Title: When Was the First Housing Law Created
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2When Was the First Housing Law Created?
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6Policy Development - 1901
- Federal involvement in housing is not necessary.
Housing problems need to be solved locally and
7When Was the First Federal Appropriation for
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10Policy Development - 1917
- Federal involvement in housing is necessary as
a means to promote industrial productivity,
social harmony and easy access to shipyards.
11Which US President was the first to have a
serious interest in housing?
- Eisenhower
- Kennedy
- Lincoln
- Hoover
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15Policy Development 1920s
- Government sponsorship of the concept of
private ownership of housing produces both a
desired and virtuous family model and a way to
manage the classes.
16Policy Development - 1934
- Government involvement in housing to fuel the
economy and to create stability and affordability
in the mortgage markets.
17What Is The First Major Piece of Housing
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20 Federal involvement in housing provides
decent, safe and sanitary housing.
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23- Which law introduced urban renewal as policy
and codified the famous decent home for every
American - - yet had a central non-housing
goal? -
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25Policy Development - 1949
- Affordable housing can be a lever towards the
greater goal of urban redevelopment.
26Housing authorities began housing the poorest of
the poor as a result of
- The Brooke Amendment of 1966
- The US Housing Act of 1937
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29Policy Development - 1967Federal
involvement in housing serves a social purpose.
30Policy Development - 1973
- President Nixon declares a moratorium on all
housing activity involving federal subsidy,
saying - - this high-cost no-result boondoggling by the
federal government must end.
31Policy Development 1974
- Shift to the private sector introduction of
mortgage and rental subsidies - Section 8
- 221(d)(3)
- Section 23
32Policy Development 1980s
- Massive dismantling of HUDs programs
- Passage of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit
33Policy Development 1990s
- Shift to a public-private partnership model for
all housing and community development solutions. - Shift of responsibility from federal to state
- Demolition of public housing HOPE VI
- Introduction of mixed income concepts
34- So, where do we go from here?
35- Consistent, productive involvement of the private
sector - Understand that the drivers have not been about
goodness - Re-examine our full housing policy and its
36- Embrace public ownership stewardship of assets
- Targeting of the greatest need with mid-market
eligibility - Excellent project design that integrates, and
improves, neighborhoods and family opportunity
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