IRC: An Iterative Reinforcement Categorization Algorithm for Interrelated Web Objects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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IRC: An Iterative Reinforcement Categorization Algorithm for Interrelated Web Objects


IRC: An Iterative Reinforcement Categorization Algorithm for ... S. Chakrabarti, B. Dom, and P. Indyk. Enhanced hypertext categorization using hyperlinks. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: IRC: An Iterative Reinforcement Categorization Algorithm for Interrelated Web Objects

IRC An Iterative Reinforcement Categorization
Algorithm for Interrelated Web Objects
  • Gui-Rong Xue, Dou Shen, Qiang Yang
  • Hua-Jun Zeng, Zheng Chen, Yong Yu and Wei-Ying Ma

  • Motivation
  • Related Work
  • Categorization of interrelated objects
  • Experiments
  • Conclusion

Document Classification
  • Definition and Applications
  • Approaches
  • SVM
  • Naïve Bayes
  • kNN
  • Document Representation
  • VSM model
  • N-gram model

Webpage Classification
  • Difference to Document Classification
  • Page semi-structure
  • Hyperlink and anchor text
  • Challenges
  • Noisy content ads, navigation bar, images,
  • No coherent page-construction style, language or
  • New Approaches
  • Link-based classifications
  • Summarization based classification

Heterogeneous Web
Query Thesaurus
Query Session Log
Query Log
How to leverage the inter-relationship between
the heterogeneous data objects?
Browsing patterns
Human Relationship
User Profile
  • One possible approach virtual-document
  • To augment the features of Web objects by using
    their interrelated Web objects as additional
  • A little improvement over the content-based
    categorization approach
  • There is still head room for harnessing such
    interrelationships between the heterogeneous

Original Feature vector
Additional Feature Vector
Virtual Feature Vector
Our Approach
  • Iterative Reinforcement Categorization (IRC)
  • The category information of one object is
    reinforced by the category information of all its
    interrelated objects
  • The updated category information of the object
    will consequently reinforce the category
    information of its interrelated objects
  • Stop until it converges to a conclusive result.
  • To fully exploit the relationships over the
    heterogeneous data objects.

  • Motivation
  • Related Work
  • Categorization of interrelated objects
  • Experiments
  • Conclusion

Related Work
  • Classification on the Web pages
  • Content-based
  • Joachims 13 proposed a method of using Support
    Vector Machines (SVMs) to classify documents.
  • Dumais and Chen 7 use text representation to
    organize search results into an existing
    hierarchical structure.

Related Work
  • Classification on the Web pages
  • Link-analysis-based classification
  • Handle both text components of the Web pages and
    the hyperlink relationship.
  • Cohn et al. 6 and Glover et al.9 combining
    link-based and content-based.
  • Chakrabati et al. 2 Probabilistic model.
  • Getoor et al. 8 PRMS
  • Our work is different
  • We could classify the heterogeneous data objects
    across different data types.
  • The data objects of different types could not be
    taken as in the same space.

Related Work
  • Query log analysis
  • Beeferman and Berger 1 Iterative clustering on
    clickthrough data.
  • Ignore the content features of the query, the Web
  • Wen et al. 19 described a query clustering
  • Wang et al. 17 proposed a method of using query
    clickthrough log to iteratively reinforce query
    and Web page clusters.

  • Motivation
  • Related Work
  • Categorization of interrelated objects
  • Experiments
  • Conclusion

Categorization of interrelated objects
  • Problem Definition
  • Iterative reinforcement algorithm

Categorization of interrelated objects Problem
  • The Web could be modeled as a weighted directed
    bipartite graph G(V, E)
  • the nodes in V represent queries and Web pages,
  • the edges E represent the clickthrough
    information from a query to a browsed Web page.
  • In this paper, we divide V into two subsets
  • Queries Qq1, q2, , qm
  • Web pages Dd1, d2, , dn
  • A matrix M is used to represent the adjacency
    matrix, whose (i, j)-element is the weight from
    Web page i to query j.

