the proportionate share of the
gross obligation to pay the defined benefits - discount rate to be used is based on government
bonds - agencies to liaise with GESB and their actuary
- remeasure, adjustments to accumulated surplus
37Employee Benefit Obligations
- AASB 119 continued
- Other long-term employee benefits
- if payable later than 12 months, to be discounted
and now include - annual leave, sick leave, deferred salary scheme,
non-monetary benefits - discount rate used to calculate PV of long-term
employee benefits to be based on government bonds - remeasure, adjustments to accumulated surplus
38Provision for Other Liabilities
- AASB 137 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets - Provision for dividends
- applies to Public Corporations that are required
to return a dividend to Government - AASB 110 Events after the Balance Sheet Date
clarifies that a provision for dividend liability
is not recognised if approved after reporting
date - Requirement for opening balance sheet
- may need to adjust provision for dividends for
those approved after 30 June 2004 - adjustments to accumulated surplus (deficit)
39Income Taxes
- AASB 112 Income Taxes
- applies to agencies subject to the income tax
equivalent regime - Balance sheet approach
- current and deferred tax liabilities and assets
- tax base and temporary differences
- Requirement for opening balance sheet
- current tax liabilities and assets recognised for
tax payable for the current year - deferred tax assets or liabilities for temporary
differences - remeasure, adjustments to accumulated surplus
40AASB 1047 Disclosing the Impact of Adopting IFRS
- Applies to annual or interim reporting periods
ending on or after 30 June 2004 - requires agencies to disclose
- an explanation of how the transition to
Australian equivalents to IFRSs is being managed
and - a narrative explanation of the key differences in
accounting policies that are expected to arise
from adopting Australian equivalents to IFRSs - guidance and example disclosures provided in IFRS
package sent to PAOs in June 2004
41DTF Action
- Complete gap analysis for all new standards
almost final now - Policy position on some individual issues (e.g.
treatment options) - Resolve whole-of-government reporting issues
collection of comparatives - Prepare new model financial statements for IFRS
42Contact details
- Website www.dtf.wa.gov.au/ias2005
- John Stanley 9222 9280
- email john.stanley_at_dtf.wa.gov.au
- Phillip Forward 9222 9282
- email phil.forward_at_dtf.wa.gov.au
- Anthony Smith 9222 9368
- email anthony.smith_at_dtf.wa.gov.au