Categorization of interrelated objects Problem
  • Given a bipartite graph G(V, E), the problem is
    how to classify the Web pages D and queries Q
    into a set of predefined categories Cc1, c2, ,
    ck, where k is the number of categories.

C1 C2 C3 Ck
Web pages
Web pages
Web pages
Categorization of interrelated objectsIterative
reinforcement algorithm
  • Basic Idea
  • We classify the Web pages according to their
    content feature,
  • To fully utilize the relationship in the
    bipartite graph, we propose a novel iterative
    reinforcement classification method.
  • The basic idea is to propagate the categories
    computed for one type of object to all related
    objects by updating their probability of
    belonging to a certain category.
  • This process is iteratively performed until the
    classification results for all object types

Categorization of interrelated objectsIterative
reinforcement algorithm
  • We divide the Web pages D into training set Dt
    and testing set Ds.
  • We consider all queries as being part of the test
    set Qs

Web pages Dt
Queries Qs
Web pages Ds
Categorization of interrelated objectsIterative
reinforcement algorithm
Step 1
Web pages Dt
Text Classifier
Web pages Ds
Categories of Web pages Ds
Categories of Web pages Dt
Queries Qs
Step 3
Iterative Propagation
Step 2
Categories of Queries Qs
Categorization of interrelated objectsIterative
reinforcement algorithm
  • Step 2 Classifying queries based on a bipartite
  • Infer the probability of queries belonging to
    categories according to their interrelated Web

Categorization of interrelated objectsIterative
reinforcement algorithm
  • Step 3 Classifying Web pages based on a
    bipartite graph
  • Re-classify Web pages through the relationship
    between queries and pages

Queries Testing
Web pages Content
Categorization of interrelated objectsIterative
reinforcement algorithm
  • Steps 2-3Iterative reinforcement categorization
  • Then,
  • After several iterations, the PS and RS would
    reach a fixed point.

  • Motivation
  • Related Work
  • Categorization of interrelated objects
  • Experiments
  • Conclusion

ExperimentsData set
  • A set of classified Web pages extracted from the
    Open Directory Project (ODP) (http//
  • A real MSN query clickthrough log is collected.
  • We deal with the common pages which appeared in
    both the ODP data set and the query clickthrough
  • 131,788 Web pages in 15 top-level categories
  • 199,564 associated queries
  • 468,696 relationships between Web pages and

ExperimentsFeature selection, Classifier and
Evaluation Criteria
  • A simple feature selection method, known as
    Information Gain (IG)20, is applied in our
  • We take the SVM as the content based classifier
  • Evaluated using the conventional precision,
    recall and F1 measures

  • Baseline
  • content-based classification method
  • Comparison take the interrelated queries could
    be taken as an additional feature for their
    corresponding pages
  • Query-metadata based classification
  • Only use the query metadata as features of Web
    page directly
  • Virtual document based classification
  • Web page content and query metadata

  • IRC achieves the higher performance than the
    other three methods in comparison.
  • F1-micro-averageing measure
  • Over the content method by 26.4,
  • Over the query metadata method by 21,
  • Over the virtual document method by 16.4.

  • The effect of the clickthrough data by increasing
    the clickthrough data size

  • The page length has an important effect on the
    performance of classification based on content
  • The error rate of the content-based
    categorization gradually increasing along with
    the shorter length of pages
  • While our IRC still keeps in a stable quality.

  • The performance of the IRC algorithm with the
    iteration times
  • The convergence curve of our iterative algorithm
  • The execution time of the algorithm on different
    data size

  • Motivation
  • Related Work
  • Categorization of interrelated objects
  • Experiments
  • Conclusion

  • The novelty of our work can be seen from several
  • First, we extend the traditional classification
    methods to multi-type interrelated data objects.
  • Aim to classify interrelated data objects of
    different types simultaneously using both their
    content features and their relationship with
    other types of objects.
  • Second, we present a reinforcement algorithm to
    classify interrelated Web data objects on a
    bipartite graph.
  • The category of one type is propagated to
    reinforce the categorization of other
    interrelated data objects, vice versa, as an
    iterative process.

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